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JICA Training at GSI, Japan.

© mapconcierge, CC BY-SA 4.0


November 05, 2019

More Decks by Taichi FURUHASHI

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  1. 23

  2. b y m a p c o n c i

    e r g e b y m a p c o n c i e r g e 33 OpenStreetMap
  3. 38 If you want to make good map, You should

    get geospatial data from Geo-devices.
  4. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Taichi @mapconcierge Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University President of MAPconcierge inc, Researcher of CSIS, at the univ. of Tokyo. Director of OpenStreetMap foundation japan Director of OSGeo.JP foundation Tech. Writer of GISNEXT Magazine Evangelist of KML Tree Climber
  5. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Taichi @mapconcierge Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University President of MAPconcierge inc, Researcher of CSIS, at the univ. of Tokyo. Vise-President of OpenStreetMap foundation japan Director of OSGeo.JP foundation Tech. Writer of GISNEXT Magazine Evangelist of KML Tree Climber
  6. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 41 I’m a TreeClimber 1IPUPCZ:V0/0
  7. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 42 Of course, I have two licenses
  8. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Because,
  9. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 44 I (we) have a TreeHouse in Japan. (made by ourself)
  10. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I That’s my hobby, but...
  11. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I It’s related with the Digital Map(GIS) tech.
  12. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I It means...
  13. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I GIS can use a lot of GeoSpatial Data as MODEL. We called Feature.
  14. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia b y Ta i c

    h i F U R U H A S H I You know, “MODEL” is not “real”. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ≒ Similar but different
  15. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Every time we have to compare between both information using by training data.
  16. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Field work is very important for GIS tech. $ +"9" $ 5SFF$MJNCJOH.BTUFS"DBEFNZ
  17. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Hobby use Google Maps API MashUp UGC/CGM Social Network and more... NEO Geographer OLD Geographer Cartographer Surveyor Scientist Government Forester and more...
  18. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 60
  19. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I NEO Geographer OLD Geographer Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 Before Google-Geo After Google-Geo
  20. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I NEO Geographer OLD Geographer Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 SHP, MIF, GeoTIFF XML, DB, API
  21. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I NEO Geographer OLD Geographer KML WKT WKTraster GeoTIFF SQL SHP Process GeoTIFF File orientation API/DB orientation DB SHP Process SHP Result as Table GIS Clients
  22. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 65 ≒
  23. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I The Free Wiki World Map
  24. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I ≒
  25. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Licenses
  26. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I
  27. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I There are many type of licenses.
  28. CC-by-NC-ND CC-by-NC-SA CC-by-ND CC-by-NC b y Ta i c h

    i F U R U H A S H I 77 License Public Domain Copy Right FREE All Rights Reserved CC-by-SA CC-by
  29. CC-by-NC-ND CC-by-NC-SA CC-by-ND CC-by-NC b y Ta i c h

    i F U R U H A S H I 78 License Public Domain Copy Right FREE All Rights Reserved CC-by-SA CC-by mytext
  30. CC-by-NC-ND CC-by-NC-SA CC-by-ND CC-by-NC b y Ta i c h

    i F U R U H A S H I 79 License Public Domain Copy Right FREE All Rights Reserved CC-by-SA CC-by ODbL ≒
  31. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 80 http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/
  32. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 81 CC By-SA → ODbL 2012 Sep → Because, Map data is fact data. not creative contents.
  33. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Google Maps API change to Fare-paying services since 2011.
  34. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I Many companies change from GoogleMaps to OpenStreetMap.
  35. b y m a p c o n c i

    e r g e Welcome,
  36. b y m a p c o n c i

    e r g e 102
  37. b y m a p c o n c i

    e r g e 103
  38. b y m a p c o n c i

    e r g e 104
  39. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I JOSMʹΑΔΠϯυΞϚοϐϯά
  40. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 116 ΠϯυΞϚοϐϯάͷΠϯλʔϑΣΠεྫ
  41. b y Ta i c h i F U R

    U H A S H I 117
  42. *4)*/0.",*NBQQJOHQBSUZ ʲ໨తʳ  ੴרͷΦʔϓϯετϦʔτϚοϓ˞Λ࣮༻Ϩϕϧʹ͢Δɻ  ੴרͷΠϚΛه࿥͠ɺޙͰৼΓฦΔ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ΔΑ͏ʹ͢Δɻ  ஍Ҭͷํʑ͕ࣗ෼ͨͪͰ஍ਤΛߋ৽͠ɺੴרΛ࠶ൃݟ͢Δͻͱ ͭͷ͖͔͚ͬΛͭ͘Δɻ ˞ΦʔϓϯετϦʔτϚοϓ͸ɺΈΜͳͰͭ͘Δੈք஍ਤͮ͘ΓϓϩδΣΫτͰ͢ɻ

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  43. * [ V  P I T I J N

    B  * T M B O E
  44. 171

  45. CZ!NBQDPODJFSHF !5PN@(9BOE04.DPODUJCVUPST Crisis Mapping GPS Gigapan UAV A lot of

    Satellite images Map Donation Map Trace Report Report Report Report API
  46. CZ!NBQDPODJFSHF !5PN@(9BOE04.DPODUJCVUPST 275 A t o m s t o

    B i t s # F J O H  % J H J U B M    / J D I P M B T  / F H S P Q P O U F ʢ     ʣ
  47. CZ!NBQDPODJFSHF !5PN@(9BOE04.DPODUJCVUPST 280 N e a r t h e

    f u t u r e , N e o - G e o g r a p h e r w i l l u s e l i k e t h i s . . .

    t o m s . " , & 3 4    $ ) 3 * 4  " / % & 3 4 0 / ʢ     ʣ
  49. CZ!NBQDPODJFSHF !5PN@(9BOE04.DPODUJCVUPST 296 S m i l e c a

    n m a k e S u s t a i n a b l e m a p p i n g