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Don't Repeat Yourself, Repeat Others

Don't Repeat Yourself, Repeat Others

John Nunemaker

December 30, 2010

More Decks by John Nunemaker

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Why? I am obsessed with improving I have learned a

    lot of late I love sharing what I learn
  2. “ Jason Sage Reinventing the wheel is as important to

    a developer’s education and skill as weightlifting is to a body builder. 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
  3. “ John Nunemaker The lessons learned and deeper appreciation for

    ActiveRecord and DataMapper alone was enough to make it worth it. RailsTips.org Comment
  4. # person.rb class Person; end # some_other_ruby_file.rb autoload Person, 'path/to/person'

    # as soon as Person class is used, # ruby requires the file person = Person.new # if it is not used, it is not required
  5. module MongoMapper autoload :Document, 'mongo_mapper/document' autoload :EmbeddedDocument, 'mongo_mapper/embedded_document' autoload :Plugins,

    'mongo_mapper/plugins' autoload :Version, 'mongo_mapper/version' module Plugins autoload :Associations, 'mongo_mapper/plugins/associations' autoload :Callbacks, 'mongo_mapper/plugins/callbacks' autoload :Clone, 'mongo_mapper/plugins/clone' autoload :Descendants, 'mongo_mapper/plugins/descendants' autoload :Dirty, 'mongo_mapper/plugins/dirty' end end
  6. def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ /(_changed\?|_change|_will_change!|_was)$/ method_suffix =

    $1 key = method.to_s.gsub(method_suffix, '') if key_names.include?(key) case method_suffix when '_changed?' key_changed?(key) when '_change' key_change(key) when '_will_change!' key_will_change!(key) when '_was' key_was(key) end else super end else super end end
  7. module MongoMapper module Document def self.included(model) model.class_eval do extend Plugins

    plugin Plugins::Associations plugin Plugins::Equality plugin Plugins::Inspect # etc... end end end end
  8. class Activity include MongoMapper::Document key :source, Hash key :source_type, String

    key :action, String timestamps! end class Article include MongoMapper::Document key :title, String end
  9. article = Article.create(:title => 'Yo Dawg') activity = Activity.create({ :source

    => article.to_mongo, :source_type => 'Article', :action => 'create' })
  10. class Activity include MongoMapper::Document key :source, Hash key :source_type, String

    key :action, String timestamps! def source=(value) self.source_type = value.class.name super value.to_mongo end end
  11. class Activity module MongoMapperKeys def source read_key :source end def

    source=(value) write_key :source, value end def source? read_key(:source).present? end end include MongoMapperKeys end
  12. def create_accessors_for(key) accessors_module.module_eval <<-end_eval def #{key.name} read_key(:#{key.name}) end def #{key.name}_before_typecast

    read_key_before_typecast(:#{key.name}) end def #{key.name}=(value) write_key(:#{key.name}, value) end def #{key.name}? read_key(:#{key.name}).present? end end_eval include accessors_module end
  13. class Person attr_accessor :name def initialize(name) @name = name end

    end puts Person.new('John') == Person.new('John') # false puts Person.new('John').eql?(Person.new('John')) # false
  14. class Person attr_accessor :name def initialize(name) @name = name end

    def eql?(other) self.class.eql?(other.class) && name == other.name end end puts Person.new('John') == Person.new('John') # false puts Person.new('John').eql?(Person.new('John')) # true
  15. class Person attr_accessor :name def initialize(name) @name = name end

    def eql?(other) self.class.eql?(other.class) && name == other.name end alias :== :eql? end puts Person.new('John') == Person.new('John') # true puts Person.new('John').eql?(Person.new('John')) # true
  16. class OptionsHash attr_reader :source def initialize(source) @source = source end

    def [](key) @source[key] end def []=(key, value) @source[key] = value end end
  17. hash1 = OptionsHash.new({:foo => 'bar'}) hash2 = hash1.clone puts hash1[:foo]

