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The PESTEL analysis

The PESTEL analysis

PESTEL is an acronym which means Political – Economic – Sociological – Technological – Ecological – Legal. This acronym is, therefore, a mnemonic to remind you of the different types of factors that can influence your market.
The PESTEL analysis will, therefore, consist of evaluating the effect of these factors on your market, knowing that they are all beyond your control.


March 18, 2021

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Other Decks in Business


  1. ➢ What are the factors that influence my market positively

    or negatively? ➢ What are the consequences and strategic choices, given these influences? ➢ How can I highlight these influences concerning my resources and skills? Influencing factors 1 Credits: Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash
  2. The influence factors "PESTE" (macro): ➢Politico-legal ➢Economic ➢Sociological ➢Technological ➢«

    Ecological » Defining a market 1 Credits: "Monopoly" by elPadawan is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
  3. The demography: essential for the international development of the company

    Example: Nokia's conquest of the Chinese market is essential to counter Asian competitors PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash
  4. The technology: which countries will provide technological leadership in the

    next ten years? Technology requires considerable and sustainable R&D efforts requiring partnerships in specific sectors to control costs. PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash
  5. The legal and regulatory dimension: the construction of Europe and

    the formation of a free trade zone (for example, ALNEA) have significantly changed relations between companies and States. PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
  6. The ecological dimension: the ecological concern is quite recent and

    reflects a desire on the part of the company's various partners to take responsibility together to develop their activities sustainably. PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Richard Loader on Unsplash
  7. Culture and ethics: this dimension has become very important in

    recent years. Can a company's policy be global? Example 1: If you were to develop a chain of restaurants in Lebanon, would you sell wine? PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash
  8. Culture and ethics Example 2: Mac Donald's in India, Halal

    in Belgium PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Joshua Austin on Unsplash
  9. The sociological dimension: it concerns the organisation of work in

    the company and the working conditions of employees. PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
  10. The economic dimension: it concerns the organisation of work in

    the company and the working conditions of employees. It is mainly characterised nowadays by the globalisation of markets. The WTO was created to extend the scope of free trade to new areas through the opening of the negotiations, and it must ensure that these trade flows are consistent. PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
  11. Political: this dimension refers to the national and international political

    context that sometimes has a positive or negative impact on trade. Example : 11 septembre 2001. PESTE analysis, what questions? 1 Credits: Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash
  12. • In the context of an external diagnosis, the influence

    of these various environments will be synthesised with the "PESTE" analysis tool, thus materialising the impact that exogenous factors can have on a market. • The analysis can cover a country, a geographical area or even the whole world. Scope of the PESTE analysis 1 PESTE Political environment Economic environment Social environment Technological environment Ecological environment
  13. • What would the PESTE analysis of Mac Donald's restaurant

    be? PESTE exercise 1 Credits: Photo by Joshua Austin on Unsplash
  14. Corrected PESTE McDonald's 1 PESTE Political Environment Anti-Americanism Anti-imperialism Alter-globalism

    terrorism Economic environment Globalisation of consumer habits Development of fast food restaurants Image of the Modern World Social Environment Temporary staff (CDD) Taylorism Working conditions, conflicts Cultural diversity in food Technological environment Mad cow OGM Ecological environment Health, obesity unhealthy eating habits Waste recycling Waste of paper and cardboard
  15. 1. research successively in each of the environments the trends

    that could influence the company's activity 2. globalise the analysis of all environments to apply the evolution factors to a specific sector or country PESTE analysis 3 objectives 1 Credits: Photo by Silvan Arnet on Unsplash
  16. 3. starting from a problem (technology, marketing, skills, markets, and

    so on...) and using the filter of each environment to propose the most relevant significant evolutions. PESTE analysis 3 objectives 1 Credits: Photo by Silvan Arnet on Unsplash