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Cloud Native : sous les buzzwords, le nuage

Cloud Native : sous les buzzwords, le nuage

Yves Brissaud

April 09, 2019

More Decks by Yves Brissaud

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  1. Cloud Native Sous les buzzwords, le nuage Yves Brissaud 

    HumanTalks Grenoble, avril 2019 @_crev_
  2.  Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run

    scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. - CNCF Cloud Native De nition v1.0
  3.  Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs

    exemplify this approach. - CNCF Cloud Native De nition v1.0
  4. Pivotal  L’approche cloud native vise à développer et exécuter

    des applications capables d’exploiter tous les avantages du cloud - Pivotal
  5.  I've been thinking a lot about what it means

    for applications and middleware to work well in a cloud environment - on top of an Infrastructure-as-a-Service - pzf.fremantle.org/2010/05/cloud-native.html
  6.  existing applications taken and run in a cloud environment

    may not fully utilize that environment. Even if systems can be clustered they may not be able to dynamically change the cluster size - pzf.fremantle.org/2010/05/cloud-native.html
  7.  to work well in a cloud environment - on

    top of an Infrastructure-as-a-Service - pzf.fremantle.org/2010/05/cloud-native.html
  8.  l'idempotence signi e qu'une opération a le même effet

    qu'on l'applique une ou plusieurs fois
  9. microservices  les organisations qui conçoivent des systèmes ... sont

    contraintes de produire des designs qui sont des copies de la structure de communication de leur organisation. - M. Conway