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Diagnostic tools and query tuning examples in P...

Diagnostic tools and query tuning examples in PostgreSQL

This presentation was first given by Peter Petrov from Postgres Professional at the "How to optimize database queries?" virtual event on June 17, 2021.

Postgres Professional

June 17, 2021

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  1. 2 Agenda (1) • PostgreSQL workload monitoring tools. • List

    of extensions for tracking resource-intensive queries. • Detecting resource consuming queries by using the pg_profile module. • Additional features provided by pgpro_stats and pgpro_pwr modules. • Tuning a query with the GROUP BY clause. • Data search optimization based on a list of values presented as a string.
  2. 3 Agenda (2) • Usage of the LIMIT clause instead

    of the DISTINCT clause and window functions. • Subqueries optimization. • Statement optimization with filtering on a computed column. • Query tuning with a complex calculated expression. • Extended statistics usage for correcting rows estimates in a query plan. • Extended statistics and IN operators. • Excluding filtering conditions during query planning.
  3. 4 PostgreSQL workload monitoring tools (1) Mamonsu is a monitoring

    agent for collecting PostgreSQL and system metrics and sending them to the Zabbix server: • Works with various operating systems / OSs • 1 agent = 1 database instance • Works with PostgreSQL version >= 9.5 • Provides various metrics related to PostgreSQL activity
  4. 5 PostgreSQL workload monitoring tools (2) Zabbix Agent 2 is

    another tool for collecting various metrics which is available from Zabbix Server version 5.0: • 1 agent can collect more than 95 metrics from multiple PostgreSQL instances. • Available from Zabbix standard repository. • Can work with PostgreSQL version 10 and higher. • An opportunity to write custom plugins by using Golang.
  5. 8 List of extensions for tracking resource-intensive queries pg_stat_statements for

    analyzing which queries have the longest execution time. pg_stat_kcache for finding queries consuming the most CPU system and user time. auto_explain for finding query plans and parameters for further tuning. pg_wait_sampling for collecting the history of wait events and waits profiles. plprofiler for creating performance profiles of PL/pgSQL functions and stored procedures.
  6. 9 Detecting resource consuming queries by using the pg_profile module

    pg_profile can be used for creating historic workload repository containing various metrics such as: • SQL Query statistics • DML statistics • Schema object statistics • Vacuum-related statistics
  7. 13 Detecting resource-consuming UPDATE UPDATE contract.request_data SET status_code = $1

    , request_date = $2 , response_date = $3 , model_version = $4 , contract_id = $12 WHERE id = $13; Based on the information provided by the pg_profile module, one of the most resource-consuming queries has been found. Why did it work so slow? We need the execution plan.
  8. 14 The execution plan for resource-consuming UPDATE statement UPDATE ON

    request_data (cost=0.00..1824166.48 ROWS=91465 width=946) -> Seq Scan ON request_data (cost=0.00..1824166.48 ROWS=91465 width=946) FILTER: ((id)::NUMERIC = '18310725'::NUMERIC) The execution plan and parameters have been received by using the auto_explain module. To find the required string, Seq scan access method was used which was the main reason of poor performance. On the application side, BigDecimal data type was used, the corresponding type in PostgreSQL is numeric which is not the same as bigint. After applying the changes, the query has begun to run for 20ms.
  9. 15 Additional features provided by pgpro_stats and pgpro_pwr modules pgpro_stats

    is used as a combination of pg_stat_statements, pg_stat_kcache and pg_wait_sampling modules (only for Postgres Pro customers) pgpro_pwr serves for gathering information from the pgpro_stats module (only for Postgres Pro customers) These modules allow to get lock statistics and query execution plans and show them in separate sections of a pgpro_pwr report.
  10. 19 Tuning a query with a GROUP BY clause In

