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Metaphors are everywhere: Ideas to Improve Soft...

Metaphors are everywhere: Ideas to Improve Software Development

Let’s embark on a journey together - a journey in which we’ll weave together the realms of basketball, fiction writing, game development and trading card games to explore how these seemingly unrelated domains surprisingly intersect with the world of software development, offering fresh perspectives and insights.

Discover how concepts, strategies, and principles from these diverse domains can enhance your software development skills and creativity. Let’s celebrate the power of interdisciplinary thinking, revealing how diverse interests can invigorate your approach to software development.

Tobias Pfeiffer

October 23, 2023

More Decks by Tobias Pfeiffer

Other Decks in Programming


  1. @spec run(map, keyword) :: any def run(jobs, config \\ [])

    when is_list(config) do config |> Benchee.init() |> Benchee.system() |> add_benchmarking_jobs(jobs) |> Benchee.collect() |> Benchee.statistics() |> Benchee.load() |> Benchee.relative_statistics() |> Formatter.output() |> Benchee.profile() end defp add_benchmarking_jobs(suite, jobs) do Enum.reduce(jobs, suite, fn {key, function}, suite_acc -> Benchee.benchmark(suite_acc, key, function) end) end
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  3. THE NEW TEAM MATE Came down from first squad Can

    shoot the 3! Can dunk! Arms like my legs! ~1.95m
  4. THE NEW TEAM MATE Came down from first squad Can

    shoot the 3! Can dunk! Arms like my legs! ~1.95m Clearly our best player
  5. THE NEW TEAM MATE Came down from first squad Can

    shoot the 3! Can dunk! Arms like my legs! ~1.95m Clearly our best player Are we a better team?
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    Every game as a reaction to the last game
  7. FIT

  8. Image Credit • Erik Drost, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia

    Commons • globalite, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons • Keith Allison, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons