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Let the AI Do the Talk: Adventures with Natural...

Let the AI Do the Talk: Adventures with Natural Language Generation

Presentation on Natural Language Generation given at the 1st PyData Cambridge meet-up:

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence have shown how computers can compete with humans in a variety of mundane tasks, but what happens when creativity is required?

This talk introduces the concept of Natural Language Generation, the task of automatically generating text, for examples articles on a particular topic, poems that follow a particular style, or speech transcripts that express some attitude. Specifically, we'll discuss the case for Recurrent Neural Networks, a family of algorithms that can be trained on sequential data, and how they improve on traditional language models.

The talk is for beginners, we'll focus more on the intuitions behind the algorithms and their practical implications, and less on the mathematical details. Practical examples with Python will showcase Keras, a library to quickly prototype deep learning architectures.

Marco Bonzanini

October 31, 2018

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  1. Let the AI do the Talk Adventures with Natural Language

    Generation @MarcoBonzanini PyData Cambridge — 1st meet-up
  2. Infinite Monkey Theorem from random import choice from string import

    printable def monkey_hits_keyboard(n): output = [choice(printable) for _ in range(n)] print("The monkey typed:") print(''.join(output)) 23
  3. Infinite Monkey Theorem >>> monkey_hits_keyboard(30) The monkey typed: % a9AK^YKx

    OkVG)u3.cQ,31("!ac% >>> monkey_hits_keyboard(30) The monkey typed: fWE,ou)cxmV2IZ l}jSV'XxQ**9'| 24
  4. n-grams >>> from nltk import ngrams >>> list(ngrams("pizza", 3)) [('p',

    'i', 'z'), ('i', 'z', 'z'), ('z', 'z', ‘a')] 28
  5. n-grams >>> from nltk import ngrams >>> list(ngrams("pizza", 3)) [('p',

    'i', 'z'), ('i', 'z', 'z'), ('z', 'z', ‘a')] character-based trigrams 29
  6. n-grams >>> s = "The quick brown fox".split() >>> list(ngrams(s,

    2)) [('The', 'quick'), ('quick', 'brown'), ('brown', 'fox')] 31
  7. n-grams >>> s = "The quick brown fox".split() >>> list(ngrams(s,

    2)) [('The', 'quick'), ('quick', 'brown'), ('brown', 'fox')] word-based bigrams 32
  8. From n-grams to Language Model • Given a large dataset

    of text • Find all the n-grams • Compute probabilities, e.g. count bigrams:
  9. Marco is a good time to get the latest flash

    player is required for video playback is unavailable right now because this video is not sure if you have a great day. 39 Example: Predictive Text in Mobile
  10. Limitations of LM so far • P(word | full history)

    is too expensive • P(word | previous few words) is feasible • … Local context only! Lack of global context 41
  11. Neural Networks 45 x1 x2 h1 y1 h2 h3 Input

    layer Output layer Hidden layer(s)
  12. Training the Network 50 • Random weight init • Run

    input through the network • Compute error
 (loss function) • Use error to adjust weights
 (gradient descent + back-propagation)
  13. More on Training • Batch size • Iterations and Epochs

    • e.g. 1,000 data points, if batch size = 100 we need 10 iterations to complete 1 epoch 52
  14. Deep Learning in Python • Some NN support in scikit-learn

    • Many low-level frameworks: Theano, PyTorch, TensorFlow • … Keras! • Probably more 66
  15. Keras • Simple, high-level API • Uses TensorFlow, Theano or

    CNTK as backend • Runs seamlessly on GPU • Easier to start with 68
  16. LSTM Example model = Sequential() model.add( LSTM( 128, input_shape=(maxlen,len(chars)) )

    ) model.add(Dense(len(chars), activation='softmax')) 70 Define the network
  17. LSTM Example for i in range(output_size): ... preds = model.predict(x_pred,

    verbose=0)[0] next_index = sample(preds, diversity) next_char = indices_char[next_index] generated += next_char 73 Generate text
  18. LSTM Example for i in range(output_size): ... preds = model.predict(x_pred,

    verbose=0)[0] next_index = sample(preds, diversity) next_char = indices_char[next_index] generated += next_char 74 Seed text
  19. Sample Output are the glories it included. Now am I

    lrA to r ,d?ot praki ynhh kpHu ndst -h ahh umk,hrfheleuloluprffuamdaedospe aeooasak sh frxpaphrNumlpAryoaho (…) 76 Seed text After 1 epoch
  20. Sample Output I go from thee: Bear me forthwitht wh,

    t che f uf ld,hhorfAs c c ff.h scfylhle, rigrya p s lee rmoy, tofhryg dd?ofr hl t y ftrhoodfe- r Py (…) 77 After ~5 epochs
  21. Sample Output a wild-goose flies, Unclaim'd of any manwecddeelc uavekeMw

    gh whacelcwiiaeh xcacwiDac w fioarw ewoc h feicucra h,h, :ewh utiqitilweWy ha.h pc'hr, lagfh eIwislw ofiridete w laecheefb .ics,aicpaweteh fiw?egp t? (…) 78 After 20+ epochs
  22. Wyr feirm hat. meancucd kreukk? , foremee shiciarplle. My, Bnyivlaunef

    sough bus: Wad vomietlhas nteos thun. lore orain, Ty thee I Boe, I rue. niat 81 Tuning After 1 epoch
  23. to Dover, where inshipp'd Commit them to plean me than

    stand and the woul came the wife marn to the groat pery me Which that the senvose in the sen in the poor The death is and the calperits the should 82 Tuning Much later
  24. A Couple of Tips • You’ll need a GPU •

    Develop locally on very small dataset
 then run on cloud on real data • At least 1M characters in input,
 at least 20 epochs for training • model.save() !!!
  25. Summary • Natural Language Generation is fun • Simple models

    vs. Neural Networks • Keras makes your life easier • A lot of trial-and-error!
  26. • Brandon Rohrer on "Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long

    Short-Term Memory (LSTM)": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCUNPb-5EYI • Chris Olah on Understanding LSTM Networks:
 http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/ • Andrej Karpathy on "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks":
 http://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-effectiveness/ Pics: • Weather forecast icon: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Newspaper_weather_forecast_-_today_and_tomorrow.svg • Stack of papers icon: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stack_of_papers_tied.svg • Document icon: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Document_icon_(the_Noun_Project_27904).svg • News icon: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PICOL_icon_News.svg • Cortana icon: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Microsoft_Cortana_light.svg/1024px- Microsoft_Cortana_light.svg.png • Siri icon: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Siri_icon.svg • Google assistant icon: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Google_mic.svg Readings & Credits