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Coroutines In Action

Coroutines In Action

Slides from my talk at Kotlin Night Kyiv, 2018-03-24
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jthnqb-eTII

Channels, Actors, RX streams, Generators and custom coroutines

Dmytro Zaitsev

March 24, 2018

More Decks by Dmytro Zaitsev

Other Decks in Programming


  1. AGENDA ▸ Channels ▸ Channels vs Rx streams ▸ Actors

    ▸ Launch ▸ Generators ▸ Write your custom coroutines
  2. CHANNEL ▸ The channel concept is similar to a blocking

    queue ▸ Has suspending operations instead of blocking ones ▸ Can be closed ▸ Send / receive messages operations can cause a suspension. ▸ The send operation can suspend when the channel is full ▸ The receive operation can suspend when the channel is empty
  3. runBlocking { val channel = Channel<Int>() launch { for (x

    in 0..9) channel.send(x) channel.close() } for (y in channel) println(y) println("Done!") }
  4. runBlocking { val channel = Channel<Int>() launch { for (x

    in 0..9) channel.send(x) channel.close() } for (y in channel) println(y) println("Done!") }
  5. runBlocking { val channel = Channel<Int>() launch { for (x

    in 0..9) channel.send(x) channel.close() } for (y in channel) println(y) println("Done!") }
  6. SendChannel<E> suspend fun send(E) fun offer(E): Boolean fun close(Throwable) ReceiveChannel<E>

    suspend fun receive(): E fun poll(): E? fun close(Throwable) Channel<E>
  7. SEND CHANNEL ▸ send(element: E)
 Adds element into to this

    channel, suspending the caller while this channel is full ▸ offer(element: E): Boolean
 adds an element to channel if possible, or return false if the channel is full ▸ close(cause: Throwable? = null)
 closes the channel
  8. RECEIVE CHANNEL ▸ receive(): E
 retrieves and removes the element

    from this channel suspending the caller while this channel is empty ▸ poll(): E?
 returns an element if available, or null if channel is empty
  9. RENDEZVOUS CHANNEL (WITH NO BUFFER) ▸ every send invocation is

    suspended until someone else invokes receive (unless there is some receive operation already suspended) ▸ every receive invocation is suspended until someone else invokes send (unless there is some send operation already suspended)
  10. ARRAY CHANNEL (WITH FIXED SIZE BUFFER) ▸ send is suspended

    only if the buffer is full ▸ receive is suspended only if the buffer is empty
  11. LINKEDLIST CHANNEL (WITH UNLIMITED CAPACITY) ▸ send is never suspended

    ▸ receive is suspended when buffer is empty ………….

    subsequent send invocations ▸ send is never suspended, but new element overrides any old element waiting to be received ▸ receive is suspended when buffer is empty
  13. SIMILAR CONCEPT ▸ Reactive streams (Publisher), RxJava (Observable), RxJava 2

    (Flowable) ▸ Asynchronous stream ▸ Backpressure support ▸ Channel always represents a hot stream
  14. fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking { val FROM = 0

    val TO = 10 val channel = produce(coroutineContext) { print ("Start: ") (FROM until TO).forEach { send(it) } println("End.") } val flowable = Flowable.range(FROM, TO) .doOnSubscribe { print("Start: ") } .doFinally { println("End.") } println("~~~ Round ONE ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ Round TWO ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ VERSUS ~~~") }
  15. fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking { val FROM = 0

    val TO = 10 val channel = produce(coroutineContext) { print ("Start: ") (FROM until TO).forEach { send(it) } println("End.") } val flowable = Flowable.range(FROM, TO) .doOnSubscribe { print("Start: ") } .doFinally { println("End.") } println("~~~ Round ONE ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ Round TWO ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ VERSUS ~~~") }
  16. fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking { val FROM = 0

    val TO = 10 val channel = produce(coroutineContext) { print ("Start: ") (FROM until TO).forEach { send(it) } println("End.") } val flowable = Flowable.range(FROM, TO) .doOnSubscribe { print("Start: ") } .doFinally { println("End.") } println("~~~ Round ONE ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ Round TWO ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ VERSUS ~~~") }
  17. fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking { val FROM = 0

    val TO = 10 val channel = produce(coroutineContext) { print ("Start: ") (FROM until TO).forEach { send(it) } println("End.") } val flowable = Flowable.range(FROM, TO) .doOnSubscribe { print("Start: ") } .doFinally { println("End.") } println("~~~ Round ONE ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ Round TWO ~~~") println("~~~ MC Channel ~~~") for (i in channel) { print("$i ") } println("~~~ MC Flowable ~~~") flowable.subscribe { print("$it ") } println("~~~ VERSUS ~~~") }
  18. ~~~ Round ONE ~~~ ~~~ MC Channel ~~~ Start: 0

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 End. ~~~ MC Flowable ~~~ Start: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 End. ~~~ Round TWO ~~~ ~~~ MC Channel ~~~ ~~~ MC Flowable ~~~ Start: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 End. ~~~ VERSUS ~~~ ???
  19. CONCLUSION ▸ Channel is a stream of elements itself ▸

    Rx defines a recipe on how the stream of elements is produced ▸ Each subscriber may receive the same or a different stream of elements
  20. ACTORS BASICS ▸ A coroutine with attached channel to send

    or receive some elements to/from other parts of the system. ▸ Does not share any mutable state ▸ Can send messages to other actors ▸ Can create new actors ▸ Can designate the behavior to be used for the next message it receives
  21. PRODUCER-CONSUMER ▸ • Producer behavior: a coroutine only sends elements

    to the channel ▸ • Consumer behavior or rather an “actor”: a coroutine only receives elements from a channel
  22. ACTORS AND THREAD-SAFETY sealed class Expr { class Inc :

    Expr() class Dec : Expr() } fun counter(start: Int) = actor<Expr>(CommonPool) { var value = start for (expr in channel) { when (expr) { is Inc -> value++ is Dec -> value-- } } } WHY THIS IS SAFE???
  23. HOW IS THAT ACHIEVED? ▸ Execution inside a coroutine is

    sequential ▸ All the operations in the coroutine are totally ordered with “happens before”

    between suspension points follows normal JMM rules that state that operations on a single thread establish happens-before relation. ▸ Execution around suspension points has happens-before relation, because it is established by the synchronisation primitives that are used by implementations of suspending functions.
  25. // Custom Actor. Option #1 class MyActor { // your

    private state here suspend fun onReceive(msg: MyMsg) { // ... your code here ... } } fun myActorJob(): SendChannel<MyMsg> = actor(CommonPool) { with(MyActor()) { for (msg in channel) onReceive(msg) } }
  26. // Custom Actor. Option #2. Specific implementation class MyActor(scope: ActorScope<MyMsg>):

    Actor<MyMsg>(scope) { // your private state here override suspend fun onReceive(msg: MyMsg) { // ... your code here ... } }
  27. // Easy-to-read invocation fun <T> actorOf( context: CoroutineContext, block: (ActorScope<T>)

    -> Actor<T> ): SendChannel<T> = actor(context) { val instance = block(this@actor) for (msg in channel) instance.onReceive(msg) } actorOf(CommonPool, ::MyActor)
  28. @Dao public interface UserDao { @Insert void insert(User user); @Query("SELECT

    * FROM user WHERE name = :name") List<User> findByName(String name); }
  29. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) insertButton.onClickAsync { dao.insert(randomUser())

    } selectButton.onClickPrintResult { dao.findByName(“Dmytro Zaitsev”) } // … } private fun View.onClickAsync(action: suspend () -> Unit) = setOnClickListener { launch(IO) { action() } } private fun View.onClickPrintResult(action: suspend () -> List<Any>) = setOnClickListener { launch(UI) { userAdapter.items = withContext(IO) { action() } userAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } }
  30. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) insertButton.onClickAsync { dao.insert(randomUser())

    } selectButton.onClickPrintResult { dao.findByName(“Dmytro Zaitsev”) } // … } private fun View.onClickAsync(action: suspend () -> Unit) = setOnClickListener { launch(IO) { action() } } private fun View.onClickPrintResult(action: suspend () -> List<Any>) = setOnClickListener { launch(UI) { userAdapter.items = withContext(IO) { action() } userAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } }
  31. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) insertButton.onClickAsync { dao.insert(randomUser())

