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Cloud Run CI/CD + QA at ソウゾウ - Cloud Run Casual...

Cloud Run CI/CD + QA at ソウゾウ - Cloud Run Casual Talk !

2023/02/15: Cloud Run Casual Talk!〜 #1 カウシェ・ソウゾウ の CI/CD + QA 環境にDeep Dive!〜
- https://kauche.connpass.com/event/273291/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrX3kQ-8_0Q

- メルカリShops の CI/CD と Pull Request 環境
- メルカリShops における Cloud Run service の Canary Deployment

Ryuzo Yamamoto

February 15, 2023

More Decks by Ryuzo Yamamoto

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 4 • Architecture, Tech Stack • CI/CD with GitHub Actions

    self-hosted runner • Pull Request Environment • Deploy & Canary Rollout Agenda
  2. 5 Architecture Next.js Cloud Run GraphQL Cloud Run imgproxy Cloud

    Run microservice Cloud Run microservice Cloud Run Cloud Storage Cloud Load Balancing Cloud SQL Memorystore Cloud Run (70~ services) microservice(s) Cloud Run
  3. 6 Tech Stack • Monorepo ◦ Go, TypeScript, Python, Java

    ◦ 70~ microservices • Bazel, Turborepo • GraphQL / gRPC • Serverless (Cloud Run) • PostgreSQL, Redis • Cloud PubSub, Tasks, Workflows, Scheduler, VertexAI
  4. 7 • Architecture, Tech Stack • CI/CD with GitHub Actions

    self-hosted runner • Pull Request Environment • Deploy & Canary Rollout Agenda
  5. 8 CI/CD with GitHub Actions self-hosted runner monorepo self-hosted runners

    runner runner job job Cloud Run Service Deploy GCR Push development Same as development production External Services NAT runner job Bazel Remote Cache
  6. 9 • Architecture • CI/CD with GitHub Actions self-hosted runner

    • Pull Request Environment • Deploy & Canary Rollout Agenda
  7. 11 Pull Request Environment Next.js Cloud Run Cloud Load Balancing

    stable pr123 Host: example.com X-PR-ENV: 123 Host: pr123.nextjs.example.com GraphQL Cloud Run stable pr123 Service A Cloud Run stable pr123 URL mask routing <tag>.<service>.example.com
  8. 12 Pull Request Environment Next.js Cloud Run Cloud Load Balancing

    stable pr123 Host: example.com X-PR-ENV: 123 Path: /graphql Host: pr123.graphql.example.com URL mask routing GraphQL Cloud Run stable pr123 Service A Cloud Run stable pr123 Cloud Run Tag URL https://pr123---echo-XXXXXXXXXX-an.a.run.app <tag>.<service>.example.com
  9. 13 Pull Request Environment self-hosted runners runner GCR development Service

    A Cloud Run main pr123 Service A Cloud Run main pr123 Service A Cloud Run main pr123 Service A Cloud Run main pr123 Service A Cloud Run main pr123 Service A Cloud Run main pr123 Service A Cloud Run main pr123 Service A Cloud Run stable pr123 Deploy job
  10. 14 • Architecture • CI/CD with GitHub Actions self-hosted runner

    • Pull Request Environment • Deploy & Canary Rollout Agenda
  11. 15 Deploy - Custom deploy tool # Production 環境に deploy

    cli deploy main \ --spec production/services.yaml \ --service echo \ --image-tag 1.0.0 # Pull Request 環境 #123 に deploy cli deploy pr \ --spec development/services.yaml \ --service echo \ --number 123 # production/services.yaml project: awesome-project environment: production location: asia-northeast1 services: - name: echo image: gcr.io/awesome-project/echo env: - name: LOG_LEVEL value: info auto_scaling: min: 0 max: 100 capacity: memory: 512Mi cpu: 1 concurrency: 100 request_timeout: 30 connection: use_http2: true ...
  12. 16 Canary Rollout canaryrollout Cloud Run Service A Cloud Run

    stable canary 50% 50% Service A Cloud Run stable 100% Service A Cloud Run stable canary 100% 0% Service B Cloud Run stable canary 50% 50% Service B Cloud Run stable 100% Service B Cloud Run stable canary 100% 0% Error
  13. 17 Service A Cloud Run Cloud Scheduler Canary Rollout canaryrollout

    Cloud Run Service A Cloud Run stable canary Trigger every minute Update traffic Custom deploy tool Monitoring Get metrics labels: canaryrollout: enabled
  14. 18 Canary Rollout # production/services.yaml ... services: - name: echo

    ... canary_rollout: enable: true rollout_percent_steps: [10, 30, 60, 100] min_requests: 50 metrics_provider_type: grpc time_between_rollouts: 300s max_error_rate: 0.1 ... # Cloud Run Service apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1 kind: Service metadata: name: echo ... labels: canaryrollout: enabled ... annotations: canaryrollout.souzoh.com/rolloutPercentSteps: 10,30,60,100 canaryrollout.souzoh.com/minRequests: '50' canaryrollout.souzoh.com/metricsProviderType: grpc canaryrollout.souzoh.com/timeBetweenRollouts: 300s canaryrollout.souzoh.com/maxErrorRate: '0.1' ... Deploy
  15. 19 • Architecture • CI/CD with GitHub Actions self-hosted runner

    • Pull Request Environment • Deploy & Canary Rollout Wrap Up