    PostgreSQL, query execution time was 93 seconds, so it needed optimization. To solve this problem, the query execution plan was required. EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT "d"."DOCUMENT_ID" , "gb"."A1" , "gb"."A2" FROM "dbo"."DOCUMENT" AS "d" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "dd"."DOCUMENT_ID“ , MIN("dd"."DATE_BEG") AS "A1" , SUM("dd"."SUMMA") AS "A2" FROM "dbo"."DOCUMENT_DEBIT" "dd" WHERE "dd"."STORNO_STATE" = 1 GROUP BY "dd"."DOCUMENT_ID" ) "gb" ON "gb"."DOCUMENT_ID" = "d"."DOCUMENT_ID" WHERE "d"."DEAL_ID" = 1259 ORDER BY "d"."DATE_BEG"
  11. 20 The execution plan for the query with the GROUP

    BY clause Sort (COST=3434984.74..3434985.16 ROWS=169 width=32) (actual TIME=92706.912..92706.923 ROWS=137 loops=1) Sort KEY: ""Extent1"".""DATE_BEG""" Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 34kB -> Hash Right Join (cost=2546248.06..3434974.30 rows=169 width=32) (actual time=57337.715..92706.636 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: (""Extent20"".""DOCUMENT_ID"" = ""Extent1"".""DOCUMENT_ID"") -> HashAggregate (cost=2545629.74..3087954.23 rows=27437761 width=184) (actual time=57336.820..90483.727 rows=27364695 loops=1) Group Key: ""Extent20"".""DOCUMENT_ID""" Planned Partitions: 256 Batches: 257 Memory Usage: 16401kB Disk Usage: 1293840kB -> Seq Scan ON ""DOCUMENT_DEBIT"" ""Extent20"" (COST=0.00..787898.18 ROWS=27437761 width=16) (actual TIME=0.014..38584.091 ROWS=27419629 loops=1)" Filter: (""STORNO_STATE"" = 1)" ROWS Removed BY Filter: 117265" -> Hash (cost=616.21..616.21 rows=169 width=16) (actual time=0.335..0.336 rows=137 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 15kB -> Index Scan using ""IX_FK_DOCUMENT_DEAL"" on ""DOCUMENT"" ""Extent1"" (cost=0.44..616.21 rows=169 width=16) (actual time=0.068..0.291 rows=137 loops=1) Index Cond: (""DEAL_ID"" = 1259) Planning Time: 0.502 ms Execution Time: 92809.802 ms
  12. 21 A suggestion for the query optimization with the GROUP

    BY clause EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT d."DOCUMENT_ID" , MIN(dd."DATE_BEG") AS "A1" , SUM(dd."SUMMA") AS "A2" FROM "dbo"."DOCUMENT" d LEFT "dbo"."DOCUMENT_DEBIT" dd ON dd."DOCUMENT_ID" = d."DOCUMENT_ID" AND dd."STORNO_STATE" = 1 WHERE d."DEAL_ID" = 1259 GROUP BY d."DOCUMENT_ID", d."DATE_BEG" ORDER BY d."DATE_BEG"; After filtering on the field “DEAL_ID”, only 137 rows remained, so it was possible to reduce the main dataset and then calculate the aggregates for it. The execution time for this query has reduced to less than a second. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX doc_deal_id_doc_id_date_beg_ux ON "dbo"."DOCUMENT"("DEAL_ID", "DOCUMENT_ID", "DATE_BEG"); CREATE INDEX doc_deb_doc_id_storno_state_ix ON "dbo"."DOCUMENT_DEBIT"("DOCUMENT_ID", "STORNO_STATE"); VACUUM (ANALYZE) "dbo"."DOCUMENT"; VACUUM (ANALYZE) "dbo"."DOCUMENT_DEBIT";
  13. 22 Data search optimization based on a list of values

    presented as a string It is required to find records in which the “status” field matches at least one value from the list. In this case, it is presented as a string of values separated by commas. EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) WITH statuses AS ( SELECT v.status::BIGINT FROM regexp_split_to_table('10,30,20', ',') AS v(STATUS) ) SELECT id FROM req.lot l WHERE STATUS IN (SELECT STATUS FROM statuses s); What will be the execution plan in this case?
  14. 23 The original query execution plan Hash JOIN (COST=17.00..29888.66 ROWS=140490

