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Three principles to design your slackbot to be ...

December 12, 2019

Three principles to design your slackbot to be loved in your team

At Ginza.SlackApp #1
Dec 12,2019 @fukubaka0825


December 12, 2019

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  1. Three principles to design your slackbot to be loved in

    your team Ginza.SlackApp #1 Dec 12,2019 @fukubaka0825  
  2. Today's agenda   1. Introduce slackbot I made 2.

    Introduce three principles to design 3. Conclusion 2.1 Making it to improve operations 2.2 Making it more user-friendly 2.3 Making it improved continuously
  3. Today's agenda   1. Introduce slackbot I made 2.

    Introduce three tips to design 3. Conclusion 2.1 Making it to improve operations 2.2 Making it more user-friendly 2.3 Making it improved continuously 1. Introduce slackbot I made
  4. Today's agenda   1. Introduce slackbot I made 2.

    Introduce three principles to design 3. Conclusion 2.1 Making it to improve operations 2.2 Making it more user-friendly 2.3 Making it improved continuously 2. Introduce three principles to design
  5. Today's agenda   1. Introduce slackbot I made 2.

    Introduce three principles to design 3. Conclusion 2.1 Making it to improve operations 2.2 Making it more user-friendly 2.3 Making it improved continuously 2.1 Making it to improve operations
  6. 2.1 Making it to improve operations   In those

    days… ฐνʔϜͷstageαʔόʔ͸24365ϑϧՔಇͩͬ ͨͷͰɺAWS LambdaͰࣗಈఀࢭىಈΛ࢓ࠐΜͰ ฏ೔0900~2000ͷମ੍΁ But Քಇ࣌ؒ֎ʹ࡞ۀ͕ඞཁʹͳͬͨ৔߹ɺຖճखಈͰ ্͛Լ͛͢Δඞཁ͕ग़͖ͯͨ(+ssh༻ʹRoute53Λ ͍ͬͨ͡Γɺॾࣄ৘Ͱsg΋͍͡Δඞཁ͋Γ)
  7. 2.1 Making it to improve operations   Now ίϚϯυҰൃͰstageΠϯελϯεશ୆

    ͷ্͛Լ͕͛Մೳʹ ୯७࡞ۀ࣌ؒͷݮগ ώϡʔϚϯΤϥʔͷݮগ(ಛʹRoute53 पΓ͕ා͔ͬͨ)
  8. Today's agenda   1. Introduce slackbot I made 2.

    Introduce three principles to design 3. Conclusion 2.1 Making it to improve operations 2.2 Making it more catchy 2.3 Making it improved continuously 2.2 Making it more user-friendly
  9. 2.2 Making it more user-friendly   Naming ೝ஌ෛՙͷ௿Լ(൱ԠͰ΋֮͑Δ) ࢥΘͣݺͼग़ͨ͘͠ͳΔ

    ඇਪ঑ͳख࡞ۀΛΑΓબ͹ͳ͘ͳ Δ ΠϯύΫτ͕͋Γɺ֮͑΍໊͍͢લʹ͢Δ
  10. 2.2 Making it more user-friendly   Help message ίϚϯυϥΠϯπʔϧͱಉҰࢹ

    ͦΕͧΕͷίϚϯυͷઆ໌Λhelp messageͱ͚ͯͭ͠Δ
  11. Today's agenda   1. Introduce slackbot I made 2.

    Introduce three principles to design 3. Conclusion 2.1 Making it to improve operations 2.2 Making it more user-friendly 2.3 Making it improved continuously 2.3 Making it improved continuously
  12. 2.3 Making it improved continuously   Until now ۭϝοηʔδͰhelpΛग़͞ͳ͍όάղফ

    ࣗಈఀࢭىಈͷ15෼લʹ͓஌Βͤ ීஈͷνϟοτ͔ΒৗʹfeedbackΛऩू͢Δͷ͕େࣄ
  13. 2.3 Making it improved continuously   From now on

    15෼લఀࢭ௨஌ʹɺinteractive messageͷ buttonΛ͚ͭͯɺఀࢭΛதࢭͰ͖ΔΑ͏ʹ͢Δ ࠓ͸AWS Lambda/API Gateway(CDKͰߏங)ͷ ߏ੒ͰࣗલͰίʔυΛॻ͍͍ͯΔ͕ɺAWS ChatbotͰϊʔίʔυͰ৭ʑͳϦιʔε͍͡ΕΔ Α͏ʹͳΔ͔΋ͳͷͰཁνΣοΫ
  14. Today's agenda   1. Introduce slackbot I made 2.

    Introduce three principles to design 3. Conclusion 2.1 Making it to improve operations 2.2 Making it more user-friendly 2.3 Making it improved continuously 3. Conclusion
  15. 3. Conclusion   • We should make slackbot •

    Enjoy your chatops-life!! To improve operations More user-friendly Improved continuously
  16. Now on sale   #ٕज़ॻయ6 #booth_pm #Go #IaC #ChatOps

    #αʔόϨε Thank you for your kind attention!