    # 'bar' hash2[:foo] = 'surprise' puts hash1[:foo] # 'surprise' puts hash1.source.equal?(hash2.source) # true
  18. class OptionsHash def initialize_copy(other) super @source = @source.clone end end

    hash1 = OptionsHash.new({:foo => 'bar'}) hash2 = hash1.clone puts hash1[:foo] # 'bar' hash2[:foo] = 'surprise' puts hash1[:foo] # 'bar' puts hash1.source.equal?(hash2.source) # false
  19. module MongoMapper module Plugins module Sci module ClassMethods def inherited(subclass)

    key :_type, String unless key?(:_type) unless subclass.embeddable? subclass.set_collection_name(collection_name) end super end end end end end
  20. module MongoMapper module Document def self.included(model) model.class_eval do extend Plugins

    plugin Plugins::Associations plugin Plugins::Equality plugin Plugins::Inspect # etc... end end end end
  21. class Proxy def initialize(source) @source = source end private def

    method_missing(method, *args, &block) @source.send(method, *args, &block) end end
  22. class Proxy def initialize(source) @source = source end private def

    method_missing(method, *args, &block) @source.send(method, *args, &block) end end results = [1, 2, 3, 4] proxy = Proxy.new(results) puts proxy.size # 4 puts results.size # 4 puts proxy[2] # 3 puts results[2] # 3
  23. query = Plucky::Query.new(collection) docs = query.paginate(:per_page => 1) puts docs.class

    # Array puts docs.total_entries # 2 puts docs.total_pages # 2 puts docs.current_page # 1 puts [].total_pages # NoMethodError!
  24. module Pagination def total_entries 50 end def total_pages 5 end

    end result = [1, 2, 3, 4] result.extend(Pagination) puts result.total_entries # 50 puts result.total_pages # 5
  25. module Plucky class Query def paginate(opts={}) # some stuff paginator

    = Pagination::Paginator.new(total, page, limit) query[:limit] = paginator.limit query[:skip] = paginator.skip query.all.tap do |docs| docs.extend(Pagination::Decorator) docs.paginator(paginator) end end end end
  26. require 'forwardable' module Plucky module Pagination module Decorator extend Forwardable

    def_delegators :@paginator, :total_entries, :total_pages, :current_page, :per_page, :previous_page, :next_page, :skip, :limit, :offset, :out_of_bounds? def paginator(p=nil) return @paginator if p.nil? @paginator = p self end end end end
  27. Powered by Plugins MongoMapper is associations, callbacks, clone, descendants, dirty,

    equality, identity_map, inspect, keys, logger, modifiers, pagination, persistence, protected, rails, serialization, timestamps, userstamps, validations
  28. module MongoMapper module Plugins def plugins @plugins ||= [] end

    def plugin(mod) extend mod::ClassMethods if mod.const_defined?(:ClassMethods) include mod::InstanceMethods if mod.const_defined?(:InstanceMethods) mod.configure(self) if mod.respond_to?(:configure) plugins << mod end end end
  29. module MongoMapper module Document def self.included(model) model.class_eval do extend Plugins

    plugin Plugins::Document plugin Plugins::Associations plugin Plugins::Clone plugin Plugins::Equality plugin Plugins::Indexes plugin Plugins::Keys # etc end super end end end
  30. module ActsAsListFu module ClassMethods def reorder(ids) # reorder ids... end

    end module InstanceMethods def move_to_top # move to top end end def self.configure(model) model.key :position, Integer, :default => 1 end end
  31. “ Mike Taylor I want to make things, not just

    glue things together. Whatever Happened to Programming
  32. module Scrobbler module REST class Connection def initialize(base_url, args =

    {}) @base_url = base_url @username = args[:username] @password = args[:password] end def get(resource, args = nil) request(resource, "get", args) end def post(resource, args = nil) request(resource, "post", args) end # removed to shorten... end end end
  33. class Status include HappyMapper element :id, Integer element :text, String

    element :created_at, Time element :source, String element :truncated, Boolean element :in_reply_to_status_id, Integer element :in_reply_to_user_id, Integer element :favorited, Boolean has_one :user, User end
  34. class Account def add_user(user) user = user.is_a?(User) ? user :

    User.find(user) self.memberships << user.id end end