    width=8) (actual TIME=41.228..649.965 ROWS=118 loops=1) Hash Cond: (lot.status = (v.status)::BIGINT) -> Seq Scan ON lot (COST=0.00..27184.79 ROWS=280979 width=16) (actual TIME=0.058..397.005 ROWS=280979 loops=1) -> Hash (COST=14.50..14.50 ROWS=200 width=32) (actual TIME=0.109..0.111 ROWS=3 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB -> HashAggregate (COST=12.50..14.50 ROWS=200 width=32) (actual TIME=0.093..0.096 ROWS=3 loops=1) GROUP KEY: (v.status)::BIGINT -> FUNCTION Scan ON regexp_split_to_table v (COST=0.00..10.00 ROWS=1000 width=32) (actual TIME=0.082..0.084 ROWS=3 loops=1) Planning TIME: 1.232 ms Execution TIME: 650.235 ms (10 ROWS) At first, all rows from the lot table were extracted by using Seq Scan access method, then they were filtered by Hash Join method. The execution plan is presented below:
  15. 24 The execution plan for the query with the IN

    operator EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id FROM req.lot l WHERE l.status IN (10, 20, 30); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDEX Scan USING ixf__lot__status__is_active ON lot l (COST=0.42..221.04 ROWS=112 width=8) (actual TIME=0.310..5.448 ROWS=118 loops=1) INDEX Cond: (status = ANY ('{10,20,30}'::BIGINT[])) Planning TIME: 1.334 ms Execution TIME: 5.554 ms (4 ROWS) The IN operator is equivalent to searching through a list of values. What will be the execution plan like in this case?
  16. 25 A query with regexp_split_to_array We need a function, transforming

    a row into an array. For that PostgreSQL function regexp_split_to_array is required. EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id FROM req.lot l WHERE l.status = ANY(regexp_split_to_array('10,30,20', ',')::BIGINT[]); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDEX Scan USING ixf__lot__status__is_active ON lot l (COST=0.42..221.04 ROWS=112 width=8) (actual TIME=0.310..5.448 ROWS=118 loops=1) INDEX Cond: (status = ANY ('{10,20,30}'::BIGINT[])) Planning TIME: 1.334 ms Execution TIME: 5.554 ms (4 ROWS) The original query execution time: 650.235 ms. The current query execution time: 5.554 ms.
  17. 26 Usage of the LIMIT clause instead of the DISTINCT

    clause and window functions In PostgreSQL query’s execution time is 3.4 seconds, so optimization is required. To solve this issue, we need to know the execution plan for this statement. EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id , li_norm.* FROM req.lot l JOIN lateral (SELECT DISTINCT li.lot_id , first_value(li.id) OVER (partition BY li.lot_id ORDER BY li.plan_price DESC) AS id FROM req.lot_item li WHERE li.is_active AND li.lot_id = l.id ) li_norm ON li_norm.lot_id = l.id WHERE l.status = ANY(regexp_split_to_array('2', ',')::bigint[]);
  18. 27 The execution plan of the query with DISTINCT and

    window function QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nested Loop (cost=48.23..3639059.79 ROWS=6 width=24) (actual TIME=0.276..3345.057 ROWS=72128 loops=1) -> INDEX Scan USING pk__lot ON lot l (cost=0.42..45195.22 ROWS=74392 width=8) (actual TIME=0.108..520.787 ROWS=74436 loops=1) FILTER: (STATUS = ANY ('{2}'::BIGINT[])) ROWS Removed BY FILTER: 206543 -> Subquery Scan ON li_norm (cost=47.80..48.30 ROWS=1 width=16) (actual TIME=0.037..0.037 ROWS=1 loops=74436) FILTER: (l.id = li_norm.lot_id) -> HashAggregate (cost=47.80..48.02 ROWS=22 width=22) (actual TIME=0.036..0.036 ROWS=1 loops=74436) GROUP KEY: li.lot_id, first_value(li.id) OVER (?) -> WindowAgg (cost=47.25..47.69 ROWS=22 width=22) (actual TIME=0.029..0.033 ROWS=5 loops=74436) -> Sort (cost=47.25..47.31 ROWS=22 width=22) (actual TIME=0.026..0.027 ROWS=5 loops=74436) Sort KEY: li.plan_price DESC Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB -> INDEX Scan USING ixf__lot_item__lot_id__item_id__is_active ON lot_item li (cost=0.38..46.21 ROWS=22 width=22) (actual TIME=0.007..0.021 ROWS=5 lo ops=74436) INDEX Cond: (lot_id = l.id) Planning TIME: 0.960 ms Execution TIME: 3355.723 ms
  19. 28 Replacing DISTINCT and window function with the LIMIT clause

