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Runtime Objects in Rust

Runtime Objects in Rust

How MiniJinja Works Internally (specifically the dynamic object system).

Armin Ronacher

May 15, 2024

More Decks by Armin Ronacher

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The Problem What are we trying to do here? •

    “Implement Jinja2 Templates for Rust” • Sometimes you need to generate text/HTML etc. from templates • These templates are executed at runtime • How do you expose Rust objects into the template engine? • How do you extract Rust objects out of the engine again?
  2. Hello Schikaneder! - 1 - 2 - 3 use minijinja

    :: {Value, render}; fn main() { let rv = render!(r#" Hello {{ name|title }}! {%- for item in seq %} - {{ item }} {%- endfor %} "#, name => "schikaneder", seq => Value : : from(vec![1, 2, 3])); println!("{}", rv); }
  3. [1, 2, 3] (sequence) [1, 2, 3] use minijinja :

    : Value; fn main() { let value = Value : : from_object(vec![1i32, 2, 3]); println!("{} ({})", value, value.kind()); let v: &Vec<i32> = value.downcast_object_ref().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", value); }
  4. Dynamic Language Lifetimes and Garbage Collection • Value is reference

    counted • Internally holds something similar to an Arc<ActualValue> • Clone on Value -> Increment refcount • How to represent objects?
  5. pub trait Object: Debug + Send + Sync { fn

    repr(self: &Arc<Self>) -> ObjectRepr { ObjectRepr : : Map } fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) - > Option<Value> { None } fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator { Enumerator : : NonEnumerable } . . . }
  6. pub enum ObjectRepr { Plain, Map, Seq, Iterable, } pub

    enum Enumerator { NonEnumerable, Empty, Str(&'static [&'static str]), Iter(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Value> + Send + Sync>), Seq(usize), ... }
  7. #[ derive(Debug)] struct Point(f32, f32); impl Object for Point {

    fn repr(self: &Arc<Self>) - > ObjectRepr { ObjectRepr : : Seq } fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> { match key.as_usize()? { 0 = > Some(Value : : from(self.0)), 1 = > Some(Value : : from(self.1)), _ = > None, } } fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator { Enumerator : : Seq(2) } } let seq_point = Value : : from_object(Point(1.0, 2.5));
  8. #[ derive(Debug)] struct Point(f32, f32); impl Object for Point {

    fn repr(self: &Arc<Self>) - > ObjectRepr { ObjectRepr : : Map } fn get_value(self: &Arc<Self>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value> { match key.as_str()? { "x" = > Some(Value :: from(self.0)), "y" = > Some(Value :: from(self.1)), _ = > None, } } fn enumerate(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Enumerator { Enumerator : : Str(&["x", "y"]) } } let map_point = Value : : from_object(Point(1.0, 2.5));
  9. {{ seq_point }} [1.0, 2.5] {{ seq_point[0] }} 1.0 {{

    seq_point|list }} [1.0, 2.5] {{ map_point }} {"x": 1.0, "y": 2.5} {{ map_point.x }} 1.0 {{ map_point|list }} ["x", "y"]
  10. Values and Objects In short • Values hold primitives •

    integers • strings (Arc<str>) • etc. • Values hold objects • Arc<dyn Object>
  11. error[E0038]: the trait `Object` cannot be made into an object

    | 4 | fn do_something(self: &Arc<Self>); | ---------- help: consider changing method `do_something`'s `self` parameter to be `&self`: `&Self` ... 14 | let obj = Arc :: new(X) as Arc<dyn Object>; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Object` cannot be made into an object | note: for a trait to be "object safe" it needs to allow building a vtable to allow the call to be resolvable dynamically | 3 | trait Object { | ------ this trait cannot be made into an object . .. 4 | fn do_something(self: &Arc<Self>); | ^^^^^^^^^^ . . . because method `do_something`'s `self` parameter cannot be dispatched on use std :: sync : : Arc; trait Object { fn do_something(self: &Arc<Self>); } struct X; impl Object for X { fn do_something(self: &Arc<Self>) { } } let obj = Arc : : new(X) as Arc<dyn Object>;
  12. Error is Revealing “for a trait to be "object safe"

    it needs to allow building a vtable” • Rust cannot build a vtable • A vtable is a struct of virtual functions • Can we do it ourselves? • Plan: replace Arc<dyn Object> with a custom DynObject
  13. pub struct DynObject { ptr: Arc<Object>, vtable: &'static DynObjectVTable, }

    struct VTable { repr: fn(&Arc<Object>) -> ObjectRepr, get_value: fn(&Arc<Object>, key: &Value) -> Option<Value>, enumerate: fn(&Arc<Object>) -> Enumerator, type_id: fn() -> TypeId, type_name: fn() - > &'static str, drop: fn(Arc<Object>), } too big, can we just store a pointer? and how do we accomplish this? and how do we auto generate this?!
  14. type_erase! { pub trait Object = > DynObject { fn

    repr(&self) - > ObjectRepr; fn get_value(&self, key: &Value) -> Option<Value>; fn enumerate(&self) - > Enumerator; } }
  15. pub struct DynObject { ptr: *const (), vtable: *const (),

    } const _: () = { struct VTable { repr: fn(*const ()) -> ObjectRepr, get_value: fn(*const (), key: &Value) - > Option<Value>, enumerate: fn(*const ()) -> Enumerator, __type_id: fn() -> TypeId, __type_name: fn() - > &'static str, __drop: fn(*const ()), } fn vt(e: &DynObject) -> &VTable { unsafe { &*(e.vtable as *const VTable) } } impl DynObject { . .. } } rust for "void raw pointer" trick to declare a hidden type in scope lots of raw pointers casts the void pointer to our vtable brace for impact
  16. impl DynObject { pub fn new<T: Object + 'static>(v: Arc<T>)

