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Osaka University EE ES Talk series Part 2 of 3 ...

Osaka University EE ES Talk series Part 2 of 3 3-JUL-2018

A part of Electrical Engineering Lecture Series 2018 at School of Engineering Science, Osaka University / 大阪大学基礎工学部電気工学特別講義2018 2/3

Kenji Rikitake

July 03, 2018

More Decks by Kenji Rikitake

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Kenji Rikitake 3-JUL-2018 School of Engineering Science Osaka University Toyonaka,

    Osaka, Japan @jj1bdx Copyright ©2018 Kenji Rikitake. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 2
  2. Reporting —Keyword at the end of the talk —URL for

    submitting the report at the end of the talk Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 4
  3. Various aspects of routing —Delivery —Addresses —Static or dynamic —Route

    aggregation —Security Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 6
  4. Role of IP addresses —Network numbers —Interfaces: connected to the

    networks —Host IDs in the numbered networks —Global uniqueness —Special addresses (private, broadcast, multicast, loopback, etc.) Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 11
  5. IPv4 addresses: 32 bits In hexadecimal notation: 0xC0A86414 —4

    x 0~255 numbers split with dots —Relatively easy to remember, but already being used up Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 12
  6. IPv4 address with netmask —Network: —Host: number 20

    (0~255) (32-24=8) —Host 0 = network itself —Host 255 = broadcast Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 13
  7. Address in another netmask —Network: —Host: number 2

    (0~15) (32-24=4) —Host 0 = network itself —Host 15 = broadcast —Different netmask = different address interpretation Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 14
  8. Private addresses (RFC1918) No global routing for these address blocks

    — — (172.{16~31}.*.*) — (192.168.*.*) Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 15
  9. Other special addresses (RFC6890) — "This" network — Shared address

    — Loopback — Link local — IANA specific —,, Documentation — 6to4 Relay Anycast — Benchmarking — Reserved — Limited broadcast Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 16
  10. IPv6 addresses: 128 bits 2404:6800:400a:80c::2004 = 2404:6800:400a:080c:0000:0000:0000:2004 —www.google.com as of

    2-JUL-2018 0905UTC —:xxxx: = up to 4 hex digits —:: = arbitrary number of 0, appearing only once in an address Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 17
  11. IPv6 addresses with netmask 2404:6800:400a:80c::2004/64 —Network: 2404:6800:400a:80c::/64 —Host number: 0x0000000000002004

    —Host number: 64 bits (0: network) —Broadcast -> multicast addresses —ff02::1 = all hosts, ff02::2 = all routers, etc. Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 18
  12. Why IPv4 to IPv6? —Because we've used up the 32-bit

    IPv4 addresses already —No more new address block for IPv4 —You need to buy unused blocks from other users —Took ~20 years (1996-2016) for the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 19
  13. Static routing —Set the default route for nodes which are

    not directly reachable —Works well on simple networks or star networks —Static routing may cause ping-pong Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 22
  14. Dynamic routing —Hop count: count the hops between nodes —Link

    cost: determined by the speed and quality —Administrative policies Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 25
  15. Simple hop counting —Assume every link costs the same with

    each other Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 26
  16. Evaluating link cost —What if the cost of each link

    varies? —If two or more paths have the equal cost, all of the links will be utilized for load balancing Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 28
  17. Simulating link failures —What if the link suddenly degrades or

    is disconnected? —Largely increasing the cost of degraded or disconnected links will give an easy solution Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 31
  18. Administrative policies —For many reasons, you don't want to accept

    packets from some nodes, depending on the relay paths —For example: passing C is OK, but passing E is not: A-B-C-G and A-B-C-F- G are OK, but A-D-E-F-G is blocked —Common among interconnection of the autonomous systems (internet serpice providers and organizations) Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 33
  19. Routing information dissemination protocols —Link-state protocol: flooding link cost information

    of each node throughout the network —Path vector protocol: exchanging path of nodes for each network instead of the link costs —Highly vulnerable to external attacks Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 35
  20. Routing aggregation —The following four networks — — — —

    —-> aggregated as —4 networks together as one aggregated network Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 36
  21. IP address and the port number —Each service has a

    16-bit port number —HTTPS = 443, DNS = 53, SSH = 22, etc. —A pair of IP address and port number defines an endpoint of communication Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 38
  22. UDP and TCP —Two major transport protocols on the internet

    —User Datagram Protocol (UDP): connection-less —Transport Control Protocol (TCP): connection-oriented Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 39
  23. Packet exchange limitation —Packets are not always delivered —Sending sequence

    is not preserved —The same packet may be received multiple times —The content of the packet may get altered or damaged —Packet size has the limitation Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 40
  24. What UDP does —Add a header with the port number

    —Send it in an IP packet —... and that's it Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 41
  25. UDP's pros and cons —UDP datagrams are still not always

    delivered and may get lost —Sequence is not preserved —The same datagram may be received multiple times and may cause duplicate delivery —The errors in the contents of UDP datagrams are detectable —UDP datagram has the size limit: suitable for relatively small messages —Very small additional latency Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 42
  26. Transport control protocol (TCP) —Detect packet loss by timeout —Split

    stream into segments —Put sequence numbers to the segments —Reassemble segments to the stream —Perform congestion control Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 43
  27. TCP's pros and cons —Loss is detected and recovered so

    long as the connection is alive —Sequence is preserved —No content repetition —Errors are detected and fixed by retransmission —The stream will accept data so long as the connection is alive —Data delivery may delay if retransmission occurs Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 44
  28. Web: HTTP/2 (TCP) .vs. QUIC (UDP) —People wants speed —HTTP/2:

    stream aggregation and content compression —HTTP/2 is still bound by TCP —QUIC: tightly integrated to HTTP/2 and specific congestion control —Google is migrating to HTTP/2 + QUIC Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 45
  29. Topics on next talk —Cloud computing .vs. endpoint computing —Sharing

    .vs. message passing —Centralization .vs. decentralization Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 46
  30. Photo credits —All photos are modified and edited by Kenji

    Rikitake —Title: Denis Nevozhai via Unsplash —Unicast/broadcast/multicast/anycast diagrams: By Easyas12c~commonswiki / Perhelion, via Wikimedia Commons, CC0 (Public Domain) Kenji Rikitake / oueees 201806 part 2 3-JUL-2018 47