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Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)...

Peter Desmet
February 19, 2025

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF): Supporting policy through data

Talk at the WILDLABS Behind the Buzz: Data and Information Access webinar - February 19, 2025.

Recording: https://youtu.be/Sg4r3GgGveg

Peter Desmet

February 19, 2025

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  1. WILDLABS Behind the Buzz 19 February 2025 Peter Desmet 0000-0002-8442-8025

    Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Supporting policy through data
  2. - Global Biodiversity Information Facility - Free and open access

    to biodiversity data - Intergovernmental initiative supported by participating countries (and organizations) What is GBIF? gbif.org
  3. - Three billion occurrence records - Human observations (citizen science,

    monitoring) - Machine observations (bio-logging, camera-trapping) - Specimens (from collections) - Species information - Dataset information What data can you find? gbif.org/dataset-classes
  4. Occurrence data - Published as datasets (50k) by institutions (2k)

    - Standardized to Darwin Core - Processed by GBIF - Linked to taxonomic backbone - Flagged for data quality issues - Accessible through unified search interface (and API) gbif.org/occurrence/search
  5. - A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned to: -

    Every dataset - Every download - #CiteTheDOI - Allows to track data use - Citations for publishers - 12k peer-reviewed papers, 6/day Citation tracking gbif.org/data-use 1 2 3 1 2 3
  6. 1. Secure institutional agreements 2. Request endorsement 3. Select publishing

    tools and partners 4. Prepare data for publication 5. Choose a Creative Commons license 6. Publish datasets How to publish data? gbif.org/publishing-data
  7. How to publish data? GBIF DwC Archive harvest (automatic) IPT

    Metadata Data Source database publish & register (manual) standarize & upload (manual) standarize & upload (manual) 1. Provide: - Data as Darwin Core - Metadata as EML (via editor) 2. Publish as Darwin Core Archive 3. Register dataset with GBIF 4. Optional: republish with updated/new data
  8. - Open science lab for biodiversity at INBO, Belgium -

    Open software & standards - Open datasets - Bird GPS tracking (18) - Fish acoustic telemetry (8) - Camera traps (2) How we publish machine observation data oscibio.inbo.be
  9. 1. Data and metadata in Movebank 2. Open data on

    Zenodo - Movebank data model 3. Occurrence data on IPT - Darwin Core (subsampled) - EML metadata 4. GBIF harvests data Bird GPS tracking github.com/inbo/bird-tracking GBIF Data Movebank CSV files Zenodo Metadata DwC Archive IPT manual manual manual automatic automatic
  10. 1. Data and metadata in Movebank 2. Open data on

    Zenodo - Movebank data model 3. Occurrence data on IPT - Darwin Core (subsampled) - EML metadata 4. GBIF harvests data MOVE2GBIF inbo.github.io/movepub 1 2 3 1 2 3
  11. 1. Data and metadata in Movebank 2. Open data on

    Movebank repo - Movebank data model - Darwin Core (subsampled) - EML metadata 3. GBIF harvests data MOVE2GBIF: model 1 GBIF Data Movebank CSV files + DwC Archive Movebank repo Metadata manual automatic after approval automatic automatic 1 2 3 inbo.github.io/movepub
  12. 1. Data and metadata in Movebank 2. Open data on

    Movebank repo - Movebank data model 3. GBIF harvests & transforms data - Darwin Core (subsampled) - EML metadata MOVE2GBIF: model 2 GBIF Data Movebank CSV files Movebank repo Metadata manual automatic after approval automatic transform 1 2 3 inbo.github.io/movepub automatic
  13. 1. Data & metadata in European Tracking Network (ETN) 2.

    Open data on Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) - ETN data model - Darwin Core (subsampled) - EML metadata 3. GBIF harvests data inbo.github.io/etn github.com/inbo/etn-occurrences Fish telemetry: model 1 GBIF Data ETN CSV files + DwC Archive IMIS Metadata manual manual automatic after approval automatic 1 2 3
  14. GBIF Data Agouti Metadata manual manual manual Camtrap DP IPT

    automatic 1. Data & metadata in Agouti 2. Open data on IPT - Camtrap DP standard 3. GBIF harvests & transforms data - Darwin Core (subsampled) - EML metadata inbo.github.io/camtrapdp camtrap-dp.tdwg.org Camera traps: model 2 1 2 3 transform
  15. - Direct impact at regional/national level - Conservation of protected/endangered

    species - Wildlife management - Invasive species management - Does our open data on GBIF support policy & conservation? vlaanderen.be/inbo Impact on policy & conservation
  16. - COP14 (December 2022) - Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)

    - COP16 (December 2024) UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) “Encourages Parties to join relevant biodiversity-related networks, such as the [Global Biodiversity Information Facility], with a view to developing capacities to manage and share data and information, in order to manage and conserve biodiversity effectively.” —CBD SBI/4/L.4:2 [in draft] cbd.int/gbf
  17. - 23 targets - Target 6: Eliminate, reduce and or

    mitigate the impacts of invasive alien species - 1.7k papers using GBIF data - Target 15: Enable business and financial institution transparency and data sharing Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) doi.org/10.35035/3k5a-tv18
  18. - gbif.org/food: agriculture, fisheries and many aspects of food production

    - gbif.org/health: human health, in particular with data relating to disease vectors - 500 papers using GBIF data - gbif.org/climate: global efforts both to mitigate and to adapt to climate change UN Sustainable Development Goals
  19. - Climate Change (including IPCC) - 2.6k papers using GBIF

    data - IUCN Red List assessments - 25k assessments citing GBIF - Collaboration with national and international initiatives Other policy & conservation use
  20. - Early alert system for invasive species Building on GBIF

    infrastructure and data alert.riparias.be