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The Cloud Native Stack – How to get started, th...

October 03, 2023

The Cloud Native Stack – How to get started, the current state and where the industry is heading

What is driving companies to create cloud native applications? How many organizations are actually doing this? Once you have the basic tools and platforms in place, how can you get started scaling the change to the rest of your organization? This talk will answer these questions, giving an overview of why cloud native is an important application style and how it fits well with organizations that are using as a core, strategic capability.

Presented at Enterprise DevOps Techron 2023, Utrecht.


October 03, 2023

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  1. You should check it out! It’s great! • 56% use

    AI frequently or occasionally. • 68% for written content • 60% for brainstorming ideas • 50% for background research • 19% for analysis & marketing forecasts • 11% for generating computer code • 7% for image recognition & generation Sources: summary of Conference Board survey, Sep 2023; “Unleashing developer productivity with generative AI,” McKinsery, July, 2023. For general UI usage in the US, see “Survey finds relatively few Americans actually use (or fear) ChatGPT,” Deven Coldeway, TechCrunch, Aug, 2023.
  2. 9 Why do people want cloud native? Product Agility “Speed”

    Decoupling Eventual Toil Reduction Controls Security Governance Multi-cloud Be like Google Kubernetes! Generational Fashion
  3. Q Wait, so by “cloud native,” don’t you just mean

    “Kubernetes”? A: Yes. No. Yes. No, definitely no. Maybe? Ugh. (Cloud Foundry forever!)
  4. Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable

    applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach. These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.” “ CNCF, June, 2018
  5. From monoliths to cloud native apps Monolith All components in

    one runtime. All processing takes place in that runtime. No network reliance. N-Tier Each component in separate runtime. Processing takes place in each runtime. Components communicate over a network. Cloud Native Each component broken down into services all running in own runtime. Processing takes place in individual runtime. High network dependency for all components to communicate over network. Client Server Access components run in client runtime. All other app components run in one runtime. Processing takes place in client and in app component runtime. Client to Server communications over network. Source: Marc Zottner, 2023.
  6. By 2025, 15% of enterprise applications will run in a

    container environment, up from 5% in 2022, hampered by application backlog, technical debt, skills availability and cultural change.” “ Gartner, CTOs’ Guide to Containers and Kubernetes — Answering the Top 10 FAQs, Arun Chandrasekaran, Wataru Katsurashima, 31 May 2022 GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
  7. 16 Sources: see “How's DevOps been going?,” Coté, June 2023

    for citations and links to sources. Accounts of deployment rates vary wildly 81% 65% 42% 26% DORA (2022) CD Foundation (2023) Forrester (2021) Forrester (2022) Deploy Monthly or Less
  8. We are building this platform not for us, we are

    building it for Mercedes-Benz developers.” Thomas Müller, Mercedes-Benz “
  9. 22 Find the Developer Toil, Confusion, Blockers • What are

    we making? • We have a strong vision for our product, and we're doing important work together every day to fulfill that vision. • I have the context I need to confidently make changes while I'm working. • I am proud of the work I have delivered so far for our product. • I am learning things that I look forward to applying to future products. • My workstation seems to disappear out from under me while I'm working. • It's easy to get my workstation into the state I need to develop our product. • What aspect of our workstation setup is painful? • It's easy to run our software on my workstation while I’m developing it. • I can boot our software up into the state I need with minimal effort. • What aspect of running our software locally is painful? What could we do to make it less painful? • It's easy to run our test suites and to author new ones. • Tests are a stable, reliable, seamless part of my workflow. • Test failures give me the feedback I need on the code I am writing. • What aspect of production support is painful? • We collaborate well with the teams whose software we integrate with. • When necessary, it is within my power to request timely changes from other teams. • I have the resources I need to test and code confidently against other teams' integration points. • What aspect of integrating with other teams is painful? • I'm rarely impacted by breaking changes from other tracks of work. • We almost always catch broken tests and code before they're merged in. • What aspect of committing changes is painful? • Our release process (CI/CD) from source control to our story acceptance environment is fully automated. • If the release process (CI/CD) fails, I'm confident something is truly wrong, and I know I'll be able to track down the problem. • Our team releases new versions of our software as often as the business needs us to. • We are meeting our service-level agreements with a minimum of unplanned work. • When something is wrong in production, we reproduce and solve the problem in a lower environment. Sources: "Developer Toil: The Hidden Tech Debt," Susie Forbath, Tyson McNulty, and Coté, August, 2022. See also Michael Galloway’s interview questions for platform product managers.
  10. 23 Initial Phase – Create the Platform with Developers 1.

    Platform team: owner, operators, engineers, advocate 2. Pick one app for business & technical feasibility. 3. Developer toil audit. 4. Find path to production with end-to-end value stream analysis 5. Start with pre-integrated platform, customize as you... 6. Build a golden path with the developer team. 7. Optionally, build an IDP as part of the platform. 8. Do this for 3 months.
  11. 24 Scaling Phase: Pairing & Seeding 1. Create platform marketing

    program. 2. Find two to five more apps. 3. Pair & seed from first dev & platform team to new teams. 4. "Shift Left" - build golden paths for governance, security, etc. 5. Add more infrastructure staff with pairing & seeding. 6. Do this for three months. 7. Repeat, growing number of apps as pairing & seeding allows. Sources: “From 0 to 1000 Apps: The First Year of Cloud Foundry at The Home Depot,” Anthony McCulley, The Home Depot, Aug 2016; “Cloud Native at The Home Depot, with Tony McCulley,” Pivotal Conversations #45; USAF presentations and write-ups; "Driving Business Agility Without Large-Scale Transformation Programs," Venkatesh Arunachalam, Sep 2021; The Home Depot 2022[?]Q4 earnings call; The Business Bottleneck, Coté.