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Tear Down this Wall! Tales From 3 Years Success...

Tear Down this Wall! Tales From 3 Years Successful DevOps Collaboration.

This talk will describe how two distinct companies formed a successful DevOps team during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will present many details on the implementation of our collaborative approach to software development and deployment, including the use of agile methodologies and a shared culture of automation and experimentation, all while adapting to remote work and other challenges brought by the pandemic.

The results of this approach will be discussed, including increased efficiency, faster time-to-market, and improved communication and collaboration between teams. The talk will also highlight the positive impact on customer and end user satisfaction. Real-world examples will be used to illustrate the successes and challenges encountered during the implementation of our DevOps approach.

The talk will conclude with a discussion of future opportunities for the companies to continue to improve and expand our joint venture through the use of DevOps methodologies, even in the face of unexpected challenges such as a global pandemic.

M.-Leander Reimer

June 21, 2023

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  1. qaware.de Tear Down this Wall! Tales From 3 Years Successful

    DevOps Collaboration Mario-Leander Reimer [email protected] Managing Director | CTO QAware GmbH Wolfgang Klimt [email protected] IT Troubleshooter ConSol Software GmbH
  2. QAware | 3 The system landscape is complex. Grown over

    many years, many technologies and ops modes, many dependencies and responsibilities.
  3. Our teams are organized according to LeSS, we integrate Ops

    fully in cross functional teams. QAware | 5 27.0 8.20 19 Consol: 10 % Ops-Know-How 24/7 strctures QAware: 90 % BizDev- Know-How
  4. Our teams are organized according to LeSS, we integrate Ops

    fully in cross functional teams. QAware | 7 27.0 8.20 19 QAware 7 Consol: 10 % Ops-Know-How 24/7 strctures QAware: 90 % BizDev- Know-How Follow-the-Sun Team Lead Teams: flexible, with great app specific expertise Flex Teams SRE: Site Reliability Engineer SREs from Lead Teams and Follow-The-Sun- Teams build ad hoc Emergency Response Teams
  5. Our teams are organized according to LeSS, we integrate Ops

    fully in cross functional teams. QAware | 8 27.0 8.20 19 QAware 8 Consol: 10 % Ops-Know-How 24/7 strctures QAware: 90 % BizDev- Know-How Follow-the-Sun Team Lead Teams: flexible, with great app specific expertise SRE: Site Reliability Engineer SREs from Lead Teams and Follow-The-Sun- Teams build ad hoc Emergency Response Teams
  6. We deliver 95% onshore from Munich and 5% via follow-the-sun

    from San Francisco. QAware | 9 Modus Services CaVORS1 Ort Anteil Personen Onshore All MUC 94% ca. 35 Nearshore - - - - Offshore 24*7 Nachtabdeckung SRE SF 6% ca. 5 Modus Services CaVORS5 Ort Anteil Personen Onshore All MUC 95% ca. 45 Nearshore - - - - Offshore 24*7 Nachtabdeckung SRE SF 5% ca. 5
  7. Dev and Ops knowledge transfer for unknown applications was intense

    and challenging during the pandemic. QAware | 11
  8. Fast learning and knowledge sharing are essential! QAware | 12

    Lead Team is responsible for code and docs during transition. We share our knowledge often and regularly. The ops and follow-the-sun team as well as customer teams are fully integrated. Transition Transfer of Code & Doku Wissensaufbau Wissensmultiplikator Pair Programming Code Review Internal talks and trainings Dokumentation Mentoring Rotation & Deputies Know-How- Matrix SRE CoP Regular KT Sessions Remote Integration Joined ERT Joined Post Mortem
  9. Collaboration with clear responsibilities is a must. QAware | 13

    Externe und eigene Feature Teams stellen eigenständig ein konfliktfrei integrierbares Feature bereit. Die Qualität stellen wir durch eine gemeinsame Definition of Merge sicher. Die CI/CD Pipeline sichert die Beistellungen ab und bringt diese schnellstmöglich in die laufende Anwendung. Codequalität CaVORS 1/5 Feature Team CaVORS x Feature Team Customer Feature Teams CI/CD-Pipeline Merge Build Test Quality Deploy to Integration Acceptance Test Deploy to Test Architektur Single Responsibility Docs Acceptance Criteria Testabdeckung Konfiguration
  10. “Too much cognitive load will become a bottleneck for fast

    flow and high productivity for many DevOps teams.” QAware | 14 ▪ Intrinsic Cognitive Load Relates to fundamental aspects and knowledge in the problem space (e.g. used languages, APIs, frameworks) ▪ Extraneous Cognitive Load Relates to the environment (e.g. console command, deployment, configuration) ▪ Germane Cognitive Load Relates to specific aspects of the business domain (aka. „value added“ thinking)
  11. A Platform team and its engineers are a key enabler

    for high productivity of stream-aligned DevOps teams. QAware | 15 ▪ Responsible to build and operation a platform to enable and support the teams in their day to day development work. ▪ The platform aims to hide the inherent complexity to reduce the cognitive load for the other teams. – Standardization – Self-Service ▪ Fully automated software delivery is the goal! https://hennyportman.wordpress.com/2020/05/25/review-team-topologies/
  12. Cloud-native Software Engineering Cloud-native Platform Engineering The 5 Layers of

    Cloud-native Engineering QAware | 16 IaaS Network, Compute, Storage (VPC, EC2, NLB, ALB, ...) CaaS (Kubernetes Services) PaaS (Software Infrastructure Blueprints with Helm and Continuous Delivery Toolchain) Application-specific Software Infrastructure Cloud-friendly & cloud-native Applications Architect Build Run Amazon SNS AWS IAM Amazon EC2 Amazon EBS SRE Amazon CloudWatch
  13. 19

  14. qaware.de QAware GmbH Aschauer Straße 32 81549 München Tel. +49

    89 232315-0 [email protected] twitter.com/qaware linkedin.com/company/qaware-gmbh xing.com/companies/qawaregmbh slideshare.net/qaware github.com/qaware