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インターネット -第10回- Firefox OSアプリ開発 応用編

インターネット -第10回- Firefox OSアプリ開発 応用編

前回はHello, Worldアプリを作成しましたが、今回はFirefox OSアプリケーションの開発の応用編としてラーメンタイマーの実装を行います

Hirotaka Nakajima

June 23, 2015

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 ͦΕͧΕϔομʔ Χ΢ϯτμ΢ϯ Ϙλϯ෦෼ Λ࡞͍ͬͯ͘
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    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  .BOJGFTUͷฤू w ΞϓϦͷ໊લ΍EFTDSJQUJPOɺͲΜͳಛݖΛར ༻͢Δ͔ͳͲΞϓϦͷ৘ใΛऩΊͨϑΝΠϧ w 8FC/PUJpDBUJPO͸ಛݖΛ࢖͏ػೳͳͷͰɺ NBOJGFTUʹॻ͘ w ͍ͭͰʹΞϓϦͷ໊લ΍EFTDSJQUJPOͳͲ΋ม ߋͯ͠͠·͍·͠ΐ͏
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 ֬ೝ༻ͷίʔυ΋࢓ࠐΉ // ユーザに通知する var createNotification1 = function(message) { var n = new Notification("ラーメンタイマー", { body: "時間だよ" }); }
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    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  8FC/PUJpDBUJPOͷ࣮૷ // WebNotificationを使うので、通知許可を取得する // 許可を得てない場合は確認する if (Notification && Notification.permission !== "granted") { Notification.requestPermission(function(status) { if (Notification.permission !== status) { Notification.permission = status; } }); } var timerMessage = "時間だよ"; // ユーザに通知する var createNotification1 = function(message) { var n = new Notification("ラーメンタイマー", { body: message }); }
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    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  Χ΢ϯτμ΢ϯ࣮૷ var timerMilliSec = 3 * 60 * 1000; // 残り時間を表⽰示するようにする var setRamenTimer2 = function() { // スタートボタンを取得 var startButton = document.getElementById('button-start'); // 時間を表⽰示するエリアを取得する var timerDigits = document.getElementById('timer-digits'); startButton.addEventListener('click', function() { var tmp = timerMilliSec; // 10ミリ秒毎に以下の処理を繰り返す var i = setInterval(function() { var c = tmp -= 10; timerDigits.textContent = c; // 時間切れになった場合の処理 if (tmp == 0) { // 通知を飛ばす createNotification1(timerMessage); } }, 10); }); }; setRamenTimer2();
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    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ϛϦඵΛ෼ඵϛϦඵʹม׵͢Δ w ࣌ؒ͸ίϯϐϡʔλͰॲཧ͢Δͷ͕΍͔͍ͬͳ ͷͰɺඵ΍ϛϦඵͰॲཧ͢Δ͜ͱ͕ଟ͍ w TFU*OUFSWBMͰ͸ϛϦඵͰؔ਺͕࣮ߦ͞ΕΔ࣌ؒ Λࢦఆ͍ͯ͠Δ w ࠓճ΋෼Λ
  ෼ Y ඵ෼ Y ϛϦඵඵ 
 ͱͯ͠ܭࢉ͍ͯ͠Δ w දࣔ͢Δͱ͖͸ϛϦඵΛม׵͠ͳ͍ͱ͍͚ͳ͍
  35. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ϛϦඵΛ෼ඵϛϦඵʹม׵͢Δ w ~~ˠϏοτԋࢉࢠ w ࠓճ͸খ਺఺Λ੾ΓࣺͯΔͱೝ͍ࣝͯͩ͘͠͞ ʢຊ౰͸ҧ͏ʣ • var a = 2.11;
 ~~a → 2 //ミリ秒を分、秒、ミリ秒に変換する var c = tmp -= 10, // cはtmpから10を引いた値が⼊入る m = ~~(c / 60 / 1000), // 分はミリ秒を1000で割り、60で割ると求まる s = ~~((c - m * 60 * 1000) / 1000) + '', // 秒はミリ秒から分を引いた値を1000で割ると求まる ms = (c - m * 60 * 1000 - s * 1000) / 10 + ''; // ミリ秒は10ミリ秒単位で表⽰示する timerDigits.textContent = m + ':' + s + "." + ms;
  36. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ද่ࣔΕΛ௚͢ w ෼ඵϛϦඵͱ͍ͬͨͱ͖ʹ
 ͱදࣔ͞ΕΔˠຊདྷ͸ͱͨ͠ ͍ w TMFOHUITͷ௕͞ w TMFOHUI  w Tͷ௕͕͞ҎԼͷ৔߹͸Λ಄ʹ௥Ճ͢Δ timerDigits.textContent = m + ':' + (s.length > 1 ? '' : '0') + s + "." + (ms.length > 1 ? '' : '0') + ms;
  37. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ετοϓػೳΛ࣮૷͢Δ w ͜ͷ··ͩͱελʔτ͸ग़དྷͯ΋ࢭΊΔ͜ͱ͕ग़དྷ ͳ͍ w ελʔτ͢ΔͱελʔτϘλϯ͕ετοϓϘλϯʹ มΘΔΑ͏ʹ͍ͨ͠ w σβΠϯ w ελʔτΛԡͨ࣌͠ͷػೳͱ
 ετοϓΛԡͨ͠ͱ͖ͷػೳΛผʑͷؔ਺ͱͯ͠ఆٛ͢ Δ w ͦΕͧΕͷػೳΛ੾Γସ͑ΔػೳΛؔ਺ͱͯ͠ఆٛ͢Δ w ͦΕͧΕͷػೳΛ੾Γସ͑ΔػೳΛަޓʹ࣮ߦͰ͖ΔΑ ͏ΠϕϯτϦεφʔΛఆٛ͢Δ
  38. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  3BNFO5JNFSͷఆٛ // 残り時間を表⽰示して、⽌止められるようにする var setRamenTimer3 = function() { // スタートボタンを取得 var startButton = document.getElementById('button-start'); // 時間を表⽰示するエリアを取得する var timerDigits = document.getElementById('timer-digits'); var timerInterval; var timeRemaining = timerMilliSec; }; setRamenTimer3(); w setInterval()͸clearInterval()Λ࢖͏ͱఀ ࢭ͢Δ͜ͱ͕ग़དྷΔ w setInterval஋Λ࣋ͨͤΔͨΊʹtimerInterval ͱ͍͏ม਺Λఆٛ͢Δ
  39. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ελʔτϘλϯΛԡͨ͠ͱ͖ͷػೳΛؔ਺ఆٛ var startEventHander = function() { // 10ミリ秒毎に以下の処理を繰り返す timerInterval = setInterval(function() { // ミリ秒を分、秒、ミリ秒に変換する var c = timeRemaining -= 10, // cはtmpから10を引いた値が⼊入る m = ~~(c / 60 / 1000), // 分はミリ秒を1000で割り、60で割ると求まる s = ~~((c - m * 60 * 1000) / 1000) + '', // 秒はミリ秒から分を引いた値を1000で割ると求まる ms = (c - m * 60 * 1000 - s * 1000) / 10 + ''; // ミリ秒は10ミリ秒単位で表⽰示する timerDigits.textContent = m + ':' + (s.length > 1 ? '' : '0') + s + "." + (ms.length > 1 ? '' : '0') + ms; // 時間切れになった場合の処理 if (timeRemaining == 0) { // setIntervalを停⽌止する clearInterval(timerInterval); // 通知を飛ばす createNotification1(timerMessage); // スタートボタンに戻す renameStartStopButton(TIMER_START); } }, 10); // タイマーが始まったらスタートボタンをストップボタンに書き換える renameStartStopButton(TIMER_STOP); };
  40. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ετοϓΛԡͨ͠ͱ͖ͷػೳΛؔ਺ͱͯ͠ఆٛ // ストップボタンを押した際のイベントハンドラ var stopEventHandler = function() { if (timerInterval) clearInterval(timerInterval); // タイマーが停⽌止したらストップボタンをスタートに書き換える renameStartStopButton(TIMER_START); };
  41. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ελʔτɾετοϓΛ੾Γସ͑Δؔ਺ // ボタンを書き換える const TIMER_START = 0; const TIMER_STOP = 1; var renameStartStopButton = function(mode) { if (mode == TIMER_START) { startButton.innerHTML = "スタート"; startButton.removeEventListener('click', stopEventHandler, false); startButton.addEventListener('click', startEventHander); } else { startButton.innerHTML = "ストップ"; startButton.removeEventListener('click', startEventHander, false); startButton.addEventListener('click', stopEventHandler); } };
  42. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ελʔτϘλϯΛ࠷ॳʹઃఆ startButton.addEventListener('click', startEventHander);
  43. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ௨஌Λվྑ͢Δ w ϝοηʔδ͸ग़Δ͕ΞΠίϯΛද͍ࣔͤͨ͞ w Ի͡Όؾ෇͔ͳ͍͜ͱ΋͋ΔͷͰɺόΠϒϨʔ γϣϯͤͨ͞ํ͕ศར w ·ͣ͸ΞΠίϯΛ࡞੒͢Δ
  44. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ௨஌ʹΞΠίϯΛ৐ͤΔ w ࡞ͬͨΞΠίϯΛ
 ͍͔ͭ͘ͷαΠζʹ෼͚ͯอଘ͢Δ w ͱΓ͋͑ͣYαΠζͷΞΠίϯΛ JDPOYQOHͱͯ͠อଘ͢Δ // 通知は⾳音だけでなく、バイブレーションもしてみる var createNotification2 = function(message) { // 通知にアイコンを表⽰示させる var n = new Notification("ラーメンタイマー", { body: message, icon: window.location.origin + "/icons/icon128x128.png" }); }
  45. Unless otherwise noted, the text of and illustrations in this

    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ௨஌ͨ͠ΒόΠϒϨʔγϣϯͤ͞Δ w όΠϒϨʔγϣϯ͸
 Ͱىಈ͢Δ͜ͱ͕ग़དྷΔ w EVSBUJPOʹ഑ྻΛ౉͢ͱύλʔϯͰ࣮ߦ͢Δ͜ ͱ͕ग़དྷΔ w ࠓճ͸ͱΓ͋͑ͣඵόΠϒϨʔγϣϯͤͯ͞ ΈΔ navigator.vibrate(3000);
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    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ·ͩ·ͩ5P%P͸͍ͬͺ͍ w ϦηοτϘλϯػೳ w ϦηοτΛԡͨ͠ΒΧ΢ϯλʔ͕໭Δ w ௨஌Ի͚ͩ͡Όͳ͘ɺԻΛ໐Β͍ͨ͠ w ෼͡ΌରԠ͠ͳ͍ΧοϓϥʔϝϯʹରԠͨ͠ ͍ w ͜͏ͨ͠5P%Pʹ༏ઌॱҐΛ͚࣮ͭͯ૷͍ͯ͠ ͘
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    slide are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Hirotaka Nakajima. Keio University Logo is licensed by its copyright holders.  ຊ೔ͷ՝୊ w ϥʔϝϯλΠϚʔʹԿΒ͔ͷมߋΛՃ͑ͯಈ࡞ ͍ͯ͠Δঢ়ଶͷεΫϦʔϯγϣοτΛࡱͬͯఏ ग़͍ͯͩ͘͠͞ɻ w ྫ w ෼͖ͬͨΒจࣈͷ৭Λม͑Δ w ͕࣌ؒมߋͰ͖Δ