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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud Native Database...

Sean Scott
December 03, 2023

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud Native Databases: Prepare for the Cloud Native database future! (South Korea - Dec 4)

Sean Scott

December 03, 2023

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  1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud Native Databases Prepare for the

    Cloud Native database future APAC Tour '23 December 4, 2023 Seoul, South Korea @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Sean Scott
  2. Database Reliability Engineering Business Continuity ⁘ HA & DR Automation

    ⁘ Observability Real Application Clusters ⁘ Data Guard ⁘ Sharding Containerization ⁘ Terraform ⁘ Ansible Exadata & Engineered Systems AHF ⁘ TFA ⁘ GIMR ⁘ CHA Sean Scott Oracle ACE Director Data on Kubernetes Community Ambassador Managing Principal Consultant Viscosity North America @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com
  3. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Oracle on Docker Running Oracle Databases in Linux

    Containers Free sample chapter: https://oraclesean.com
  4. BOI - SEA 642 km SEA - ICN 8,394 km

    ICN - NRT 1,260 km NRT - MEL 8,144 km MEL - AKL 2,644 km AKL - LAX 10,467 km LAX - BOI 1,085 km 32,635 km
  5. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com On-Prem: Bare Metal and VM Resources directly provisioned

    to workloads Inflexible, scales poorly Capacity based on projected requirements Difficult to move
  6. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Cloud: Containers Workloads decoupled from resources Scale to

    meet demand Moving within a cloud is easier Moving to different clouds is difficult
  7. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Three full operating systems bin/lib app 3 Guest

    OS bin/lib app 1 Guest OS bin/lib app 2 Guest OS Hypervisor Host OS Three application/executable directories bin/lib app 3 bin/lib app 1 bin/lib app 2 Container Runtime Host OS
  8. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Virtual Machines Three full operating systems bin/lib app

    3 Guest OS bin/lib app 1 Guest OS bin/lib app 2 Guest OS Hypervisor Host OS Containers Three application/executable directories bin/lib app 3 bin/lib app 1 bin/lib app 2 Container Runtime Host OS
  9. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Virtual Machines Three full operating systems bin/lib app

    3 Guest OS bin/lib app 1 Guest OS bin/lib app 2 Guest OS Hypervisor Host OS Containers Three application/executable directories bin/lib app 3 bin/lib app 1 bin/lib app 2 Container Runtime Host OS Extra Capacity!
  10. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com www.viscosityna.com @ViscosityNA 13 Oracle Databases on a Laptop

    2018 MacBook Pro 15", 2.2GHz 6-core Intel Core i7, 16GB, 1TB SSD
  11. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Virtual Machines: Bootable OS, often heavy Install MS

    Word separately for every document A 100-page book of games & puzzles Containers: Support one application or service One copy of MS Word shared by all documents A sheet of paper with a Tic-Tac-Toe grid
  12. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com A Union Filesystem has three layers: A Merge

    or Union Layer: The service. An Upper Layer: The container. A Lower Layer: The image.
  13. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com The Upper (merge) layer isn't "real." It's a

    perceived (calculated) union of: • The game board & rules • Game play
  14. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Shift the Image Right Moves fall off the

    game board: Changing an image changes the game!
  15. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com How much space do three containers use? 500MB

    + 500MB + 500MB 1,500MB 500MB 500MB 500MB + 500MB
  16. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Base Linux OS Oracle 19.3 Home Preinstall RPM

    Oracle 19.20 RU One-off Patches Base Linux OS Oracle 19.3 Home Preinstall RPM Oracle 19.21 RU One-off Patches
  17. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Base Linux OS Oracle 19.3 Home Preinstall RPM

    Oracle 19.20 RU One-off Patches Oracle 19.21 RU One-off Patches
  18. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Container Image /etc/oratab /u01 ORACLE_HOME/dbs ORACLE_BASE/diag ORACLE_HOME/network/admin /u02

    /u03 oraInventory ORACLE_BASE/audit podman run --name ORCLDB \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/inv:/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/cfg:/dbconfig \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/diag:/ORACLE_BASE/diag \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/audit:/ORACLE_BASE/audit \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/data:/u02 \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/redo:/u03 \ oracle/database:19.20-EE
  19. @ViscosityNA www.viscosityna.com Container Image /etc/oratab /u01 ORACLE_HOME/dbs ORACLE_BASE/diag ORACLE_HOME/network/admin /u02

    /u03 oraInventory ORACLE_BASE/audit podman stop ORCLDB podman rm ORCLDB podman run --name ORCLDB \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/inv:/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/cfg:/dbconfig \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/diag:/ORACLE_BASE/diag \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/audit:/ORACLE_BASE/audit \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/data:/u02 \ --volume /oradata/ORCLDB/redo:/u03 \ oracle/database:19.21-EE