    For every lot object it is required to find out a corresponding row from the lot_item table with the maximum plan_price. Therefore, the query can be changed like this: SELECT li.dic_direction_id , li.plan_year , li.item_id FROM req.lot_item li WHERE li.lot_id = l.id AND li.is_active ORDER BY li.plan_price DESC LIMIT 1 CREATE INDEX li_lot_id_plan_price_year_dic_direction_id_ix ON req.lot_item(lot_id, is_active, plan_price, id) INCLUDE(plan_year, dic_direction_id, item_id); To find a row by using Index Only Scan, we need to create an index with the INCLUDE clause, where non-key fields will be stored. I.e, fields that are not used in filtering/sorting operations.
  20. 29 The new query text after the DISTINCT and window

    function replacement EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id , li_norm.* FROM req.lot l JOIN LATERAL (SELECT li.dic_direction_id , li.plan_year , li.item_id FROM req.lot_item li WHERE li.lot_id = l.id AND li.is_active ORDER BY li.plan_price DESC LIMIT 1 ) li_norm ON (1 = 1) WHERE l.status = ANY(regexp_split_to_array('2', ',')::BIGINT[]); The new form of the query after DISTINCT and window function replacement is presented below:
  21. 30 The execution plan of the query with the LIMIT

    clause QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested LOOP (COST=707.39..67460.04 ROWS=74392 width=32) (actual TIME=9.644..474.265 ROWS=72128 loops=1) -> Bitmap Heap Scan ON lot l (COST=706.96..25918.87 ROWS=74392 width=8) (actual TIME=9.577..80.787 ROWS=74436 loops=1) RECHECK Cond: (status = ANY ('{2}'::BIGINT[])) Heap Blocks: exact=16830 -> Bitmap INDEX Scan ON ixf__lot__status__is_active (COST=0.00..688.36 ROWS=74392 width=0) (actual TIME=6.111..6.112 ROWS=74436 loops=1) INDEX Cond: (status = ANY ('{2}'::BIGINT[])) -> LIMIT (COST=0.43..0.54 ROWS=1 width=30) (actual TIME=0.005..0.005 ROWS=1 loops=74436) -> INDEX ONLY Scan BACKWARD USING li_lot_id_plan_price_year_dic_direction_id_ix ON lot_item li (COST=0.43..2.87 ROWS=22 width=30) (actual TIME=0.004..0.004 ROWS=1 loo ps=74436) INDEX Cond: ((lot_id = l.id) AND (is_active = TRUE)) Heap Fetches: 0 Planning TIME: 0.821 ms Execution TIME: 479.703 ms The original query execution time: 3355.723 ms. The current query execution time: 479 ms
  22. 31 Subqueries optimization It is required to get summary data

    for rows from the lot table. The original query version is presented below, its execution time was almost 4 minutes. The main reason was sequential scan on the purchase_result table while calculating values for the pur_result column. EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id , (SELECT string_agg(doc_number, '; ‘) FROM buy.purchase_result WHERE lot_id = l.id ) AS pur_result , (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM buy.purchase_result pr WHERE pr.lot_id = l.id AND pr.is_active) AS pr_count , (SELECT string_agg(DISTINCT sup.name_full, ';’) FROM buy.purchase_result pr JOIN req.supplier sup ON pr.supplier_id = sup.id AND sup.is_active WHERE pr.lot_id = l.id AND pr.is_active ) AS sup_info FROM req.lot l WHERE l.organization_id = 964;
  23. 32 The execution plan of the statement with multiple subqueries

    QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX ONLY Scan USING lt_organization_id_ux ON lot l (cost=0.42..41848864.82 ROWS=7459 width=80) (actual TIME=144.894..243809.902 ROWS=7495 loops=1) INDEX Cond: (organization_id = 964) Heap Fetches: 0 SubPlan 1 -> Aggregate (cost=5594.87..5594.88 ROWS=1 width=32) (actual TIME=32.387..32.388 ROWS=1 loops=7495) -> Seq Scan ON purchase_result (cost=0.00..5594.86 ROWS=2 width=6) (actual TIME=29.084..32.361 ROWS=0 loops=7495) FILTER: (lot_id = l.id) ROWS Removed BY FILTER: 147909 SubPlan 2 -> Aggregate (cost=2.41..2.42 ROWS=1 width=8) (actual TIME=0.044..0.044 ROWS=1 loops=7495) -> INDEX ONLY Scan USING ixf__purchase_result__lot_id ON purchase_result pr (cost=0.38..2.40 ROWS=2 width=0) (actual TIME=0.032..0.033 ROWS=0 loops=7495) INDEX Cond: (lot_id = l.id) Heap Fetches: 0 SubPlan 3 -> Aggregate (cost=13.19..13.20 ROWS=1 width=32) (actual TIME=0.064..0.064 ROWS=1 loops=7495) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.67..13.18 ROWS=1 width=97) (actual TIME=0.018..0.022 ROWS=0 loops=7495) -> INDEX Scan USING ixf__purchase_result__lot_id ON purchase_result pr_1 (cost=0.38..4.57 ROWS=2 width=8) (actual TIME=0.005..0.006 ROWS=0 loops=7495) INDEX Cond: (lot_id = l.id) -> INDEX Scan USING pk__supplier ON supplier sup (cost=0.29..4.31 ROWS=1 width=105) (actual TIME=0.023..0.023 ROWS=1 loops=3419) INDEX Cond: (id = pr_1.supplier_id) FILTER: is_active ROWS Removed BY FILTER: 0 Planning TIME: 5.320 ms Execution TIME: 243821.165 ms
  24. 33 Building one subquery using the LATERAL clause To optimize

    this statement, it is required to write one query which will relate to the main dataset with the help of the LATERAL clause. We also need to build some additional indexes. SELECT l.id , pr.doc_numbers , pr.pr_count , pr.sup_info FROM req.lot l LEFT JOIN LATERAL (SELECT string_agg(pr.doc_number, '; ') AS doc_numbers , COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE pr.is_active) AS pr_count , string_agg(DISTINCT sup.name_full, ';') FILTER(WHERE pr.is_active) AS sup_info FROM buy.purchase_result pr LEFT JOIN req.supplier sup ON sup.id = pr.supplier_id AND sup.is_active WHERE pr.lot_id = l.id ) pr ON (1 = 1) WHERE l.organization_id = 964; CREATE INDEX pr_lot_id_doc_number_ix ON buy.purchase_result(lot_id, is_active, supplier_id, doc_number); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sup_info_ux ON req.supplier(id, is_active, name_full);
  25. 34 The execution plan of the query with the LATERAL

    item QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested LOOP LEFT JOIN (COST=7.77..64162.05 ROWS=7461 width=80) (actual TIME=1.479..135.591 ROWS=7495 loops=1) -> INDEX Scan USING lot_dic_cur_id_year_status_org_id_type_correct_last_version_ix ON lot l (COST=0.42..9136.45 ROWS=7461 width=8) (actual TIME=1.416..21.601 ROWS=7495 LOOP s=1) INDEX Cond: (organization_id = 964) -> AGGREGATE (COST=7.35..7.36 ROWS=1 width=72) (actual TIME=0.014..0.014 ROWS=1 loops=7495) -> Nested LOOP LEFT JOIN (COST=0.83..7.33 ROWS=2 width=104) (actual TIME=0.006..0.008 ROWS=0 loops=7495) -> INDEX ONLY Scan USING pr_lot_id_doc_number_ix ON purchase_result pr (COST=0.42..2.46 ROWS=2 width=15) (actual TIME=0.004..0.004 ROWS=0 loops=7495) INDEX Cond: (lot_id = l.id) Heap Fetches: 0 -> INDEX ONLY Scan USING sup_info_ux ON supplier sup (COST=0.41..2.43 ROWS=1 width=105) (actual TIME=0.005..0.005 ROWS=1 loops=3419) INDEX Cond: ((id = pr.supplier_id) AND (is_active = TRUE)) Heap Fetches: 0 Planning TIME: 1.268 ms Execution TIME: 136.788 ms The original query execution time: 243821.165 ms The current query execution time: 136.788 ms
  26. 35 Statement optimization with filtering on a computed column It

