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Building On Blockchain I

Building On Blockchain I

In this slide, you will have an introductory contents on Blockchain, smart contracts e.t.c. The topics will include the following.

What is blockchain technology
Features or benefits of blockchain technology
Must know blockchain terms
Smart contracts
Blockchain digital transformation

Josiah O. Yahaya

May 09, 2022

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  1. What is Blockchain? Open ledger that offers decentralization to the

    parties. In addition, it also offers transparency, immutability, and security. It has many features including being open, distributed, ledger, P2P, and permanent. 1. Open 2. Distributed 3. Ledger 4. P2P 5. Permanent
  2. Top Blockchain Terms Airdrop: This is a process of distributing

    free cryptocurrencies to the general public Altcoin: Any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin Bitcoin: Bitcoin also referred to as BTC, is a decentralized blockchain tailored particularly for transaction of tokens between accounts. The most important highlight of Bitcoin is that it is the first blockchain-based cryptocurrency. DAO: Stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization dApps: It stands for Decentralized applications that runs without the control of a central authority ERC-20: It is a technical standard for issuing tokens on the Ethereum network Ether: This is the fuel that powers the distributed Ethereum network Fiat: Is the government-controlled currency and is declared legal tender ICO: It stands for Initial Coin Offering used by startups to raise funds by selling tokens Mainnet: It is the production blockchain environment that facilitates network activities like transactions.
  3. Most-know Blockchain Terms 51% Attack: 51% Attack refers to a

    situation where a majority of blockchain miners make an attack on the rest of nodes, by changing/ stopping transactions, taking over mining operations, or double spending coins. Utility Token: A token that has utility attached to it. They’re used for accessing a product or service DYOR: Stands for Do You Own Research FOMO: Stands for Fear Of Missing Out FUD: Stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
  4. Smart Contracts Smart contracts are similar to a legal document

    and create terms between two parties. The two parties that are dealing with using smart contracts. Also, the contracts use public ledger for storage purposes. Smart contracts are triggered when a condition is met, and are completely autonomous.
  5. Advantages of Smart Contracts ➔ Total Transparency ➔ No Miscommunication

    ➔ Efficient Performance ➔ No Paperwork ➔ Backup ➔ Trustworthy ➔ Guaranteed Outcomes
  6. Disadvantages of Smart Contracts ➔ Error ➔ Confidentiality ➔ Rouge

    contracts (Fraudulent). ➔ Unreliable Information
  7. Verticals of Blockchain Transformations ➔ Technology ➔ Law and Crime

    ➔ Government Service ➔ Finance ➔ Human Rights ➔ Entertainment ➔ Media ➔ Transportation ➔ Contracts