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IEEC 2024 - Does Enterprise Education Deliver?

IEEC 2024 - Does Enterprise Education Deliver?

This seminar explores the impacts of enterprise and entrepreneurship education (EE) within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the UK. Through an examination of a range of publications, including the authors' own work, we aim to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of what is currently known, what ongoing research is uncovering, and the critical areas that warrant further exploration. EE has, for some time, been seen as an engine for innovation, regional economic growth, and job creation. Yet, for all its promise, there is surprisingly little literature that can speak to these impacts or connect them to interventions in a meaningful way outside of a small number of specific contexts. This continues to be the case, even though there have been numerous calls to address this agenda over a prolonged period. The seminar will cover a range of key themes, including the efficacy of different pedagogical approaches, the role of institutional support, and outcomes for graduates. This approach will provide a nuanced perspective on the impacts of EE, which we hope will help participants to better understand current thinking, reflect on their own work, and create future research projects. The seminar format is particularly well-suited for this topic because it allows for an interactive discussion and the exchange of ideas among participants. Our seminar will encourage active engagement, critical thinking, and collaborative learning. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, share their experiences, and explore potential projects.

Matthew Draycott

September 05, 2024

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  1. Does Enterprise Education Deliver? IEEC 2024 I Belfast Dr Matthew

    Rogers-Draycott & Dr Kelly Smith et al. …and what do we know about our impacts…
  2. What Don’t We Know? 01 What we mean by ‘Impact’

    What Impact We Have What Works Best, When, and For Whom 02 03
  3. What is ‘Known’ Bozward et al. (2022) UK annual start-up

    numbers remain flat year- on-year. Bernadó & Bratzke (2024), Tiberius & Weyland (2024) Pennettta, Anglani & Matthews (2023), Jardim (2021) Entrepreneurial Competencies, their structure and application are still hotly debated. Bozward et al. (2022) There’s a relationship between EE activity and TEF classification. Bozward et al. (2022) In the UK, a relatively small number of specialist providers account for most of the reported start-up activity. Bozward et al. (2021) There’s a link between EE activity and regional development in the UK. Rogers-Draycott et al. (2024) UK EEPs have lower levels of student satisfaction, first year continuation and earnings vs. other business degrees. Although their employability is slightly better. Maragh (2024), Bozward et al. (2023), Smith (2020) EE appears to have an impact on Entrepreneurial intention and action, although the mechanisms aren’t clear. Preedy and Beaumont (2024) Non-EE Extra Curricula Activities can play an important role in supporting the development of EE competencies. Clements (2024) Entrepreneurs are better at disruptive thinking, and MRI findings show different brain function when they are being creative in uncertain situations.
  4. 1 There’s surprisingly little academic work on EE pedagogy which

    has been tested empirically, at scale. Pedagogy 2 We often assume the. features of an EE pedagogy are present in courses, but programme websites rarely support this conclusion. 3 Pedagogy (EE included) is being impacted by rapid changes in technology. Few studies are exploring this transformative space.
  5. Institutional Support 01 The nature of support is not always

    clear to students or educators Staff reputation and experience is key in external communications. Differences between programmes can be difficult to clarify. Being aware of what competencies activities are trying to address is crucial, but often overlooked. Co-creation between academics and practitioners can lead to a more enriched experiences for the student. Educators often don’t know what is important to students and when it is important. 02 03 04 05 06
  6. Potential 'Soft' Measures • Awareness • Intent • Identity •

    Competencies • Attributes • Self-efficacy • Career satisfaction • ...
  7. Potential 'Hard' Measures • Career destination • Actions towards start-up

    • Start-up • Survival • Income • Investment • Employees • …
  8. What Could We Do Together? Get into small groups, a

    maximum of 5. Brainstorm some ideas for projects. We are going to try to connect project ideas to the wider research community.
  9. Networks • Impact Group - impactresearch.group • REntEd - isbe.org.uk/sigs/rented

    • ETIC - lucyhatt.co.uk • Sustainability Group - Catherine Brentnall
  10. References Bozward, D., Rogers-Draycott, M., Smith, K., Mave, M., Curtis,

    V. Jayananda Aluthgama-Baduge, C., Moon, R. and Adams, N. (2021) The Impact of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education on Regional Development. Presented at ISBE in Cardiff Clements, E. (2024) The Entrepreneurial State of Mind: A Neuroscientific Perspective. Doctoral Thesis, KCL. Bernadó and Bratzke. (2024) Revisiting EntreComp through a systematic literature review of entrepreneurial competences. Implications for entrepreneurship education and future research. The International Journal of Management Education. 22(3) Pennetta, S., Anglani, F. and Mathews, S. (2024) Navigating through entrepreneurial skills, competencies and capabilities: a systematic literature review and the development of the entrepreneurial ability model. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 16(4) Rogers-Draycott M, Bozward D, Smith K, Mave M, Curtis V, and Maragh D. (2024) Does Entrepreneurship Education Deliver? A Review of Entrepreneurship Education University Programmes in the UK. Education Sciences. 14(4) Maragh, D. (2024) A Systematic Literature Review of the Impact of Extracurricular Entrepreneurship Education. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. 0(0) Bozward, D., Rogers-Draycott, M., Angba, C. et al. (2023) How can entrepreneurial interventions in a university context impact the entrepreneurial intention of their students? Entrepreneurship Education. 6 Tiberius, V., and Weyland, M. (2024) Identifying Constituent Elements of Entrepreneurship Curricula: A Systematic Literature Review. Administrative Sciences. 14(1) Jardim, J., Bártolo, A., and Pinho, A. (2021) Towards a Global Entrepreneurial Culture: A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education Programs. Education Sciences. 11(8) Preedy, S. and Beaumont, E. (2024) Extracurricular Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Activity: A Global and Holistic Perspective. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research. V19. Emerald Publishing: London. Smith, K. (2020) Measuring the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education within Higher Education. SOTA Review No 33, Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick, UK.