    -> Self { let ptr = Arc : : into_raw(v) as *const T as *const (); let vtable = &VTable { repr: |ptr| unsafe { Arc : : <T> : : increment_strong_count(ptr as *const T); let arc = Arc :: <T> :: from_raw(ptr as *const T); <T as Object> :: repr(&arc) }, __type_id: || TypeId :: of :: <T>(), __type_name: || type_name :: <T>(), __drop: |ptr| unsafe { Arc : : from_raw(ptr as *const T); }, }; Self { ptr, vtable: vtable as *const VTable as *const (), } } pub fn repr(&self) - > ObjectRepr { (vt(self).repr)(self.ptr) } } convert to raw pointer panic safety! reconstruct the Arc invoke drop invoke trampoline via vtable
  17. impl DynObject { pub fn downcast_ref<T: 'static>(&self) - > Option<&T>

    { if (vt(self).__type_id)() = = TypeId : : of : : <T>() { unsafe { return Some(&*(self.ptr as *const T)); } } None } pub fn downcast<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<Arc<T > > { if (vt(self).__type_id)() = = TypeId : : of : : <T>() { unsafe { Arc : : <T> :: increment_strong_count(self.ptr as *const T); return Some(Arc :: <T> :: from_raw(self.ptr as *const T)); } } None } } only downcast if compatible type
  18. impl Clone for DynObject { fn clone(&self) -> Self {

    unsafe { std :: sync :: Arc : : increment_strong_count(self.ptr); } Self { ptr: self.ptr, vtable: self.vtable, } } } impl Drop for DynObject { fn drop(&mut self) { (vt(self).__drop)(self.ptr); } }
  19. macro_rules! type_erase { ($v:vis trait $t_name:ident => $erased_t_name:ident { $(fn

    $f:ident(&self $(, $p:ident: $t:ty $(,)?)*) $( -> $r:ty)?;)* }) => { $v struct $erased_t_name { ptr: *const (), vtable: *const (), } const _: () = { struct VTable { $($f: fn(*const (), $($p: $t),*) $( -> $r)?,)* __type_id: fn() -> TypeId, __type_name: fn() -> &'static str, __drop: fn(*const ()), } fn vt(e: &$erased_t_name) - > &VTable { unsafe { &*(e.vtable as *const VTable) } } impl $erased_t_name { / / ... } }; }; } match on function declarations trait Object => DynObject our scope trick again cast to VTable we have in scope generate all the function pointer slots
  20. impl $erased_t_name { $v fn new<T: $t_name + 'static>(v: Arc<T>)

    - > Self { let ptr = Arc :: into_raw(v) as *const T as *const (); let vtable = &VTable { $( $f: |ptr, $($p),*| unsafe { Arc : : <T> :: increment_strong_count(ptr as *const T); let arc = Arc : : <T> :: from_raw(ptr as *const T); <T as $t_name> : : $f(&arc, $($p),*) }, )* __type_id: || TypeId : : of : : <T>(), __type_name: || type_name : : <T>(), __drop: |ptr| unsafe { Arc :: from_raw(ptr as *const T); }, }; Self { ptr, vtable: vtable as *const VTable as *const () } } } generate all trampolines
  21. impl $erased_t_name { $( $v fn $f(&self, $($p: $t),*) $(

    -> $r)? { (vt(self).$f)(self.ptr, $($p),*) } )* $v fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str { (vt(self).__type_name)() } $v fn downcast_ref<T: 'static>(&self) - > Option<&T> { if (vt(self).__type_id)() == TypeId :: of : : <T>() { unsafe { Some(&*(self.ptr as *const T)) } } else { None } } $v fn downcast<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<Arc<T >> { if (vt(self).__type_id)() == TypeId :: of : : <T>() { unsafe { Arc :: <T> : : increment_strong_count(self.ptr as *const T); Some(Arc : : <T> :: from_raw(self.ptr as *const T)); } } else { None } } } generate wrapper methods type name accessor cast helper owned cast helper
  22. #[ doc = concat!("Type-erased version of [`", stringify!($t_name), "`]")] $v

    struct $erased_t_name { ptr: *const (), vtable: *const (), } $( # [ doc = concat!( "Calls [`", stringify!($t_name), " :: ", stringify!($f), "`] of the underlying boxed value." )] $v fn $f(&self, $($p: $t),*) $( -> $r)? { (vt(self).$f)(self.ptr, $($p),*) } )* generate documentation comments from pieces
  23. #[ derive(Clone)] pub(crate) enum ValueRepr { Undefined, Bool(bool), U64(u64), I64(i64),

    F64(f64), None, String(Arc<str>, StringType), Bytes(Arc<Vec<u8 >> ), Object(DynObject), } #[ derive(Clone)] pub struct Value(pub(crate) ValueRepr);
  24. impl Value { pub fn from_object<T: Object + Send +

    Sync + 'static>(value: T) - > Value { Value :: from(ValueRepr : : Object(DynObject :: new(Arc :: new(value)))) } pub fn downcast_object_ref<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> { match self.0 { ValueRepr : : Object(ref o) => o.downcast_ref(), _ => None, } } pub fn downcast_object<T: 'static>(&self) - > Option<Arc<T >> { match self.0 { ValueRepr : : Object(ref o) => o.downcast(), _ => None, } } }