plugin outside the build it’s defined in Has dedicated directory Automatically compiled and included in the classpath Visible to every build script used by the build |____rootProjectDir | |____buildSrc | | |____src | | | |____main | | | | |____groovy
separate project Can be published and shared with others Packaged JAR may include many plugins Requires an ID (e.g. ‘java’, `` etc)
Plugin<Project> { @Override void apply(Project project) { println 'Hello World!' } } Represents an extension to Gradle This interface is the main API you use to interact with Gradle
DefaultTask { @TaskAction void sayHello() { println 'Hello World!' } } the standard Task implementation. You can extend this to implement your own task types. Marks a method as the action to run when the task is executed.
Plugin<Project> { @Override void apply(Project project) { project.tasks.create('sayHello', SayHelloTask) { group 'greeter' description 'Says hello' } } } Create the Task of specific type
String city String company Speaker(String name) { = name } def city(String city) { = city } def company(String company) { = company } } We need a name property so the object can be created by Gradle using a DSL.