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How design tokens empower multi-brand design sy...

Louis Chenais
October 01, 2021

How design tokens empower multi-brand design systems

Multi-Brand organizations need both flexibility and scalability to handle their branding at scale.

Let's see how different brand architecture models can shape design systems and foster brand consistency.

Louis Chenais

October 01, 2021

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  1. I'm Louis Chenais • • @chuckn0risk lucho.cool Co-founder & Chief

    Evangelist • • W3C Design Tokens Community Group Member Design System aficionado Previously Front-End Developer @ SportEasy, 5emeGauche & Ultranoir Find me on
  2. 1. 2. 3. 4. What are multi-brand design systems? How

    brand models shape design systems? What is a Design API? Demo of a Design API What's in store for us
  3. Many enterprise companies have a big product portfolio: 1. 2.

    3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Google Atlassian Microsoft Amazon Volkswagen General Electric Unilever Procter & Gamble 8
  4. The firm is the brand. It's a collective of complementary

    brands that cater to unique audiences but benefit from shared equity under the same umbrella. Branded House
  5. 12

  6. 13

  7. 14

  8. The branding is focused on the subset brands. Subset brands

    benefit from a strategic or operational alliance, but may serve customers in different ways, without an obvious connection for the consumer. House of brands
  9. 16

  10. 17

  11. The hybrid model aims to incorporate elements of both the

    branded house and house of brands models to give each brand maximum advantage. Hybrid brand model is often the result of acquisitions. Hybrid
  12. 19

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  14. 21

  15. Levers you can pull to adapt a multi-brand design system:

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Typography Image art direction Tone of voice Animation Audio guidelines Content density Color subsets Colour Iconography 22
  16. Your branding is like water. Let it soak your products.

    Let it flood your market. Let it bring life to your whole organization. 23
  17. 26

  18. 28

  19. Branded house • • • One central design system feeding

    all the sub-brands Design system is "strict" and changes are controlled Overriding styles on components is discouraged 29
  20. House of brands • • One central design system feeding

    all the sub-brands with as much elements as possible Every sub-brand has its own design system 30
  21. Hybrid • • Mix of branded house and house of

    brands One or several design systems will feed the organization 31
  22. 32

  23. 33

  24. 34

  25. 35

  26. Why Stitch was created • • • • • 30+

    style sheets Bloated code / Page load No shared terminology Updates near impossible Brand expression hampered 36
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  28. 38

  29. 39

  30. Key metrics • • • • 75% design and dev

    time savings leveraging re-usable code and design, netting $2.5M YOY cost savings 50-80% time saving 300% return on investment 100% on brand 40
  31. "Design systems are not just about style guides, component libraries,

    UI kits, etc. A good design system empowers change in your company culture." — Jina Anne | @jina 41
  32. 43

  33. "Design tokens are a language for communicating intent between different

    parts of a system." — Ethan Marcotte | @beep 44
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  36. 47

  37. "A design system isn’t a project. It’s a product, serving

    products." — Nathan Curtis | @nathancurtis
  38. "An interoperable, guessable design API is the foundation of a

    fully networked design system, [...]. It’s the next step in the evolution of design systems." — Matthew Ström | A design API in practice
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