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Road-trip to Technology for Start-Ups

Jose L
July 01, 2015

Road-trip to Technology for Start-Ups

Jose L

July 01, 2015

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    iteration Image Placehol +JoseLuisUgiaGonzalez @Jl_Ugia
  2. Let your kid drive for you and free up some

    time for Finding & fitting your market Challenging assumptions Addressing product challenges Finding supporters Pivottng if necessary Iterating over Interviewing your users Having lots of fun Breaking it Persevering
  3. Deliver the promise, but take the short route 5 1

    client can be enough y Don’t reinvent things a Don’t worry about rules / conventions
  4. Facebook - Fast Development [ 1 month Time to market

    first audience s Entry audience Selected students as beach head
  5. w Keep it simple Code as few as you can

    z Go around problems e Discard unnecessary features
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    AFNetworking SVProgressHUD Facebook SDK TheAmazingAudioEngine JASidePanels ! Google App Engine Crashlytics GitHub TestFlight GraphicalHttpClient Trello PhraseApp Facebook SDK ! Own hosting Backend PHP Zend GitHub TestFlight GraphicalHttpClient ! ! ! ! !