    } selectButton.onClickPrintResult { dao.findByName(“Dmytro Zaitsev”) } // … } private fun View.onClickAsync(action: suspend () -> Unit) = setOnClickListener { launch(IO) { action() } } private fun View.onClickPrintResult(action: suspend () -> List<Any>) = setOnClickListener { launch(UI) { userAdapter.items = withContext(IO) { action() } userAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } }
  32. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) insertButton.onClickAsync { dao.insert(randomUser())

    } selectButton.onClickPrintResult { dao.findByName(“Dmytro Zaitsev”) } // … } private fun View.onClickAsync(action: suspend () -> Unit) = setOnClickListener { launch(IO) { action() } } private fun View.onClickPrintResult(action: suspend () -> List<Any>) = setOnClickListener { launch(UI) { userAdapter.items = withContext(IO) { action() } userAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } }
  33. suspend fun <T> withContext( // You might remember it as

    `run` context: CoroutineContext, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend () -> T ): T
  34. internal fun printLogOldSchool(textView: TextView) { val mainHandler = object :

    Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) { override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) { when (msg.what) { LOG_MSG -> msg.obj?.let { textView.append("\n${it as String}") } } } } execService.submit { Runtime.getRuntime() .exec(COMMAND) .inputStream .bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).forEachLine { val message = Message.obtain(mainHandler, LOG_MSG, it) mainHandler.sendMessage(message) } } }
  35. internal fun printLogOldSchool(textView: TextView) { val mainHandler = object :

    Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) { override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) { when (msg.what) { LOG_MSG -> msg.obj?.let { textView.append("\n${it as String}") } } } } execService.submit { Runtime.getRuntime() .exec(COMMAND) .inputStream .bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).forEachLine { val message = Message.obtain(mainHandler, LOG_MSG, it) mainHandler.sendMessage(message) } } }
  36. internal fun printLogOldSchool(textView: TextView) { val mainHandler = object :

    Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) { override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) { when (msg.what) { LOG_MSG -> msg.obj?.let { textView.append("\n${it as String}") } } } } execService.submit { Runtime.getRuntime() .exec(COMMAND) .inputStream .bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).forEachLine { val message = Message.obtain(mainHandler, LOG_MSG, it) mainHandler.sendMessage(message) } } }
  37. internal fun printLogOldSchool(textView: TextView) { val mainHandler = object :

    Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) { override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) { when (msg.what) { LOG_MSG -> msg.obj?.let { textView.append("\n${it as String}") } } } } execService.submit { Runtime.getRuntime() .exec(COMMAND) .inputStream .bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).forEachLine { val message = Message.obtain(mainHandler, LOG_MSG, it) mainHandler.sendMessage(message) } } }
  38. internal fun printLogCoroutines(textView: TextView) { launch(IO) { Runtime.getRuntime() .exec(COMMAND) .inputStream

    .bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).forEachLine { launch(UI) { textView.append(“\n$it") } } } }
  39. internal fun printLogCoroutines(textView: TextView) { launch(IO) { Runtime.getRuntime() .exec(COMMAND) .inputStream

    .bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).forEachLine { launch(UI) { textView.append(“\n$it") } } } }
  40. fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> Unit) = block.startCoroutine(object

    : Continuation<Unit> { override val context = context override fun resume(value: Unit) {} override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) = Thread.currentThread().run { uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(this, exception) } })
  41. fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> Unit) = block.startCoroutine(object

    : Continuation<Unit> { override val context = context override fun resume(value: Unit) {} override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) = Thread.currentThread().run { uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(this, exception) } })
  42. fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> Unit) = block.startCoroutine(object

    : Continuation<Unit> { override val context = context override fun resume(value: Unit) {} override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) = Thread.currentThread().run { uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(this, exception) } })
  43. fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> Unit) = block.startCoroutine(object

    : Continuation<Unit> { override val context = context override fun resume(value: Unit) {} override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) = Thread.currentThread().run { uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(this, exception) } })
  44. fun launch(context: CoroutineContext, block: suspend () -> Unit) = block.startCoroutine(object

    : Continuation<Unit> { override val context = context override fun resume(value: Unit) {} override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) = Thread.currentThread().run { uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(this, exception) } })
  45. GENERATOR ▸ special routine that can be used to control

    the iteration behaviour of a loop ▸ yields the values one at a time ▸ looks like a function but behaves like an iterator
  46. val sequence = buildSequence { var start = 0 while

