as another. This ensures that there is a strict ordering of events, and simplifies the mental model for events: events happen one at a time. The exact co- occurrence of events is also extremely uncommon in GUIs which deal primarily with user input. On the time-scale of computers, users are slow enough that user input events really are strictly ordered.
over now. Elm is just a functional language that takes concurrency very seriously. And from a user's perspective, Elm is just a friendly functional language!
Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } type alias Model = {} init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( {}, Cmd.none ) type Msg = NoOp update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = ( model, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.text "Hello, world!" B O ILER P LA TE
not match its type annotation. 27| init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) 28| init = 29|> ( { greetng = "Hello, Code Driven!" } 30|> , Cmd.none 31|> ) The type annotation for `init` says it is a: ( Model, Cmd Msg ) But the definition (shown above) is a: ( { greetng : String }, Cmd msg ) Hint: The record fields do not match up. Maybe you made one of these typos? greeting <-> greetng Detected errors in 1 module.
-> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ButtonClick -> ( model, Random.generate Roll ( 1 20) ) Roll result -> ( { model | diceRoll = result , greeting = if result >= 20 then "Hello, Crit Driven!" else "Hello, Code Driven!" } , Cmd.none )
going to give me. Was it hard to reason about? I’m a JavaScript programmer, I spend a lot of time reasoning about what my code does because weird stuff can happen.”