model support Scikit-learn linear models and tree-based models PyTorch PyTorch Explain BERT No Yes Yes Explain RNN No No Yes NLP Pipeline Support Handles text pre- processing, encoding, training, hyperparameter tuning Uses BERT tokenizer however user needs to supply trained/fine- tuned BERT model, and samples of trained data Generator and predictor modules handle the required text pre-processing.
BlackBox モデルの説明性・解釈性技術の実装 ⼀般化線形モデル (GLM) & ⼀般化加法モデル(GAM) Deep Learning Ditial Conference [Track4-1] BERT の解剖学 : interpret-text による⾃然⾔語処理 (NLP) のモデル解釈 Microsoft AI Business School Microsoft 責任のある AI