4 steps : - name: Check ou t uses: actions/checkout@v 2 with : ref: ‘your_sha ' - name: Set up JD K uses: actions/setup-java@v 1 with : java-version: 1 1 - name: Build with Gradl e run: ./gradlew assembleDebu g - name: Get apk pat h id: apk-pat h run: echo "::set-output name=path::$(find **/build/outputs/apk -name '*.apk' -type f | head -1) " - name: Upload apk file to S 3 id: uploa d uses: hkusu/s3-upload-action@v 2 with : aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_CI_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID } } aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_CI_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY } } aws-region: 'ap-northeast-1 ' aws-bucket: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_CI_AWS_BUCKET } } file-path: ${{ steps.apk-path.outputs.path } } output-file-url: 'true ' content-type: 'application/vnd.android.package-archive ' output-qr-url: 'true ' - name: Get apk inf o id: apk-inf o uses: hkusu/apk-info-action@v 1 with : apk-path: ${{ steps.apk-path.outputs.path } } - name: Notif y uses: hkusu/slack-post-action@v 1 env : SLACK_APP_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_CI_SLACK_TOKEN } } with : channel: ‘your_slack_channel ’ message: '*Build Succeeded!* ' color: 'good ' report-sha: ‘your_sha ' log-button: 'View log’ fields: | [ { "title": "app name" , "value": "${{ steps.apk-info.outputs.application-name }}" , "short": tru e } , { "title": "application ID" , "value": "${{ steps.apk-info.outputs.application-id }}" , "short": tru e } , { "title": "build variant" , "value": "Debug" , "short": tru e } , { "title": "version name (version code)" , "value": "${{ steps.apk-info.outputs.version-name }} (${{ steps.apk- info.outputs.version-code }})" , "short": tru e } , { "title": "min SDK version" , "value": "${{ steps.apk-info.outputs.min-sdk-version }}" , "short": tru e } , { "title": "target SDK version (compile SDK version)" , "value": "${{ steps.apk-info.outputs.target-sdk-version }} ($ {{ steps.apk-info.outputs.compile-sdk-version }})" , "short": tru e } , { "title": "apk file size" , "value": "${{ steps.apk-info.outputs.readable-file-size }}" , "short": tru e } ] image: ${{ steps.upload.outputs.qr-url } } actions: | [ { "type": "button" , "text": "Download apk" , "url": "${{ steps.upload.outputs.file-url }} " } ] ϏϧυͷϫʔΫϑϩʔͷྫ