    is required to filter rows by using the year value extracted from the date_delivery_to column EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id FROM req.lot l LEFT JOIN (SELECT l.id , EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.date_delivery_to) delivery FROM req.lot l ) date_to ON date_to.id = l.id WHERE l.organization_id = 964 AND date_to.delivery >= 2019; What will be the execution plan in this case?
  27. 36 The execution plan of the query with filtering on

    a computed column QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested LOOP (COST=0.42..45711.14 ROWS=2486 width=8) (actual TIME=4.558..200.813 ROWS=4081 loops=1) -> Seq Scan ON lot l (COST=0.00..27887.24 ROWS=7459 width=8) (actual TIME=1.260..157.953 ROWS=7495 loops=1) Filter: (organization_id = 964) ROWS Removed BY Filter: 273484 -> INDEX Scan USING pk__lot ON lot l_1 (COST=0.42..2.39 ROWS=1 width=8) (actual TIME=0.005..0.005 ROWS=1 loops=7495) INDEX Cond: (id = l.id) Filter: (DATE_PART('year'::TEXT, (date_delivery_to)::TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE) >= '2019'::DOUBLE PRECISION) ROWS Removed BY Filter: 0 Planning TIME: 0.905 ms Execution TIME: 201.428 ms Is it possible to execute this statement without re-accessing the lot table?
  28. 37 Replacing filtering on a calculated column If the year

    >= 2019, then date_delivery_to >= ‘2019-01-01’::date, which avoids re- accessing the lot table EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id FROM req.lot l WHERE l.organization_id = 964 AND l.date_delivery_to >= make_date(2019, 1, 1); For improving query speed an additional index is required. CREATE INDEX org_id_ddt_ix ON req.lot(organization_id, date_delivery_to); How will change the execution plan in this case?
  29. 38 The execution plan of the query after replacement filtering

    on a calculated column QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan ON lot l (COST=39.97..4879.92 ROWS=3078 width=8) (actual TIME=1.017..7.861 ROWS=4081 loops=1) RECHECK Cond: ((organization_id = 964) AND (date_delivery_to >= '2019-01-01'::DATE)) Heap Blocks: exact=2325 -> Bitmap INDEX Scan ON org_id_ddt_ix (COST=0.00..39.20 ROWS=3078 width=0) (actual TIME=0.650..0.651 ROWS=4081 loops=1) INDEX Cond: ((organization_id = 964) AND (date_delivery_to >= '2019-01- 01'::DATE)) Planning TIME: 0.332 ms Execution TIME: 8.129 ms The original query execution time: 201.428 ms The current query execution time: 8.129 ms
  30. 39 Query tuning with a calculated expression based on two

    columns from one table In this case we need to find rows with a non-zero section, which is a calculated expression based on two columns from one table. EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) WITH ds AS ( SELECT l.id , CASE WHEN EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.date_planned) = 2019 AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.date_delivery_from) = 2019 THEN 1 WHEN EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.date_planned) = 2019 AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM l.date_delivery_from) > 2019 THEN 21 ELSE 0 END AS razdel FROM req.lot l WHERE l.year < 2019 ) SELECT * FROM ds WHERE razdel != 0;
  31. 40 The execution plan of the query with the calculated

    expression based on two columns from one table QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan ON lot l (cost=1712.96..39577.92 ROWS=179325 width=12) (actual TIME=143.985..523.901 ROWS=1445 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (YEAR < 2019) FILTER: (CASE WHEN ((date_part('year'::text, (date_planned)::TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME zone) = '2019'::DOUBLE PRECISION) AND (date_part('year'::text, (date_delivery_from)::times tamp WITHOUT TIME zone) = '2019'::DOUBLE PRECISION)) THEN 1 WHEN ((date_part('year'::text, (date_planned)::TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME zone) = '2019'::DOUBLE PRECISION) AND (date_part('year'::text, (date_delivery_from)::TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME zone) > '2019'::DOUBLE PRECISION)) THEN 21 ELSE 0 END <> 0) ROWS Removed BY FILTER: 178781 Heap Blocks: exact=20196 -> Bitmap INDEX Scan ON ix__lot__year__is_last_version__is_active (cost=0.00..1668.12 ROWS=180227 width=0) (actual TIME=14.598..14.599 ROWS=180226 loops=1) INDEX Cond: (YEAR < 2019) Planning TIME: 4.737 ms Execution TIME: 524.258 ms There is a huge difference between estimated and actual row counts (179325 and 1445). Is it possible to replace this calculated expression?
  32. 41 Replacing the calculated column with two additional filter conditions

    At any date from the segment 2019-01-01 and 2019-12-31 the year will be equal to 2019. At any date >= 2019-01-01 the year >= 2019. So, it is possible to replace the calculated expression with new filtration clauses. EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) SELECT l.id FROM req.lot l WHERE l.year < 2019 AND l.date_planned BETWEEN make_date(2019, 1, 1) AND make_date(2019, 12, 31) AND l.date_delivery_from >= make_date(2019, 1, 1); How will the estimated row counts change in this case?
  33. 42 The execution plan of the query after the calculated

    expression replacement QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan ON lot l (cost=1670.43..29649.97 ROWS=9215 width=8) (actual TIME=110.011..346.557 ROWS=1445 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (YEAR < 2019) FILTER: ((date_planned >= '2019-01-01'::DATE) AND (date_planned <= '2019-12- 31'::DATE) AND (date_delivery_from >= '2019-01-01'::DATE)) ROWS Removed BY FILTER: 178781 Heap Blocks: exact=20196 -> Bitmap INDEX Scan ON ix__lot__year__is_last_version__is_active (cost=0.00..1668.12 ROWS=180227 width=0) (actual TIME=16.352..16.353 ROWS=180226 loops=1) INDEX Cond: (YEAR < 2019) Planning TIME: 1.963 ms Execution TIME: 346.833 ms It is clear, that estimated row count has dramatically reduced from 179325 to 9215, which means 19x faster. What can be done to improve the estimates?
  34. 43 Extended statistics usage for correcting rows estimates in a

    query plan Let’s use the extended statistics of the mcv type to determine how often the combination of the year and date_planned fields occurs. We also need to increase the columns statistics target to improve their frequencies accuracy. CREATE STATISTICS lot_year_date_planned(mcv) ON YEAR, date_planned FROM req.lot; ALTER TABLE req.lot ALTER COLUMN YEAR SET STATISTICS 1250; ALTER TABLE req.lot ALTER COLUMN date_planned SET STATISTICS 1250; ANALYZE req.lot; We also should build an additional index to speed up the query. CREATE INDEX req_dp_ddf_year_ix ON req.lot(date_planned, date_delivery_from, YEAR);
  35. 44 The execution plan of the query after the extended

    statistics gathering and the index building QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan ON lot l (cost=634.36..3059.41 ROWS=1397 width=8) (actual TIME=5.102..7.942 ROWS=1445 loops=1) Recheck Cond: ((date_planned >= '2019-01-01'::DATE) AND (date_planned <= '2019- 12-31'::DATE) AND (date_delivery_from >= '2019-01-01'::DATE) AND (YEAR < 2019)) Heap Blocks: exact=936 -> Bitmap INDEX Scan ON req_dp_ddf_year_ix (cost=0.00..634.01 ROWS=1397 width=0) (actual TIME=4.970..4.970 ROWS=1445 loops=1) INDEX Cond: ((date_planned >= '2019-01-01'::DATE) AND (date_planned <= '2019-12-31'::DATE) AND (date_delivery_from >= '2019-01-01'::DATE) AND (YEAR < 2019)) Planning TIME: 3.181 ms Execution TIME: 8.060 ms The original query execution time: 523.901 ms. The current query execution time: 7.942 ms. It is the least difference between estimated and actual row counts.
  36. 45 Extended statistics and IN clauses SELECT r.case_id FROM ci_case_char

