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Time to Interactive – focusing on the human-cen...

Time to Interactive – focusing on the human-centric metrics

Web performance is the way how people perceive the speed at which actions on the web pages return a meaningful response. A key aspect of the web performance is the way how we can measure it. And, we as a community created a lot of metrics with a goal to give a precise answer to this questions. With this talk, I’d like to explain in details a set of relatively new performance metrics focused on the interactivity of our web pages. I’ll also share the reasons why a page might not be interactive and how this affects people’s experience on the web.

Radimir Bitsov

October 12, 2018

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  1. @radibit Perception of time Web performance is about perception of

    time Time is perceived subjectively by all of us
  2. @radibit Perception of time Web performance is about perception of

    time Time is perceived subjectively by all of us It varies according many factors – age, location, emotions
  3. @radibit Perception of time Web performance is about perception of

    time Time is perceived subjectively by all of us It varies according many factors – age, location, emotions More o en we optimize for the objective time
  4. @radibit Perception of time Web performance is about perception of

    time Time is perceived subjectively by all of us It varies according many factors – age, location, emotions More o en we optimize for the objective time
  5. @radibit People tend to lose focus after 1 second h

    ps://www.nngroup.com/articles/response-times-3-important-limits/ 0.1s 1s 1s 3s 3s 8s+
  6. @radibit What happens when people encounter slow or interrupted processes?

    IBM, Mobile Customer Experience 23 percent cursed at their phones
  7. @radibit What happens when people encounter slow or interrupted processes?

    IBM, Mobile Customer Experience 23 percent cursed at their phones ❌ 21 percent deleted the poorly functioning app
  8. @radibit What happens when people encounter slow or interrupted processes?

    IBM, Mobile Customer Experience 23 percent cursed at their phones ❌ 21 percent deleted the poorly functioning app 11 percent screamed at their mobile device
  9. @radibit What happens when people encounter slow or interrupted processes?

    IBM, Mobile Customer Experience 23 percent cursed at their phones ❌ 21 percent deleted the poorly functioning app 11 percent screamed at their mobile device 4 percent threw their mobile device
  10. 1s delay, 16% lower satisfaction The Aberdeen Group discovered a

    1- second delay resulted in 11% fewer page views, a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction, and 7% loss in conversions. h ps://wpostats.com/2015/10/29/aberdeen-1-percent.html
  11. @radibit Page Load Time, Speed Index Aside from giving insights

    on the moment when the page had fully loaded they do not describe the user experience.
  12. @radibit Time to Interactive explainer Highlights the moment when a

    website or app is capable of responding quickly to user input
  13. @radibit Time to Interactive explainer Highlights the moment when a

    website or app is capable of responding quickly to user input The goal is to measure how efficient a website or app is when interacted with
  14. @radibit Time to Interactive explainer Highlights the moment when a

    website or app is capable of responding quickly to user input The goal is to measure how efficient a website or app is when interacted with
  15. @radibit First Idle (First Interactive) The first early sign of

    time where the main thread has come at rest and the browser has completed a First Meaningful Paint.
  16. @radibit Time to Interactive (Consistently Interactive) A er the First

    Meaningful Paint, when the main thread has been at rest for at least 5 seconds and there are no long tasks that will prevent immediate response to user input.
  17. @radibit Navigation begins First Paint First Meaningful Paint First Idle

    5 seconds without long tasks First Idle and Time to Interactive Loading time First Interactive and Consistently Interactive Short task Long task (longer than 50ms)
  18. @radibit Why the main thread can be blocked? JS Fetched

    JS Compiled JS Parsed Style Calculations Layout Render Evaluate Script (main.js) Loading time 0 ms 100 ms 200 ms 300 ms
  19. @radibit Why the main thread can be blocked? JS Fetched

    JS Compiled JS Parsed Style Calculations Layout Render Evaluate Script (main.js) Loading time 0 ms 100 ms 200 ms 300 ms Single long-running operation which takes more than 50 ms
  20. @radibit Why the main thread can be blocked? JS Fetched

    JS Compiled JS Parsed Style Calculations Layout Render Evaluate Script (main.js) Loading time 0 ms 100 ms 200 ms 300 ms Single long-running operation which takes more than 50 ms
  21. @radibit Blocking the main thread Users won’t be able to

    receive any immediate feedback from their actions
  22. @radibit Blocking the main thread Users won’t be able to

    receive any immediate feedback from their actions Frustrating situations, unexpected updates
  23. @radibit Blocking the main thread Users won’t be able to

    receive any immediate feedback from their actions Frustrating situations, unexpected updates Far more destructive result on mobile devices – ba ery drain, poor animations, junky scrolling
  24. @radibit Blocking the main thread Users won’t be able to

    receive any immediate feedback from their actions Frustrating situations, unexpected updates Far more destructive result on mobile devices – ba ery drain, poor animations, junky scrolling
  25. @radibit The median mobile webpage 370KB HTTP Archive State of

    JavaScript report (Sep 2018) 9s JavaScript Until Interactive
  26. Sites with this much script are simply inaccessible to a

    broad swath of the world’s users; statistically, users do not (and will not) wait for these experiences to load.  Alex Russell, 
 So ware Engineer, Google Chrome Team “
  27. TTI case study The Pinterest’s engineering team observed 60% higher

    user engagement a er reducing Time to Interactive from 23s to 5.6s, and to 3.9s on repeat visits! Pinterest performance case study
  28. @radibit Aim for Time to Interactive under 5 seconds On

    all devices h ps://infrequently.org/2017/10/can-you-afford-it-real-world-web-performance-budgets/
  29. Just because you are grabbing all the low-hanging fruit doesn’t

    mean you are making a good fruit salad. Jen Simmons, 
 Designer Advocate, 
 Mozilla “
  30. WebPageTest Quick way to run comprehensive web performance reports with

    scripting capability that lets you automate multi-step test. Private instance option for CI or commit- queue system. h ps://www.webpagetest.org/easy
  31. Lighthouse Web performance audits as part of Chrome Dev Tools.

    Travis CI implementation for pull requests. h ps://github.com/ebidel/lighthouse-ci h ps://googlechrome.github.io/lighthouse/viewer/
  32. Bundlesize, Webpack Performance Keep your bundle size in check with

    Bundlesize and define your performance budget using Webpack. h ps://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize h ps://webpack.js.org/configuration/performance/
  33. ♠ Calibre You can keep track of and analyze First

    Idle and Time to Interactive using Calibre’s automated web performance tests. h ps://calibreapp.com/