and Adaptive Learning Approach for Large Courses Relevant publications [KSBB17] Krusche, Seitz, Börstler, Bruegge: Interactive Learning: Increasing Student Participation through Shorter Exercise Cycles. ACE 2017. [KvFA17] Krusche, von Frankenberg, Afifi. Experiences of a Software Engineering Course based on Interactive Learning. SEUH 2017. [KBC+17] Krusche, Bruegge, Camilleri, Krinkin, Seitz, Wöbker: Chaordic Learning: A Case Study. ICSE 2017. [KS18] Krusche, Seitz: ArTEMiS: An Automatic Assessment Management System for Interactive Learning. SIGCSE 2018. [KDXB18] Krusche, Dzvonyar, Xu and Bruegge. Software Theater — Teaching Demo Oriented Prototyping. TOCE 2018 [KS19] Krusche, Seitz: Increasing the Interactivity in Software Engineering MOOCs - A Case Study. HICSS 2019. [LKvFB19] Laß, Krusche, von Frankenberg, Bruegge: Stager: Simplifying the Manual Assessment of Programming Exercises. SEUH 2019. [KvFRB20] Krusche, von Frankenberg, Reimer and Bruegge: An Interactive Learning Method to Engage Students in Modeling, ICSE 2020. [BKKB21] Bernius, Kovaleva, Krusche, Bruegge. Towards the Automation of Grading Textual Student Submissions to Open-ended Questions. ECSEE 2020. [BKB21] Bernius, Krusche, Bruegge. A Machine Learning Approach for Suggesting Feedback in Textual Exercises in Large Courses. L@S 2021. 29