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Binary Fuse Filters: Fast and Tiny Immutable F...

Binary Fuse Filters: Fast and Tiny Immutable Filters

Conventional Bloom filters provide fast approximate set membership while using little memory. Engineers use them to avoid expensive disk and network accesses. We recently introduced the binary fuse filters that are faster and smaller at query time while saving at least 30% in memory usage compared to the Bloom filters. The result is an immutable filter, and the construction is slightly slower (e.g., by 50%).

We review some performance issues related to our binary fuse filters, but also to probabilistic filters in general: e.g., how does the query time performance scale with respect to the number of random accesses ? For network transmission, the filters are often compressed: how well do different filters compress ?

Daniel Lemire

May 26, 2023

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  1. Binary Fuse Filters: Fast and Tiny Immutable Filters Daniel Lemire

    professor, Data Science Research Center Université du Québec (TÉLUQ) Montreal blog: https://lemire.me twitter: @lemire GitHub: https://github.com/lemire/
  2. Usage scenario? We have this expensive database. Querying it cost

    you. Most queries should not end up in the data. We want a small 'filter' that can prune out queries. 3
  3. Theoretical bound Given elements in the set Spend bits per

    element Get a false positive rate of 4
  4. Usual constraints Fixed initial capacity Difficult to update safely without

    access to the set To get a 1% false-positive rate: bits? 5
  5. Hash function From any objet in the universe to a

    word (e.g., 64-bit word) Result looks random 6
  6. uint64_t murmur64(uint64_t h) { h ^= h >> 33; h

    *= UINT64_C(0xff51afd7ed558ccd); h ^= h >> 33; h *= UINT64_C(0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53); h ^= h >> 33; return h; } 7
  7. Checking an element: implementation Typical implementation is branchy If not

    , return false If not , return false ... return true 11
  8. uint64_t hash = hasher(key); uint64_t a = (hash >> 32)

    | (hash << 32); uint64_t b = hash; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { if ((data[reduce(a, length)] & getBit(a)) == 0) { return NotFound; } a += b; } return Found; 12
  9. False positive rate bits per element hash functions fpp 9

    6 1.3% 10 7 0.8% 12 8 0.3% 13 9 0.2% 15 10 0.07% 16 11 0.04% 13
  10. Bloom filters: upsides Fast construction Flexible: excess capacity translates into

    lower false positive rate Degrades smoothly to a useless but 'correct' filter 14
  11. 15

  12. 16

  13. Bloom filters: downsides 44% above the theoretical minimum in storage

    Slower than alternatives (lots of memory accesses) 17
  14. 18

  15. Memory accesses number of hash functions cache misses (miss) cache

    misses (hit) 8 3.5 7.5 11 3.8 10.5 (Intel Ice Lake processor, out-of-cache filter) 19
  16. Mispredicted branches number of hash functions all out all in

    8 0.95 0.0 11 0.95 0.0 (Intel Ice Lake processor, out-of-cache filter) 20
  17. Performance number of hash functions always out (cycles/entry) always in

    (cycles/entry) 8 135 170 11 140 230 (Intel Ice Lake processor, out-of-cache filter) 21
  18. Blocked Bloom filters Same as a Bloom filters, but for

    a given object, put all bits in one cache line Optional: Use SIMD instructions to reduce instruction count 22
  19. Blocked Bloom filters: pros/cons Stupidly fast in both construction and

    queries ~56% above the theoretical minimum in storage 23
  20. auto hash = hasher_(key); uint32_t bucket_idx = reduce(rotl64(hash, 32), bucketCount);

    __m256i mask = MakeMask(hash); __m256i bucket = directory[bucket_idx]; return _mm256_testc_si256(bucket, mask); 24
  21. Binary fuse filters Based on theoretical work by Dietzfelbinger and

    Walzer Immutable datastructure: build it once Fill it to capacity Fast construction Fast and simple queries 25
  22. Arity : 3-wise, 4-wise 3-wise version has three hits, 12%

    overhead 4-wise version has four hits, 8% overhead 26
  23. Queries are silly Have an array of fingerprints (e.g., 8-bit

    words) Compute 3 (or 4) hash functions: Compute fingerprint function ( 8-bit word) Compute XOR and compare with fingerprint: 27
  24. bool contain(uint64_t key, const binary_fuse_t *filter) { uint64_t hash =

    mix_split(key, filter->Seed); uint8_t f = fingerprint(hash); binary_hashes_t hashes = hash_batch(hash, filter); f ^= filter->Fingerprints[hashes.h0] ^ filter->Fingerprints[hashes.h1] ^ filter->Fingerprints[hashes.h2]; return f == 0; } 28
  25. cache misses mispredictions 3-wise binary fuse 2.8 0.0 4-wise binary

    fuse 3.7 0.0 (Intel Ice Lake processor, out-of-cache filter) 29
  26. always out (cycles/entry) always in (cycles/entry) bits per entry Bloom

    135 170 12 3-wise bin. fuse 85 85 9.0 4-wise bin. fuse 100 100 8.6 (Intel Ice Lake processor, out-of-cache filter) 30
  27. 31

  28. Construction 1 Start with array for fingerprints containing slightly more

    fingerprints than you have elements in the set Divide the array into segments (e.g., 300 disjoint) Number of fingerprints in segment: power of two (hence binary) 32
  29. Construction 2 Map each object in set, to locations ,

    , The locations should be in three consecutive segments (so relatively nearby in memory). 33
  30. Construction 3 At the end, each location is associated with

    some number of objects from the set 34
  31. Construction 4 Find a location mapped from a single set

    element , e.g., Record this location which is owned by Remove the mapping of to locations , , Repeat 35
  32. Construction 5 Almost always, the construction terminates after one trial

    Go through the matched keys, in reverse order, adn set (e.,g.) 36
  33. Construction: Performance Implemented naively: terrible performance (random access!!!) Before the

    construction begins, sort the elements of the sets according to the segments they are mapped to. This greatly accelerates the construction 37
  34. 38

  35. How does the performance scale with size? For warm small

    filters, number of access is less important. Becomes more computational. For large cold filters, accesses are costly. 39
  36. 10M entries ns/query (all out) ns/query (all in) fpp bits

    per entry Bloom 17 14 0.32% 12.0 Blocked Bloom (NEON) 3.8 3.8 0.6% 12.8 3-wise bin. fuse 3.5 3.5 0.39% 9.0 4-wise bin. fuse 4.0 4.0 0.39% 8.6 (Apple M2) 40
  37. 100M entries ns/query (all out) ns/query (all in) fpp bits

    per entry Bloom 38 33 0.32% 12.0 Blocked Bloom (NEON) 11 11 0.6% 12.8 4-wise bin. fuse 17 17 0.39% 9.0 4-wise bin. fuse 20 20 0.39% 8.6 (Apple M2) 41
  38. Compressibility (zstd) bits per entry (raw) bits per entry (zstd)

    Bloom 12.0 12.0 3-wise bin. fuse 9.0 8.59 4-wise bin. fuse 8.60 8.39 theory 8.0 8.0 42
  39. Some links Bloom filters in Go: https://github.com/bits-and-blooms/bloom Binary fuse filters

    in Go: https://github.com/FastFilter/xorfilter Binary fuse filters in C: https://github.com/FastFilter/xor_singleheader Binary fuse filters in Java: https://github.com/FastFilter/fastfilter_java Giant benchmarking platform: https://github.com/FastFilter/fastfilter_cpp 44