    (start < 5) { yield(start++) } } sequence.take(5).toList()
  47. interface Generator<out T> { fun next(): T? } @RestrictsSuspension interface

    GeneratorBuilder<in T> { suspend fun yield(value: T) }
  48. internal class GeneratorCoroutine<T>(override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext) : Generator<T>,

    GeneratorBuilder<T>, Continuation<Unit> { lateinit var nextStep: () -> Unit private var lastValue: T? = null private var throwable: Throwable? = null override fun next(): T? { nextStep() throwable?.let { throw it } return lastValue } override suspend fun yield(value: T) = suspendCoroutineOrReturn<Unit> { cont -> lastValue = value nextStep = { cont.resume(Unit) } COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } override fun resume(value: Unit) { lastValue = null } override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { this.throwable = exception } }
  49. internal class GeneratorCoroutine<T>(override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext) : Generator<T>,

    GeneratorBuilder<T>, Continuation<Unit> { lateinit var nextStep: () -> Unit private var lastValue: T? = null private var throwable: Throwable? = null override fun next(): T? { nextStep() throwable?.let { throw it } return lastValue } override suspend fun yield(value: T) = suspendCoroutineOrReturn<Unit> { cont -> lastValue = value nextStep = { cont.resume(Unit) } COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } override fun resume(value: Unit) { lastValue = null } override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { this.throwable = exception } }
  50. internal class GeneratorCoroutine<T>(override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext) : Generator<T>,

    GeneratorBuilder<T>, Continuation<Unit> { lateinit var nextStep: () -> Unit private var lastValue: T? = null private var throwable: Throwable? = null override fun next(): T? { nextStep() throwable?.let { throw it } return lastValue } override suspend fun yield(value: T) = suspendCoroutineOrReturn<Unit> { cont -> lastValue = value nextStep = { cont.resume(Unit) } COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } override fun resume(value: Unit) { lastValue = null } override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { this.throwable = exception } }
  51. internal class GeneratorCoroutine<T>(override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext) : Generator<T>,

    GeneratorBuilder<T>, Continuation<Unit> { lateinit var nextStep: () -> Unit private var lastValue: T? = null private var throwable: Throwable? = null override fun next(): T? { nextStep() throwable?.let { throw it } return lastValue } override suspend fun yield(value: T) = suspendCoroutineOrReturn<Unit> { cont -> lastValue = value nextStep = { cont.resume(Unit) } COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } override fun resume(value: Unit) { lastValue = null } override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { this.throwable = exception } }
  52. internal class GeneratorCoroutine<T>(override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext) : Generator<T>,

    GeneratorBuilder<T>, Continuation<Unit> { lateinit var nextStep: () -> Unit private var lastValue: T? = null private var throwable: Throwable? = null override fun next(): T? { nextStep() throwable?.let { throw it } return lastValue } override suspend fun yield(value: T) = suspendCoroutineOrReturn<Unit> { cont -> lastValue = value nextStep = { cont.resume(Unit) } COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } override fun resume(value: Unit) { lastValue = null } override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { this.throwable = exception } }
  53. internal class GeneratorCoroutine<T>(override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext) : Generator<T>,

    GeneratorBuilder<T>, Continuation<Unit> { lateinit var nextStep: () -> Unit private var lastValue: T? = null private var throwable: Throwable? = null override fun next(): T? { nextStep() throwable?.let { throw it } return lastValue } override suspend fun yield(value: T) = suspendCoroutineOrReturn<Unit> { cont -> lastValue = value nextStep = { cont.resume(Unit) } COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } override fun resume(value: Unit) { lastValue = null } override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { this.throwable = exception } }
  54. fun <T> generate( block: suspend GeneratorBuilder<T>.() -> Unit ): Generator<T>

    { return GeneratorCoroutine<T>().apply { val firstStep: suspend () -> Unit = { block() } nextStep = { firstStep.startCoroutine(this) } } }
  55. fun pagination(restService: MyRestService) { val gen = generate { var

    hasNext = true while (hasNext) { val data = restService.getData() hasNext = data.hasNext() yield(data.items()) } } ui.set(gen.next()) }
  56. MANUALS, EXAMPLES, VIDEOS AND SLIDES: ▸ Design documents and examples

    for coroutines in Kotlin:
 https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-coroutines ▸ Library support for Kotlin coroutines: