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10 Kotlin Tricks in 10(ish) Minutes (Devoxx US ...

10 Kotlin Tricks in 10(ish) Minutes (Devoxx US 2017)

Kotlin is new language growing in popularity as a complement to Java. Its major advantages and features compared to Java are immediately appealing. While it's quick to learn, it also has a lot of small and thoughtful parts which can be harder to discover. This short talk will cover 10 of my favorites with real-world examples. Attendees should come in having seen some Kotlin but looking to learn even more.

Video: https://youtu.be/0sPzDwS55wM

Jake Wharton

March 21, 2017

More Decks by Jake Wharton

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Why Kotlin? class User {
 public String getName() {

 public void setName(String name) {
 // ...
 } // ^^^ Java
  2. Why Kotlin? class User {
 public String getName() {

 public void setName(String name) {
 // ...
 }Z // ^^^ Java vvv Kotlin val user = User()
 println("Name is " + user.name)
  3. Why Kotlin? class User {
 public String getName() {

 public void setName(String name) {
 // ...
 }Z // ^^^ Java vvv Kotlin val user = User()
 println("Name is ${user.name}")
  4. Why Kotlin? class User {
 public String getName() {

 public void setName(String name) {
 // ...
 }Z // ^^^ Java vvv Kotlin val user = User()
 println("Name is $user")
  5. Why Kotlin? val user = User()
 user = User()

    var currentUser = User()
 currentUser = User()
  6. Why Kotlin? fun Date.isTuesday(): Boolean {
 return day == 2

    } val epoch = Date(1970, 0, 0)
 if (epoch.isTuesday()) {
 println("The epoch was a tuesday.")
 } else {
 println("The epoch was not a tuesday.")
  7. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Runnable {
 override fun

    run() {
 // TODO doSomethingElse()?
  8. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Runnable {Y
 override fun

    run() {Z
 if (something()) {
 } else {
 // TODO doSomethingElse()?
  9. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Runnable {Y
 override fun

    run() {Z
 if (something()) {
 } else {
 // TODO doSomethingElse()?
  10. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Callable<String> {Y
 override fun

    call(): String {Z
 if (something()) {
 return doSomething()
 } else {
 // TODO return doSomethingElse()?
 }A Runnable
  11. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Callable<String> {Y
 override fun

    call(): String {Z
 if (something()) {
 return doSomething()
 } else {
 // TODO return doSomethingElse()?
 }A Runnable
  12. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Callable<String> {
 override fun

    call(): String {
 if (something()) {
 return doSomething()
 } else {
 throw UnsupportedOperationException("TODO doSomethingElse()?")
 // return
  13. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Callable<String> {
 override fun

    call(): String {
 if (something()) {
 return doSomething()
 } else {
  14. #01 Explosive Placeholders class Test : Callable<String> {
 override fun

    call(): String {
 if (something()) {
 return doSomething()
 } else {
  15. #02 Semantic Validation static String join(String sep, List<String> strings) {

    if (sep == null) throw new NullPointerException("sep == null");
 if (strings == null) throw new NullPointerException("strings == null"); 
 // ...
  16. #02 Semantic Validation static String join(String sep, List<String> strings) {

    if (sep == null) throw new NullPointerException("sep == null");
 if (sep.length() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sep.length() < 2: " + sep); }Y
 if (strings == null) throw new NullPointerException("strings == null"); 
 // ...
  17. #02 Semantic Validation static String join(String sep, List<String> strings) {

    Preconditions.checkNotNull(sep, "sep == null");
 if (sep.length() < 2) {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException("sep.length() < 2: " + sep);
 Preconditions.checkNotNull(strings, "strings == null");
 // ...
 if == null) throw new NullPointerException(
 if == null) throw new NullPointerException(
  18. #02 Semantic Validation static String join(String sep, List<String> strings) {

    Preconditions.checkNotNull(sep, "sep == null");
 Preconditions.checkArgument(sep.length() < 2, "sep.length() < 2: " + sep);
 Preconditions.checkNotNull(strings, "strings == null");
 // ...
 if ) {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
  19. #02 Semantic Validation static String join(String sep, List<String> strings) {

    Preconditions.checkNotNull(sep, "sep == null");
 Preconditions.checkArgument(sep.length() < 2, "sep.length() < 2: " + sep);
 Preconditions.checkNotNull(strings, "strings == null");
 // ...
 if ) {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
  20. #02 Semantic Validation fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String {

    Preconditions.checkArgument(sep.length < 2, "sep.length < 2: " + sep)
 // ...
 }Z static 
 Preconditions.checkNotNull(sep, "sep == null");
 Preconditions.checkNotNull(strings, "strings == null");
  21. #02 Semantic Validation fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String {

    require(sep.length < 2) { "sep.length < 2: " + sep }
 // ...
 Preconditions.checkArgument , )
  22. #02 Semantic Validation fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String {

    require(sep.length < 2) { "sep.length < 2: " + sep }
 // ...
  23. #02 Semantic Validation fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String {

    require(sep.length < 2) { "sep.length < 2: " + sep }
 // ...
 Preconditions.checkArgument , )
  24. #02 Semantic Validation fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String {

    if (sep.length < 2) { throw IllegalArgumentException("sep.length < 2: " + sep) }
 // ...
 require ) { }
  25. #02 Semantic Validation // throws IllegalArgumentException require(value: Boolean) require(value: Boolean,

    lazyMessage: () -> Any) requireNotNull(value: T?): T requireNotNull(value: T?, lazyMessage: () -> Any): T // throws IllegalStateException check(value: Boolean) check(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any) checkNotNull(value: T?): T checkNotNull(value: T?, lazyMessage: () -> Any): T // throws AssertionError assert(value: Boolean) assert(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any)
  26. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 val name

    = user?.name ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
 println("Name is $name.")
  27. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 val name

    = user?.name ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
 println("Name is $name.")
  28. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 val name

    = user?.name ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
 println("Name is $name.")
  29. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 val name

    = user?.name ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
 println("Name is $name.")
  30. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 val name

    = user?.name ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
 println("Name is $name.")
  31. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 if (user

    != null) {
 println("Name is ${user.name}.")
 throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
 val name = ?.name ?:
  32. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 if (user

    != null) {
 println("Name is ${user.name}.")
 throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
  33. #03 Anything and Nothing fun printName(user: User?) {
 if (user

    != null) {
 println("Name is ${user.name}.")
 throw IllegalArgumentException("User was null")
 println("A user has no name.")
  34. #03 Anything and Nothing fun runServer(serverSocket: ServerSocket) {X
 while (true)

 }Z runServer(ServerSocket(80))
  35. #03 Anything and Nothing fun runServer(serverSocket: ServerSocket): Nothing {X

    (true) {
 }Z runServer(ServerSocket(80))
  36. #03 Anything and Nothing fun runServer(serverSocket: ServerSocket): Nothing {

    (true) {
 } runServer(ServerSocket(80))
  37. #04 Let val user: User? = null
 if (user

    != null) {X
 // user not null
  38. #04 Let var user: User? = null
 if (user

    != null) {X
 // user might be null
  39. #04 Let var user: User? = null
 user?.let {X

    // it == user not null
 if ( != null)
  40. #04 Let var user: User? = null
 user?.let {

 // it == user not null, only read once!
  41. #04 Let class Foo {
 @Volatile var user: User? =

 fun doSomething() {
 user?.let { user ->
 // user not null, only read once!
 it ==
  42. #04 Let class Foo {
 @Volatile var user: User? =

 fun doSomething() {
 user?.apply { user ->
 // user not null, only read once!
  43. #04 Let class Foo {
 @Volatile var user: User? =

 fun doSomething() {
 user?.run { user ->
 // user not null, only read once!
  44. #04 Let class Foo {
 @Volatile var user: User? =

 fun doSomething() {
 user?.also { user ->
 // user not null, only read once!
  45. #05 Multiline String Literals val foo = "FOO!"
 val bar

    = "BAR!"
 val baz = "BAZ!"
 val string = """|$foo
  46. #06 Lazy but Speedy class NamePrinter(val firstName: String, val lastName:

    String) {
 fun printName() {
 println("$firstName $lastName")
  47. #06 Lazy but Speedy class NamePrinter(val firstName: String, val lastName:

    String) {
 var fullName: String? = null
 fun printName() {
 if (fullName == null) {
 fullName = "$firstName $lastName"
  48. #06 Lazy but Speedy class NamePrinter(val firstName: String, val lastName:

    String) {
 val fullName: String by lazy { "$firstName $lastName" }X
 fun printName() {
 r ? = null
 if (fullName == null) {
 fullName =
  49. #06 Lazy but Speedy class NamePrinter(val firstName: String, val lastName:

