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Making Open Weather Data More Accessible: Extra...

Making Open Weather Data More Accessible: Extracting Seasonal Insights from Singapore Weather Station Data

Making Open Weather Data More Accessible: Extracting Seasonal Insights from Singapore Weather Station Data

Event: Open UP Global Summit 2019
Date: 1 December 2019
Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Most of the world experience the four seasons, but how many seasons does a tropical country like Singapore have? We can get such insights from publicly-available weather data; however, we need to write scripts to make API requests to retrieve the data. In this talk, I will be sharing about a data-scraping tool that I have created to retrieve Singapore weather station data for a user-defined time period, and using a data-driven approach to gain a better understanding on the weather trends and seasons over the past few years.

Ong Chin Hwee

December 01, 2019

More Decks by Ong Chin Hwee

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Making Open Weather Data More Accessible: Extracting Seasonal Insights from

    Singapore Weather Station Data Presented by: Ong Chin Hwee (@ongchinhwee) 1 December 2019
  2. About me Ong Chin Hwee 王敬惠 • Data Engineer @

    ST Engineering • Background in aerospace engineering + computational modelling • Loves (and contributes to) pandas • Mentor team at BigDataX, one of the Top 10 Data Communities in Singapore @ongchinhwee
  3. Are the “four seasons” just… 1. Hot 熱 2. Very

    Hot 很熱 3. Extremely Hot 超熱 4. Rain? 雨 @ongchinhwee
  4. Realtime Weather Readings across Singapore Real-time API (Application Programming Interface)

    on Data.gov.sg (Singapore’s open data portal) 即時應用程式介面 @ongchinhwee
  5. Realtime Weather Readings across Singapore Real-time API on Data.gov.sg (Singapore’s

    open data portal) Open government data available under the Singapore Open Data License 政府開放資料 @ongchinhwee
  6. Realtime Weather Readings across Singapore Real-time API on Data.gov.sg (Singapore’s

    open data portal) Open government data available under the Singapore Open Data License Minute-by-minute weather station readings @ongchinhwee
  7. “Let’s try to scrap weather data for a specific weather

    station!” “How about we scrap month-long data from the API?” @ongchinhwee
  8. “The data must be available as a whole and at

    no more than a reasonable reproduction cost...The data must also be available in a convenient and modifiable form.” - Open Knowledge Foundation @ongchinhwee
  9. Open Data - Available, Readable, Accessible Available: Open data is

    freely available for everyone to access and use without restrictions or exorbitant costs. @ongchinhwee
  10. Open Data - Available, Readable, Accessible Available: Open data is

    freely available for everyone to access and use without restrictions or exorbitant costs. Readable: Open data is more usable when it is shared in a machine-readable format such as JSON @ongchinhwee
  11. Open Data - Available, Readable, Accessible Available: Open data is

    freely available for everyone to access and use without restrictions or exorbitant costs. Readable: Open data is more usable when it is shared in a machine-readable format such as JSON Accessible: Open data is only useful if it’s shared in a way that everyone can easily discover and understand. @ongchinhwee
  12. If not everyone can understand how to use the available

    data, is the data really open? @ongchinhwee
  13. Data.gov.sg Weather Data API Scraping Scraping weather data from APIs

    via Python “Requests” library “Requests”: Python library for humans to send HTTP requests @ongchinhwee
  14. Data.gov.sg Weather Data API Scraping Scraping weather data from APIs

    via Python “Requests” library Currently supported Data.gov.sg APIs: 1. Air Temperature (in degree Celsius) -- 17 Weather Stations 2. Rainfall (in mm) -- 53 Weather Stations @ongchinhwee
  15. Data.gov.sg Weather Data API Scraping Scraping weather data from APIs

    via Python “Requests” library Currently supported Data.gov.sg APIs: 1. Air Temperature (in degree Celsius) 2. Rainfall (in mm) Scrap data for continuous time range + specific weather station @ongchinhwee
  16. Time Series Analysis of Singapore Weather Station Data Selected weather

    station: Changi Weather Station (ID: S24) Analysis timeframe: 2 Dec 2016 to 30 Nov 2019 (~3 years) Objective: - Extract trend and seasonality from minute-by-minute weather time series @ongchinhwee
  17. Key Takeaways 1. Open data needs to be accessible to

    anyone to be useful. ◦ Putting data out on the web with open data license is usually not enough - it’s not just developers using open data! @ongchinhwee
  18. Key Takeaways 1. Open data needs to be accessible to

    anyone to be useful. ◦ Putting data out on the web with open data license is usually not enough - it’s not just developers using open data! 2. If an open data source is not intuitive enough to use, build a tool to make the data more accessible for everyone! @ongchinhwee
  19. Reach out to me! : ongchinhwee : @ongchinhwee : hweecat

    https://ongchinhwee.me And check out my project on: hweecat/api-scraping-nea-datasets @ongchinhwee