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How to go from a Design Sprint to a 82% increas...

Tin Kadoic
April 05, 2017

How to go from a Design Sprint to a 82% increase in revenue

Tin Kadoic

April 05, 2017

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  1. How to go From a Design Sprint to an 82%

    increase in revenue. @tinkadoic #smashingconf 82%
  2. 1. Improve registration conversions 2. Improve purchase conversions 3. Introduce,

    maintain, and learn from a data informed environment Success metrics
  3. Free plan 1 hour 1 lesson Ready to dive in?

    Both plans will get you speaking immediately with our immersive method. (¢80 / hour) 250 hours 20 units 9 units each Buy now $199 Full package LESSON 2 Vocabulary Continue Level 1 Unit 1 We’re building a world in which everyone can speak, read Lesson 2 (Core) Offline 14 Completed 2 Skipped Wrong 5 1 7 2 3 4 6 9 8 5 Vocabulary Shopping Unit 1 We’re building a world in which everyone can speak, read Offline Espanol LEVEL 1
  4. 1. What we heard from the users 2. What we

    think is best, since we're the invited experts 3. What is feasible given the budget and timeline restrictions Combine to proceed
  5. Experience Design UI 1. Research 2. Information Architecture 3. Journey

    design 4. Wireframe design 5. Interaction design 6. Prototyping 7 . User testing
  6. Visual Design UI 1. Mood-boarding 2. Creative direction 3. Interface

    design 4. Prototyping 5. Localization and accessibility 6. Specs and developer handoff
  7. 1. Two hands vs one hand 2. Swiping vs scrolling

    3. One input vs Longer forms 4. Pull out menu vs Tab navigation Landscape only
  8. Create an account E-mail Adress Password Repeat Password Choose Country

    Joh Last Name Privacy Policy and Terms and conditions I agree on E-mail Address First Name Last Name Choose Country Password Repeat Password NEXT Sign In Enter your email or username Inputs are case-sensitive Don’t have an account?
  9. Language Basics UNIT 1 26 of 38 Greetings and Introductions

    UNIT 2 16 of 33 Work and School UNIT 3 UNIT 4 Shopping Hallo, John German BUY ALL LESSONS Hola, John BUY LANGUAGE Language Basics UNIT 1 28 of 38 Greetings and Introductions UNIT 2 16 of 33 START Work and School UNIT 3 START UNIT 4 Shopping MENU
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    de queso Feta. Un aguacate y tostadas de queso Feta. ›
  11. John Maeda @johnmaeda “Designers that care about the business results,

    are the ones that will be most successful.”
  12. 1. Bring in all of the stakeholders 2. Know what

    success looks like 3. Test products with people 4. Honest and timely communication 5. Care about what you're building CLIENT PROJECT USERS TEAM LIFE