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CNCF: 7 Critical Reasons for Kubernetes-Native ...

July 01, 2020

CNCF: 7 Critical Reasons for Kubernetes-Native Backup

Using demos with CNCF projects (Kubernetes, kind, CSI), we will show how recent Kubernetes releases allow you to implement a cloud-native backup strategy that will protect your business-critical data in a developer-focused platform. We will also cover the pitfalls of trying to retrofit legacy backup architectures into a cloud-native ecosystem but, more importantly, focus on the benefits of deploying a truly cloud-native backup solution.

Learn more: https://www.kasten.io


July 01, 2020

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  1. about us page 02 Deepika Dixit Member of Technical Staff

    @ Kasten Previous Life Senior Member of Technical Staff @ Tintri Master's degree focused in computer science from Arizona State University Mark Severson Member of Technical Staff @ Kasten Previous Life Senior Software Engineer, Team Lead, and Architect @ Instructure
  2. of Top 10 containers running in Kubernetes are stateful 50%

    of monitored Kubernetes clusters are running StatefulSets 57% Kubernetes storage drivers available for use today! 70+ 2019 Container Usage Report, Sysdig Kubernetes CSI Project, 2020
  3. of organizations indicate that half or more of their container

    applications are stateful (451 Research) 55% 41% 39% 38% 37% 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% SQL Databases Message Queues NoSQL Databases Batch/Data Streaming Stateful Application Type Deployed on Kubernetes 451 Research, Voice of the Enterprise: DevOps Workloads and Key Projects 2020 Kubernetes Application Survey, 2018 2020 Data
  4. what’s different? deployment patterns page 07 • No VM <->

    Application Mapping, • Dynamic Rescheduling • Constant Redeployments • Multi-Tenant Clusters Kubernetes Deployment Patterns
  5. required approach: focus on complete application kubernetes resources and persistent

    state page 08 Automatic and complete application capture Consistent data and application resources capture Namespaced objects + non-namespaced dependencies Perform coordinated operations Proper sequencing of resource and data operations Meaningful applications cannot be restored as-is Applications as the Operational Unit Abstract underlying infrastructure Seamless support for storage and data services within and across clusters, regions, and clouds Ingress Service Service Account Persistent Volume Registry Database ConfigMap Secret Stateful Set Deployment Pod Pod Persistent Volume Claim Kubernetes Application
  6. what’s different? rise of devops page 09 • Focus on

    Applications, Not Infrastructure • Infrastructure-as-Code • Self-Service and Dynamic Provisioning • Greater Accidental Risk DevOps and “Shift Left”
  7. what’s different? scale page 010 • Explosion in Application Components

    • Dynamic Autoscaling (Clusters and Applications) • Polyglot Persistence • Multi-Cluster Use Exploding Application Scale
  8. kubernetes data management must be hardened for day 2 scale

    DEVOPS RUN 700 dev:2 ops ratio Communication challenges APPLICATION DIVERSITY 54 nodes, 216 CPUs, 1.7 TB RAM 173 Applications/Projects Multi-Vendor Storage: 415 Volumes, Multi-TB Number Component (subset) 2,126 Pods (1,380 workloads) 3,166 Secrets 1,411 Services 3,483 Image Information 768 Service Accounts 915 Configuration 3,484 Role Bindings 5,137 Other Components 18,393 Total (average 112/app) Top 3 French IT Firm AWS EBS
  9. the old way is infra-centric scales poorly and leaves data

    exposed Use existing VM-level data protection solutions Data-store snapshots Weak consistency Complex restore procedure Limited recovery options Let me put together a “quick” script More complex than expected Tailored to application Often tied to infrastructure Difficult to maintain My storage overlay does backups & migration 2X management complexity Performance cost for overlays Lowest common denominator No fault isolation
  10. kubernetes deployment architecture a high-level overview page 013 Virtual or

    Physical Infrastructure Container Orchestration Platform Lift-and- Shift App Cloud Native App Lift-and- Shift App Cloud Native App
  11. Application Blueprint Backup Platform kubernetes-native backup architecture essential touchpoints page

    014 Virtual or Physical Infrastructure Container Orchestration Platform Lift-and- Shift App Cloud Native App Lift-and- Shift App K10-Protected Applications Application Blueprint Cloud Native App 3 1 Uses Kubernetes API to discover applications and underlying components and perform lifecycle operations. Orchestrator APIs 1 Optional agentless application-centric hooks can be invoked by easy-to-use blueprints Application Framework 3 No proprietary storage layer. Minimal integration with infrastructure specific APIs for the following: • Block storage provider - Snapshot functionality, snapshot and block copy • Object/file provider - S3-compatible object store or other file storage like NFS for artifacts Infrastructure APIs 2 2 3
  12. data management security page 017 • Support for Network Policies

    • Authentication (OIDC, Token, etc.) w/ Self-Service • End-to-End Encryption w/ Customer Managed Keys • Quick Recovery from Ransomware Attacks Security and Protection Gaps
  13. data management ecosystem integration page 018 • Database and NoSQL

    System Hooks • Cloud-Native Monitoring and Alerting • Kubernetes-Native CRD-Based APIs • Mobility and Freedom of Choice Ecosystem Integration
  14. Summing Up: Things to Look for Backup & Recovery Disaster

    Recovery Application Mobility Built for Kubernetes Purpose-built for Kubernetes using cloud-native architectural principles. Rich Ecosystem Extensive support across the entire application stack. Select the best tools or infrastructure. Ease of Use State-of-the-art management interface; cloud-native API, easy install, extensible. End-to-End Security Support for RBAC, OIDC, Token Auth, IAM, and industry-standard encryption Multi & Hybrid Cloud Polyglot Persistence Multi-Tenancy RBAC
  15. kasten k10 kubernetes backup and mobility made easy Ease of

    Use, Simple UX Policy-driven Automation End-to-End Security Application Discovery Use Our Forever-Free Starter Edition! https://kasten.io/product [email protected]