Current Status: Chef (Presented at Denver/Boulder Cloud Meetup)
These are the slides I used for the Chef presentation at the Denver/Boulder Cloud meetup on 5/24/2012. For more comprehensive details on the upcoming features of Chef, see Chris Brown's talk from ChefConf:
Resources from "current" to "desired" states by taking a default or user-selected action. • "Why-run" and Reporting both benefit from knowing and comparing these states.
"why-run" or during a real run • Cannot meet "hidden" expectations • Environment at time of "why-run" may differ greatly from actual run time • No "free" implementation in user- written providers
"2.0-stable" packages ["build-essential", "git"] rails do gems ["bundler","passenger"] database do database "myapp" username "myapp" password "awesome_password" end database_master_role "myapp_database_master" end passenger_apache2 do server_aliases ["myapp", "myapp.#{node['domain']}"] end end