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Understanding the Google Provider for Terraform...

Understanding the Google Provider for Terraform (feat. K8s)

In this talk, Taylor Dolezal (Developer Advocate at HashiCorp) and I explain an approach to setting up a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster using Terraform.

We also look at maintaining Kubernetes-specific resources using Terraform.

This version of the presentation was given at a virtual event for the Istanbul HashiCorp User Group in July 2020.


Companion Code: github.com/ksatirli/understanding-the-google-provider-for-terraform-feat-k8s

Kerim Satirli

July 16, 2020

More Decks by Kerim Satirli

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  1. Agenda Introducing Terraform and the Google Provider Managing GKE with

    Terraform provisioning Clusters, Node Pools, and more Kubernetes Provider for Terraform deploying applications to Kubernetes Clusters
  2. HashiCorp Configuration Language CODE EDITOR service "http" "web_proxy" { listen_addr

    = "" process "server" { command = ["proxy-app", "server"] } } variable "port" { description = "Port for web_proxy" default = 8080 }
  3. HashiCorp Configuration Language CODE EDITOR service "http" "web_proxy" { listen_addr

    = "${var.port}" process "server" { command = ["proxy-app", "server"] } } variable "port" { description = "Port for web_proxy" default = 8080 }
  4. Provider set-up CODE EDITOR provider "google" { project = var.project_id

    region = var.project_region } provider "google-beta" { project = var.project_id region = var.project_region }
  5. Provider set-up CODE EDITOR provider "google" { project = var.project_id

    region = var.project_region credentials = file("google_cloud_credentials.json") } provider "google-beta" { project = var.project_id region = var.project_region credentials = file("google_cloud_credentials.json") }
  6. Provider set-up CODE EDITOR terraform { required_providers { google =

    "~> 3.16.0" google-beta = "~> 3.16.0" http = "~> 1.2.0" kubernetes = "~> 1.11.3" null = "~> 2.1.2" } required_version = "~> 0.12.28" }
  7. Provider set-up CODE EDITOR terraform { required_providers { google =

    "~> 3.16.0" google-beta = "~> 3.16.0" http = "~> 1.2.0" kubernetes = "~> 1.11.3" null = "~> 2.1.2" } required_version = "~> 0.12.28" }
  8. Creating a Network CODE EDITOR module "gke_network" { source =

    "terraform-google-modules/network/google" version = "2.4.0" project_id = var.project_id network_name = var.project_prefix }
  9. Creating a Network CODE EDITOR module "gke_network" { ... subnets

    = { { subnet_name = local.subnet_name subnet_ip = "" subnet_region = var.project_region }, ] }
  10. Creating a Network CODE EDITOR module "gke_network" { ... secondary_ranges

    = { "${local.subnet_name}" = [ { range_name = "ips-pods" ip_cidr_range = "" } ] } }
  11. Command: terraform init TERMINAL > terraform init Initializing modules... Downloading

    terraform-google-modules/network/google 2.4.0 for gke_network... - gke_network in .terraform/modules/gke_network/terraform-google-network-2.4.0 Initializing provider plugins... - Checking for available provider plugins... - Downloading plugin for provider "http" (hashicorp/http) 1.2.0... - Downloading plugin for provider "kubernetes" (hashicorp/kubernetes) 1.11.3... - Downloading plugin for provider "google" (hashicorp/google) 3.16.0... - Downloading plugin for provider "google-beta" (hashicorp/google-beta) 3.29.0... - Downloading plugin for provider "null" (hashicorp/null) 2.1.2... Terraform has been successfully initialized!
  12. Command: terraform plan TERMINAL > terraform plan -out="gke.tfplan" An execution

    plan has been generated and is shown below. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform will perform the following actions: # module.network.module.subnets.google_compute_subnetwork.subnet will be created + resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnet" { + creation_timestamp = (known after apply) + enable_flow_logs = (known after apply) + fingerprint = (known after apply) + gateway_address = (known after apply) ...
  13. Command: terraform plan TERMINAL ... + name = "hug-ist-demo" +

    project = "hc-da-test" + routing_mode = "GLOBAL" + self_link = (known after apply) } Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This plan was saved to: gke.tfplan To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply: terraform apply "gke.tfplan"
  14. Command: terraform apply TERMINAL > terraform apply "gke.tfplan" module.network.module.vpc.google_compute_network.network: Creating...

    module.network.module.vpc.google_compute_network.network: Creation complete module.network.module.subnets.google_compute_subnetwork.subnet: Creating... module.network.module.subnets.google_compute_subnetwork.subnet: Creation complete Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. The state of your infrastructure has been saved to the path below. This state is required to modify and destroy your infrastructure, so keep it safe. To inspect the complete state use the `terraform show` command. State path: terraform.tfstate
  15. Creating a Cluster CODE EDITOR module "gke_cluster" { source =

    "terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google" version = "10.0.0" add_cluster_firewall_rules = true create_service_account = true description = "GKE Demo for HUG Istanbul" disable_legacy_metadata_endpoints = true ... }
  16. Command: terraform get TERMINAL > terraform get Downloading kubernetes-engine/google 10.0.0

    for gke_cluster... - gke_cluster in .terraform/modules/gke_cluster/kubernetes-engine-10.0.0
  17. Kubernetes is a platform for ▪ automating deployments ▪ scaling

    applications ▪ management of containerized workloads
  18. Provider set-up CODE EDITOR provider "kubernetes" { load_config_file = false

    host = "https://${module.gke_cluster.endpoint}" token = data.google_client_config.default.access_token cluster_ca_certificate = module.gke_cluster.ca_certificate }
  19. Creating a Deployment CODE EDITOR resource "kubernetes_deployment" "beacon" { metadata

    { name = "beacon" namespace = kubernetes_namespace.beacon.id spec { container { image = "onlydole/beacon:1.19.1" name = "beacon" } } }
  20. Creating a Service CODE EDITOR resource "kubernetes_service" "beacon" { metadata

    { name = "beacon" namespace = kubernetes_namespace.beacon.id spec { selector { app = kubernetes_deployment.beacon.metadata.0.labels.app } } ...
  21. Creating a Service CODE EDITOR ... port { port =

    8080 target_port = 80 } type = "LoadBalancer" }