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Rage Against the API-Machinery: Writing an Oper...

November 14, 2018

Rage Against the API-Machinery: Writing an Operator for Production

An operator is a set of CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) that extends the Kubernetes API and a controller that handles the new API objects. Not only have the number of projects following the operator pattern exploded, but so have the number of ways to bootstrap an operator. The operator pattern is the basis for Kubernetes’ extensibility, but it is difficult to achieve the same robustness as in-tree APIs/controllers.

In this talk, the speakers will present what it takes to write a production-ready Operator based on their experience developing and running Kanister in production. They will compare popular operator kits, SDKs, and guides, presenting their trade-offs. Best practices for building, testing, and API versioning will also be covered. After the talk, the audience will feel comfortable developing a production-ready operator. Familiarity with CRDs is a suggested prerequisite.


November 14, 2018

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  1. • Kanister: Open-source Operator ◦ Framework for application-level data management

    ◦ Example Apps: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch ◦ Generic Infra Support: Volumes, ObjectStore • K10’s API ◦ 2 CRD-controllers ◦ 1 Aggregated API server 你好
  2. You’ve decided an Operator solves your problems • Centralize/automate operational

    experience • Coordinate app operations w/ Kubernetes What now? • Bootstrapping is simple • Production is hard
  3. • Extending the Kubernetes API ◦ Operator Definition ◦ Custom

    Resources ◦ API Conventions ◦ Bootstrapping Projects • Production Requirements • Papercuts
  4. Human ops knowledge → Software Observe Analyze Act • Support

    complex Operations • Active reconciliation • Extensible
  5. CustomResource (CR) • Instance of CRD • Also Kubernetes API

    Object • Scope: Cluster or Namespace • Arbitrary Schema • Out-of-tree API CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) • Defines new API • Kubernetes API Object • Scope: Cluster • Predefined Schema • In-tree API • Adds a new endpoint to the API server
  6. CustomResource (CR) apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: crontabs.stable.example.com spec:

    group: stable.example.com versions: - name: v1 storage: true scope: Cluster names: plural: crontabs kind: CronTab shortNames: - ct apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: CronTab metadata: name: my-new-cron-object spec: cronSpec: "* * * * */5" image: my-awesome-cron-image CustomResourceDefinition (CRD)
  7. • Extending the Kubernetes API • Production-Ready Features ◦ Clients

    ◦ RBAC ◦ Safety ◦ Events ◦ Testing • Papercuts
  8. kubectl Go SDK cli := kubernetes.NewClient() ns := &v1.Namespace{ ObjectMeta:

    metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "widget-namespace", }, } err := cli.CoreV1().Namespaces().Create(ns) $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: widget-namespace EOF
  9. kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: widget-operator rules: - apiGroups:

    - widgets.company.io resources: - "*" verbs: - "*" • RBAC is a double-edged sword • Users != ServiceAccounts • CRD != CR • Follow principle of least privilege
  10. • Changes are usually what breaks production • Operators can

    handle complex state transitions • You should trust your Operator as you trust your DevOps • Suggestion: Use one of Workload types
  11. https://github.com/kubernetes/code-generator • deepcopy-gen • client-gen • Informer-gen • lister-gen //

    +genclient // +genclient:noStatus // +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object
  12. $ kubectl describe actionset backup-84w5z … Events: Type Reason Age

    From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Started Action 42s Kanister Controller Executing action backup Normal Started Phase 42s Kanister Controller Executing phase dumpToObjectStore Normal Ended Phase 41s Kanister Controller Completed phase dumpToObjectStore Normal Update Complete 41s Kanister Controller Updated ActionSet 'backup-84w5z' $ kubectl get events LAST SEEN FIRST SEEN COUNT NAME KIND 54m 54m 1 backup-84w5z.1565461009ce6235 ActionSet ... 54m 54m 1 backup-84w5z.156546100ac72a84 ActionSet ... 54m 54m 1 backup-84w5z.15654610618cb419 ActionSet ... 54m 54m 1 backup-84w5z.15654610620c7952 ActionSet ...
  13. // Initialize Event Recorder broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster() broadcaster.StartEventWatcher( func(event *core.Event)

    { _, err := client.Core().Events(event.Namespace).Create(event) }, ) source := core.EventSource{Component: "Widget Controller"} recorder := broadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme.Scheme, source) // Record Event recorder.Event(obj, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "Started", "Started work on Widget!")
  14. stdlib $ go test . import "testing" func TestFail(t *testing.T)

    { t.Fail() } import "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" var _ = ginkgo. Describe("Some behavior" , func() { ginkgo.Context("My test", func() { ginkgo. It("may fail", func() { ginkgo. Fail("This test failed" ) }) }) }) ginkgo
  15. In-Cluster Out-of-Cluster config, err := rest.InClusterConfig() config, err := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(

    clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules(), &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}, ).ClientConfig()
  16. // Always return a new Widget with the request name.

    reaction := func(action testing.Action) (bool, runtime.Object, error) { get, _ := action.(testing.GetAction) ret := &v1.Widget{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: get.GetName(), }, } return true, w, nil } // Create fake Clientset cli := fake.NewSimpleClientset() cli.PrependReactor("get", "widgets", reaction)
  17. • Extending the Kubernetes API • Production-Ready Features • Papercuts

    ◦ Validation ◦ CRD Lifecycle ◦ Object Versioning ◦ Code Generation
  18. • You are responsible for validating content • OpenAPI v3.0

    validation ◦ Basic schema validation • Validating Admission Webhook Admission webhooks are essentially part of the cluster control-plane. You should write and deploy them with great caution.
  19. Create CRD in the controller • Self-contained dependency • Controller

    requires additional permissions Create CRD during deployment • Custom logic is difficult • Controller will fail w/o CRD
  20. Kubernetes v1.11.0 • Multiple versions supported • “Nop” Conversion Future

    Improvements • Mutating webhooks for conversion • Separate validation for different versions
  21. • Follow API conventions • Bootstrap with a go-based project

    • Generate your code • Setup RBAC for your CRs • Create Kubernetes Events • Invest in tests • Beware of gaps between CRDs and core APIs