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Holistic UX: Harness Your Library's Data Fetish...

Holistic UX: Harness Your Library's Data Fetish to Solve the Right Problems

Libraries have jumped on the User Experience bandwagon of late, rethinking our tools and services with a new focus on patron needs. But we still see things differently than our patrons. Where we see discrete services supporting our larger mission, patrons only see a confusing website. Without a holistic view, we spend our time solving the wrong problems.

Fortunately, we have everything we need locked up in data silos. In this presentation, I'll talk about how to get that data out of the dark and make it a powerful tool in reshaping your library's commitment to service.

Matthew Reidsma

March 19, 2014

More Decks by Matthew Reidsma

Other Decks in Design


  1. Eames: The Architect and the Painter You sell your expertise,

    you have a limited repertoire. You sell your ignorance, it’s an unlimited repertoire. “ Richard Saul Wurman
  2. Eames: The Architect and the Painter [Eames] was selling his

    ignorance and his desire to learn about a subject, and the journey of him not knowing to knowing was his work. “ Richard Saul Wurman
  3. • Concerned with the quality of her sources. Checks recency,

    impact factors, and reads abstracts to determine relevance.! • Only interested in sources with full-text online.! • Has a few strategies that worked in the past, and tries those for each new project. Unsure where to start research on unfamiliar topics.! • Confident she can figure things out on her own without asking for help. Prefers to use self-service help if available.! • Overwhelmed, busy, and impatient.! NEEDS • Make it easy to start new research, whether on a broad or narrow topic.! • Show abstracts, impact factors (citation counts, journal names, authors & affiliations) where possible in results lists.! • Offer self-service help, as well as research guidance. ! • Remove barriers to doing quick research, including redundant or extra steps, page load speeds, and unfamiliar navigation patterns.! 20 years old // Biomedical Sciences major // Grand Rapids, MI AMANDA MCGUIRE! SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE SERVE BY “Full-text online is very important to me. I don’t have time to request things.”
  4. • Concerned with the quality of her sources. Checks recency,

    impact factors, and reads abstracts to determine relevance.! • Only interested in sources with full-text online.! • Has a few strategies that worked in the past, and tries those for each new project. Unsure where to start research on unfamiliar topics.! • Confident she can figure things out on her own without asking for help. Prefers to use self-service help if available.! • Overwhelmed, busy, and impatient.! NEEDS • Make it easy to start new research, whether on a broad or narrow topic.! • Show abstracts, impact factors (citation counts, journal names, authors & affiliations) where possible in results lists.! • Offer self-service help, as well as research guidance. ! • Remove barriers to doing quick research, including redundant or extra steps, page load speeds, and unfamiliar navigation patterns.! 20 years old // Biomedical Sciences major // Grand Rapids, MI AMANDA MCGUIRE! SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE SERVE BY “Full-text online is very important to me. I don’t have time to request things.” • Easy way to find relevant material for assignments.! • Not sure where to start his research, but willing to ask for help.! • Only looks at the first few results in a search before determining if the search was successful. More likely to start a new search than use facets.! • Likely to follow rabbit holes in research, and to request an item that seems useful if we don’t have it.! • Likes having full-text online, but knows that some things can only be found in books.! • Make it easy to start a broad search across many of our resources (articles and books)! • Making it easy to request items that we do not have access to through MeL or Document Delivery.! • Offer self-service and in-person help, as well as research guidance.! ! 19 years old // English Major // Allendale, MI NEEDS CHRIS VERSTEEG! HUMANITIES UNDERGRADUATE SERVE BY “I just want to find something, not jump through a bunch of hoops.”
  5. • Concerned with the quality of her sources. Checks recency,

    impact factors, and reads abstracts to determine relevance.! • Only interested in sources with full-text online.! • Has a few strategies that worked in the past, and tries those for each new project. Unsure where to start research on unfamiliar topics.! • Confident she can figure things out on her own without asking for help. Prefers to use self-service help if available.! • Overwhelmed, busy, and impatient.! NEEDS • Make it easy to start new research, whether on a broad or narrow topic.! • Show abstracts, impact factors (citation counts, journal names, authors & affiliations) where possible in results lists.! • Offer self-service help, as well as research guidance. ! • Remove barriers to doing quick research, including redundant or extra steps, page load speeds, and unfamiliar navigation patterns.! 20 years old // Biomedical Sciences major // Grand Rapids, MI AMANDA MCGUIRE! SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE SERVE BY “Full-text online is very important to me. I don’t have time to request things.” • Easy way to find relevant material for assignments.! • Not sure where to start his research, but willing to ask for help.! • Only looks at the first few results in a search before determining if the search was successful. More likely to start a new search than use facets.! • Likely to follow rabbit holes in research, and to request an item that seems useful if we don’t have it.! • Likes having full-text online, but knows that some things can only be found in books.! • Make it easy to start a broad search across many of our resources (articles and books)! • Making it easy to request items that we do not have access to through MeL or Document Delivery.! • Offer self-service and in-person help, as well as research guidance.! ! 19 years old // English Major // Allendale, MI NEEDS CHRIS VERSTEEG! HUMANITIES UNDERGRADUATE SERVE BY “I just want to find something, not jump through a bunch of hoops.” • Concerned with the quality of sources. Reads works cited lists, evaluates results based on date and relevance.! • Starts research with subject-specific databases.! • Often feels overwhelmed, but likely to ask for help or use online help tools.! • Needs access to abstracts, impact factors, and other metrics to help her quickly evaluate the quality of resources.! • Will request an article through Document Delivery that looks useful for her research if it is not available online.! • Providing easy access to advanced search tools and subject-specific databases.! • Making it easy to request items that we do not have access to through MeL or Document Delivery.! • Offer self-service and in-person help, as well as research guidance.! ! ! 24 years old // Education - Higher Ed // Grand Rapids, MI NEEDS MARCIA PITTMAN! GRADUATE STUDENT SERVE BY “I need to make sure that my research is thorough.”
  6. “ Lean UX, p. 110 Jeff Gothelf [Teams] must be

    empowered to decide for themselves which features will create the outcomes their organizations require.
  7. “ “Asking the Right Questions,” American Libraries, March/April 2014 p.20

    Meredith Farkas Meaningful assessment requires a work environment where it’s okay to fail, so long as you learn from it.
  8. “ Data is the Experience, Midwest UX 2013, October 19,

    2013 Karl Fast Our job is to represent data in a meaningful way so we can take action.