することである。このような⽬的が忘れ去られたと き、語るに⾜る建築など全く存在しない。” Christopher Alexander 著 『The Battle for the Life and Beauty of the Earth: A Struggle Between Two World-Systems』 https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-battle-for-the-life-and- beauty-of-the-earth-9780199898077?cc=jp&lang=en&
characteristics of any good environment is that every part of it is extremely highly adapted to its particularities. That local adaptation can happen successfully only if people (who are locally knowledgeable) do it for themselves.” Keynote Speech to the OOPSLA Convention by Christopher Alexander https://www.patternlanguage.com/archive/ieee.html
of the works that have been published by you in this field, it looks to me more as though mainly the pattern concept, for you, is an inspiring format that is a good way of exchanging fragmentary, atomic, ideas about programming. Indeed, as I understand it, that part is working very well. But these other two dimensions, ( ) the moral capacity to produce a living structure and ( ) the generativity of the thing, its capability of producing coherent wholes—I haven't seen very much evidence of those two things in software pattern theory” Keynote Speech to the OOPSLA Convention by Christopher Alexander https://www.patternlanguage.com/archive/ieee.html
to objects and programs and so on, can make a program better. That isn't the same thing, because in that sentence "better" could mean merely technically efficient, not actually "good." Again, if I'm translating from my experience, I would ask that the use of pattern language in software has the tendency to make the program or the thing that is being created is morally profound—actually has the capacity to play a more significant role in human life.” Keynote Speech to the OOPSLA Convention by Christopher Alexander https://www.patternlanguage.com/archive/ieee.html
ErichGamma、RichardHelm、RalphJohnson、JohnVlissides著∕ 本位⽥真⼀、吉⽥和樹監訳『オブジェクト指向における再利⽤のた めのデザインパターン改訂版』 • Keynote Speech to the OOPSLA Convention by Christopher Alexander • https://www.patternlanguage.com/archive/ieee.html • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= LdFA-_zfA • 江渡 浩⼀郎著『パターン、Wiki、XP 時を超えた創造の原則 (WEB+DB PRESS plus)』
• C‧アレグザンダー著∕平⽥ 翰那訳『時を超えた建設の道』 • 井庭 崇著,編集∕中埜 博, ⽵中 平蔵, 江渡 浩⼀郎, 中⻄ 泰⼈, ⽻⽣⽥ 栄 ⼀ 『パターン‧ランゲージ: 創造的な未来をつくるための⾔語 (リア リティ‧プラス)』 • ⻑坂 ⼀郎 著 『クリストファー‧アレグザンダーの思考の軌跡―デザ イン⾏為の意味を問う』 • Christopher Alexander 著 『The Battle for the Life and Beauty of the Earth: A Struggle Between Two World-Systems (Center for Environmental Structure)』