    String) {
 val fullName: String by lazy { "$firstName $lastName" }X
 fun printName() {
  50. #06 Lazy but Speedy import kotlin.LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE
 class NamePrinter(val firstName:

    String, val lastName: String) {
 val fullName: String by lazy(NONE) { "$firstName $lastName" }X
 fun printName() {
  51. #07 Code Block Measurement val helloStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
 println("Hello, world!")

    val helloTook = System.currentTimeMillis() - helloStart
 println("Saying 'hello' took ${helloTook}ms")
  52. #07 Code Block Measurement val helloTook = measureTimeMillis {

 println("Saying 'hello' took ${helloTook}ms") val helloStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
 System.currentTimeMillis() - helloStart
  53. #07 Code Block Measurement val helloTook = measureTimeNanos {

 println("Saying 'hello'Ztook ${helloTook}ns")
  54. #07 Code Block Measurement var helloTook = measureTimeNanos {

 }X helloTook += measureTimeNanos {
 println("Hello, world!")
 println("Saying 'hello' twiceZtook ${helloTook}ns") l
  55. #08 Deprecation Levels import kotlin.DeprecationLevel.ERROR
 @Deprecated("Use strings.joinToString(sep).", level =

 fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you"))
  56. #08 Deprecation Levels import kotlin.DeprecationLevel.ERROR
 @Deprecated("Use strings.joinToString(sep).", level =

 fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you"))
  57. #08 Deprecation Levels import kotlin.DeprecationLevel.ERROR
 @Deprecated("Use strings.joinToString(sep).", level =

 fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you")) Error:(10, 1) Kotlin: Using 'join(String, List<String>): String' is an error. Use strings.joinToString(sep).
  58. #08 Deprecation Levels import kotlin.DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
 @Deprecated("Use strings.joinToString(sep).", level =

 fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you")) ERROR ERROR Error:(10, 1) Kotlin: Using 'join(String, List<String>): String' is an error. Use strings.joinToString(sep).
  59. #08 Deprecation Levels import kotlin.DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
 @Deprecated("Use strings.joinToString(sep).", level =

 fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you"))
  60. #09 Deprecation Replacements @Deprecated("Use strings.joinToString(sep).",
 replaceWith = ReplaceWith("strings.joinToString(sep)"))X
 fun join(sep:

    String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 listOf("me", "you").joinToString(", ")
  61. #09 Deprecation Replacements @Deprecated("Use strings.joinToString(sep).",
 replaceWith = ReplaceWith("strings.joinToString(sep)"))X
 fun join(sep:

    String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you"))
  62. #09 Deprecation Replacements @Deprecated("Use Guava's Joiner.",
 replaceWith = ReplaceWith("Joiner.on(sep).join(strings)",

    = "com.google.common.base.Joiner"))X fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you")) strings.joinToString(sep) 
  63. #09 Deprecation Replacements @Deprecated("Use Guava's Joiner.",
 replaceWith = ReplaceWith("Joiner.on(sep).join(strings)",

    = "com.google.common.base.Joiner"))X fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you"))X 
 Joiner.on(", ").join(listOf("me", "you"))
  64. #09 Deprecation Replacements import com.google.common.base.Joiner
 @Deprecated("Use Guava's Joiner.",
 replaceWith =

 imports = "com.google.common.base.Joiner"))X fun join(sep: String, strings: List<String>): String { 
 // ...
 Joiner.on(", ").join(listOf("me", "you")) 
 join(", ", listOf("me", "you"))X
  65. #10 Erasing Erasure fun sort(strings: List<String>) {
 // ...

 fun sort(ints: List<Int>) {
 // ...
  66. #10 Erasing Erasure fun sort(strings: List) {
 // ...

 fun sort(ints: List) {
 // ...
  67. #10 Erasing Erasure fun sort(strings: List<String>) {
 // ...

 fun sort(ints: List<Int>) {
 // ...
  68. #10 Erasing Erasure fun sortStrings(strings: List<String>) {
 // ...

 fun sortInts(ints: List<Int>) {
 // ...
  69. #10 Erasing Erasure fun sort(strings: List<String>) {
 // ...

 fun sort(ints: List<Int>) {
 // ...
  70. #10 Erasing Erasure @JvmName("sortStrings")
 fun sort(strings: List<String>) {
 // ...

 fun sort(ints: List<Int>) {
 // ...