    r WHERE r.char_type_cd = 'RETLTYPE' AND r.char_val IN ('0', '2', '8'); In PostgreSQL 12, the estimated row count was less than the actual number by more than 100 times. Extended statistics didn’t help in this case, so the IN clause was replaced on additional filter clauses united by OR operators. SELECT r.case_id FROM ci_case_char r WHERE r.char_type_cd = 'RETLTYPE’ AND (r.char_val = '0' OR r.char_val = '2' OR r.char_val = '8'); However, starting from PostgreSQL 13 this issue gets resolved by creating extended statistics of the mcv type.
  37. 46 Excluding filtering conditions during query planning In PostgreSQL, it

    is possible to exclude filtering conditions at the stage of query planning. Let’s consider how the following construction will work based on the value of the version_cond parameter. WITH params AS NOT MATERIALIZED ( SELECT :version_cond AS version_cond ) SELECT l.id FROM req.lot l JOIN params p ON (1 = 1) WHERE l.year = 2019 AND ((p.version_cond = 1 AND l.status = 50 AND l.type_correct = 0) OR (p.version_cond = 2 AND l.status = 50 AND l.is_last_version) );
  38. 47 The execution plan of the query in case of

    version_cond = 1 QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan ON lot l (cost=212.32..15299.08 ROWS=14580 width=8) (actual TIME=1.716..14.347 ROWS=18576 loops=1) Recheck Cond: ((YEAR = 2019) AND (type_correct = 0) AND (STATUS = 50)) Heap Blocks: exact=3262 -> Bitmap INDEX Scan ON year_type_cor_status_ix (cost=0.00..208.67 ROWS=14580 width=0) (actual TIME=1.243..1.244 ROWS=18576 loops=1) INDEX Cond: ((YEAR = 2019) AND (type_correct = 0) AND (STATUS = 50)) Planning TIME: 0.364 ms Execution TIME: 15.251 ms There is no need to filter rows by the is_last_version column, because it meets the version_cond = 2 condition.
  39. 48 The execution plan of the query in case of

    version_cond = 2 QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan ON lot l (cost=212.32..15262.63 ROWS=14580 width=8) (actual TIME=3.067..36.650 ROWS=18576 loops=1) Recheck Cond: ((YEAR = 2019) AND (STATUS = 50)) FILTER: is_last_version Heap Blocks: exact=3262 -> Bitmap INDEX Scan ON year_type_cor_lv_ix (cost=0.00..208.67 ROWS=14580 width=0) (actual TIME=2.612..2.612 ROWS=18576 loops=1) INDEX Cond: ((YEAR = 2019) AND (is_last_version = TRUE) AND (STATUS = 50)) Planning TIME: 3.586 ms Execution TIME: 37.574 ms There is no need to filter rows by the type_correct column, since it meets the version_cond = 1 condition.
  40. 49 The execution plan of the query in case of

    version_cond = 3 QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT (cost=0.00..0.00 ROWS=0 width=0) (actual TIME=0.002..0.002 ROWS=0 loops=1) One-TIME FILTER: FALSE Planning TIME: 0.429 ms Execution TIME: 0.034 ms If version_cond = 3, then an empty dataset will be returned, since 3 is not equal to 1 and 2. All of this happens during the query planning stage. In PostgreSQL, it is possible to exclude certain query conditions during query planning, which allows developer to write less dynamic SQL code.
  41. 50 Links pg_stat_statements module. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/pgstatstatements.html pg_stat_kcache module. https://github.com/powa-team/pg_stat_kcache pg_wait_sampling module.

    https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_wait_sampling auto_explain module. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/auto-explain.html pgpro_stats module. https://postgrespro.com/docs/enterprise/12/pgpro-stats pg_profile module. https://github.com/zubkov-andrei/pg_profile pgpro_pwr module. https://postgrespro.com/docs/enterprise/12/pgpro-pwr mamonsu. https://github.com/postgrespro/mamonsu zabbix agent 2 https://github.com/zabbix/zabbix/tree/master/src/go/cmd/zabbix_agent2