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Et si ca tourne mal ? Recettes pour des applica...

Et si ca tourne mal ? Recettes pour des applications résilientes

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Quel est le rapport entre la plongée sous-marine et des applications cloud-natives ? A priori, pas grand chose. Pourtant, lors que vous vous trouvez à 80 mètres de profondeur, vous devez mettre en place des outils et des techniques pour assurer une résilience absolue. Ces mêmes techniques peuvent s'appliquer à l'architecture et au développement d'applications résiliences. Durant cette présentation, nous verrons tout d'abord une philosophie à adopter dans votre conception d'applications résilientes. Puis nous verrons un ensemble de techniques à avoir à l'esprit et comment les appliquer concrètement dans vos applications.

Christopher MANEU

November 19, 2020

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  1. And if it goes wrong? Recipes for reliable apps, learned

    while scuba diving Christopher MANEU Startups Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft @cmaneu
  2. @cmaneu Technical deep diver (trimix, rebreather, >60m / 200 feet)

    Technical instructor Solo diving instructor
  3. @cmaneu What is reliability? Recipes for reliable apps Reliable application

    are designed to recover gracefully from failures and run in a healthy state with no significant downtime.
  4. @cmaneu Agenda Recipes for reliable apps #2 Go diving #3

    Back to the shore #1 Before your dive
  5. @cmaneu Planning for bad things Before your dive | Recipes

    for reliable apps We are even dumber deep dive under than at the surface. “ “
  6. @cmaneu What-if technique Before your dive | Recipes for reliable

    apps Do these steps as a team: 1. Identify dangers 2. Evaluate risks 3. Prepare a contingency plan 4. Repeat What if… Then Lost mask Backup mask in pocket Leak on air tank during transport Recompute my limits, reduce dive Leak on main gaz source underwater Switch to redundant gaz supply, close faulty gaz tank.
  7. From What-If to Failure Mode Analysis Before your dive |

    Recipes for reliable apps https://aka.ms/cloudnord-scuba
  8. @cmaneu Pinnacle dive Before your dive | Recipes for reliable

    apps A dive that’s a peak dive for its participants… perhaps the deepest, most complex, longest, and toughest in their logbook.
  9. @cmaneu Always diving in your level Before your dive |

    Recipes for reliable apps • Experience • Depth • Duration • Decompression limits • … • Change maximum one parameter / dive
  10. Before your dive | Recipes for reliable apps Usage patterns

    Availability metrics Recovery metrics Availability targets MTTR MTBF RTO RPO SLA SLI SLO https://aka.ms/cloudnord-scuba
  11. Before your dive | Recipes for reliable apps Cost +

    complexity Availability Video delivery, broadcast systems ATM transactions, telecommunications systems Batch processing, data extraction, transfer, and load jobs Internal tools like knowledge management, project tracking Online commerce, point of sale 99% 99.9% 99.95% 99.99% 99.999%
  12. Is your architecture streamlined? Go diving | Recipes for reliable

    apps I Run Kubernetes, I have no issues! https://k8s.af/
  13. @cmaneu When things go wrong, a priority framework Go diving

    | Recipes for reliable apps #1 Breathe #2 Buoyancy #3 Ascent
  14. A priority framework Go diving | Recipes for reliable apps

    T D O D A R ime (it’s also team) iagnostics ptions ecide ct / assign eview
  15. Brownout strategies Go diving | Recipes for reliable apps Which

    part/features of your application you can disable during an emergency?
  16. @cmaneu We need to talk… Back to the shore |

    Recipes for reliable apps You know it was a bad dive when no ones talk on the boat “ “
  17. Postmortem Back to the shore | Recipes for reliable apps

    Never charge team members What needs to be said must be said Can use different angles to help postmortem - Technical - Technological - Psychological
  18. Improve: Fail-over checklist Back to the shore | Recipes for

    reliable apps https://aka.ms/cloudnord-scuba
  19. @cmaneu Agenda Recipes for reliable apps #1 Prepare your dive

    #2 Go diving #3 Back to the shore What-If Checklists Limits Streamlined configuration Priority framework Brownout strategy Debrief Improve
  20. @cmaneu 4 characteristics of a good tech diver Recipes for

    reliable apps Humility Doesn’t know everything, know that there is more than one good solution. Openness Doesn’t fear change, don’t reject new or different ideas on the spot Analytical Doesn’t accept things because they’re just new. Evaluate with neutrality and realistic POV. Competency Never stop learning
  21. Thanks Christopher MANEU Startups Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft @cmaneu Recipes

    for reliable apps, learned while scuba diving https://aka.ms/chris/slides