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Shut Up and Pipe! Unix-style Object Collaborati...

Paul Hinze
January 29, 2014

Shut Up and Pipe! Unix-style Object Collaboration in Rack and Vagrant

Paul Hinze

January 29, 2014

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  1. paulh Paul Hinze jbelser Jeff Belser liz Liz Abinante nomitch

    Mike Nomitch jstern Jennifer Stern z Mike Ziwisky illstructure
  2. A B

  3. A B

  4. an Object that responds to #call #call accepts one Hash

    argument #call returns an Array with [status, headers, body] where and
  5. app = ->(env) { [200, {}, 'Hello, World!'] } !

    Rack::Handler::Thin.run(app) It's Simple!
  6. app = ->(env) { [200, {}, 'Hello, World!'] } Rack::Handler.const_get(

    %i[ Thin WEBrick Unicorn Puma ].sample ).run(app) Any Server
  7. class YellIt def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers, body.upcase] end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(YellIt.new(app))
  8. class YellIt def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers, body.upcase] end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(YellIt.new(app))
  9. class YellIt def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers, body.upcase] end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(YellIt.new(app))
  10. class YellIt def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers, body.upcase] end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(YellIt.new(app))
  11. class YellIt def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers, body.upcase] end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(YellIt.new(app))
  12. class YellIt def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers, body.upcase] end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(YellIt.new(app))
  13. class YellIt def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) [status, headers, body.upcase] end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(YellIt.new(app))
  14. class Rack::Logger def initialize(app, logger=Logger.new(STDOUT)) @app = app @logger =

    logger end ! def call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) @logger.info("[#{Time.now}] #{status}") [status, headers, body] end end A logger
  15. class Rack::ContentLength def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) ! if !headers['Content-Length'] headers['Content-Length'] = body.length end ! [status, headers, body] end end A header
  16. class Rack::Runtime def initialize(app) @app = app end ! def

    call(env) start_time = Time.now status, headers, body = @app.call(env) request_time = Time.now - start_time ! headers['X-Runtime'] = "%0.6f" % request_time ! [status, headers, body] end end A timer
  17. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth) A auth!
  18. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth)
  19. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth)
  20. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth)
  21. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth)
  22. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth)
  23. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth) Our app doesn't need to care about Authentication
  24. class Rack::Auth::Basic def initialize(app, user, pass) @app, @user, @pass =

    app, user, pass end ! def call(env) if authenticated?(env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) @app.call(env) else [403, {}, "Go Away!"] end end ! def authenticated?(auth) return false unless auth _, token = auth.split(' ') user, pass = token.unpack('m*').first.split(':') (user == @user && pass == @pass) end end ! app = ->(env) {[200, {}, 'Hello, World!']} with_auth = Rack::Auth::Basic.new(app, 'paulh', 'hello') Rack::Handler::Thin.run(with_auth) Amazing!
  25. class Rack::Builder def initialize(app, &block) @use = [] @app =

    app instance_eval(&block) end ! def use(middleware) @use.push ->(app) { middleware.new(app) } end ! def call(env) @use.reverse.inject(@app) { |app, middleware_builder| middleware_builder.call(app) }.call(env) end end ! built = Rack::Builder.new(app) do use Rack::Logger use Rack::ContentLength use Rack::Runtime end ! Rack::Handler::Thin.run(built)
  26. def self.action_boot Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |b| b.use CheckAccessible b.use CleanMachineFolder b.use

    SetName b.use ClearForwardedPorts b.use Provision b.use EnvSet, :port_collision_repair => true b.use PrepareForwardedPortCollisionParams b.use HandleForwardedPortCollisions b.use PrepareNFSValidIds b.use SyncedFolderCleanup b.use SyncedFolders b.use PrepareNFSSettings b.use ClearNetworkInterfaces b.use Network b.use ForwardPorts b.use SetHostname b.use SaneDefaults b.use Customize, "pre-boot" b.use Boot b.use Customize, "post-boot" b.use WaitForCommunicator, [:starting, :running] b.use CheckGuestAdditions end end
  27. def self.action_boot Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |b| b.use CheckAccessible b.use CleanMachineFolder b.use

    SetName b.use ClearForwardedPorts b.use Provision b.use EnvSet, :port_collision_repair => true b.use PrepareForwardedPortCollisionParams b.use HandleForwardedPortCollisions b.use PrepareNFSValidIds b.use SyncedFolderCleanup b.use SyncedFolders b.use PrepareNFSSettings b.use ClearNetworkInterfaces b.use Network b.use ForwardPorts b.use SetHostname b.use SaneDefaults b.use Customize, "pre-boot" b.use Boot b.use Customize, "post-boot" b.use WaitForCommunicator, [:starting, :running] b.use CheckGuestAdditions end end Extensibility!
  28. def self.action_boot Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |b| b.use CheckAccessible b.use CleanMachineFolder b.use

    SetName b.use ClearForwardedPorts b.use Provision b.use EnvSet, :port_collision_repair => true b.use PrepareForwardedPortCollisionParams b.use HandleForwardedPortCollisions b.use PrepareNFSValidIds b.use SyncedFolderCleanup b.use SyncedFolders b.use PrepareNFSSettings b.use ClearNetworkInterfaces b.use Network b.use ForwardPorts b.use SetHostname b.use SaneDefaults b.use Customize, "pre-boot" b.use Boot b.use Customize, "post-boot" b.use WaitForCommunicator, [:starting, :running] b.use CheckGuestAdditions end end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. wait...
  29. def self.action_boot Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |b| b.use CheckAccessible b.use CleanMachineFolder b.use

    SetName b.use ClearForwardedPorts b.use Provision b.use EnvSet, :port_collision_repair => true b.use PrepareForwardedPortCollisionParams b.use HandleForwardedPortCollisions b.use PrepareNFSValidIds b.use SyncedFolderCleanup b.use SyncedFolders b.use PrepareNFSSettings b.use ClearNetworkInterfaces b.use Network b.use ForwardPorts b.use SetHostname b.use SaneDefaults b.use Customize, "pre-boot" b.use Boot b.use Customize, "post-boot" b.use WaitForCommunicator, [:starting, :running] b.use CheckGuestAdditions end end Complexity escalate quickly can
  30. B def self.action_boot Vagrant::Action::Builder.new.tap do |b| b.use CheckAccessible b.use CleanMachineFolder

    b.use SetName b.use ClearForwardedPorts b.use Provision b.use EnvSet, :port_collision_repair => true b.use PrepareForwardedPortCollisionParams b.use HandleForwardedPortCollisions b.use PrepareNFSValidIds b.use SyncedFolderCleanup b.use SyncedFolders b.use PrepareNFSSettings b.use ClearNetworkInterfaces b.use Network b.use ForwardPorts b.use SetHostname b.use SaneDefaults b.use Customize, "pre-boot" b.use Boot b.use Customize, "post-boot" b.use WaitForCommunicator, [:starting, :running] b.use CheckGuestAdditions end end A