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Commons Host: Building a CDN for the rest of th...

Commons Host: Building a CDN for the rest of the world

Recorded presentations of these slides:

- Nodeconf.eu @ 2018-11-07

- Geekcamp.sg @ 2019-01-05

Sebastiaan Deckers

November 07, 2018

More Decks by Sebastiaan Deckers

Other Decks in Technology


  1. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Let's Encrypt for Custom Domains npx

    @commonshost/cli deploy --domain example.com (Point the DNS record for "example.com" to "commons.host")
  2. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Dawn of the Hybrid CDN FTTx "73% of

    the world’s FTTx subscribers [...] in the Asia-Pacific region."
  3. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Fibre installed by default in new

    property developments. FTTH available in most cities in CJK, SEA, and India
  4. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host BKK SGN JKT MNL KUL RGN

    SIN HKG TYO Not enough glass in the water. Traffic mostly via peering in SIN/HKG/TYO.
  5. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host The real world is lumpy. Just

    way too many networks
 De facto/jure monopolies Systemic barriers to entry
  6. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Think big. 561 urban agglomerations >1,000,000

    population 63,483 BGP-active ASNs,
 upper bound of ISPs in the world 1,064 urban areas >500,000 population 53% of the world
  7. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Start small. $200 per server affordable

    by individuals Static Sites
 low CPU/RAM/IO requirements 1 Gbps per server enough to saturate FTTH
  8. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Move fast. 20+ locations in first

    6 months Automation deploy a new server in minutes
  9. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host 1. JavaScript Node.js: fast low-level internals

    for HTTP/2, crypto, compression, I/O, ... NPM: Standing on the shoulders of giants.
  10. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Commodity Hardware
 Intel Pentium II Donated

    by Intel Big Idea: "Not absolute performance, but best performance per dollar."
  11. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Intel Xeon is the expensive, power-hungry,

    king of absolute server performance ARM is the
 new commodity hardware
 thanks to a huge
 mobile processor market
  12. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Solid state chip inventory does not

    wear out, nor expire. Due to huge volumes,
 production surplus can be large.
  13. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Goal: To create the closest to

    the in the largest CDN, most people, shortest time.
  14. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Marketplace Content Publishers pay — Server

    Hosts earn. Incentives for hosts worldwide to invest in hardware and networks. Large content publishers can reach otherwise impossible audiences.
  15. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host DNS over HTTPS New way to

    secure DNS against tampering, censorship, snooping, etc.
  16. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host DNS over HTTPS More servers =

    lower latency More users = better cache hit ratio
  17. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host "How hard can it be?" Kenny

 @machinesung Overnight implementation based on require('dns-packet') Zero to production in 10 days.
  18. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Playdoh Public DoH on all Commons

    Host CDN edge servers. Independent, no censorship, no logging.
  19. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Use HTTP/2 AltSvc to announce nearby

    DoH servers. Use HTTP/2 PING to measure fastest DoH servers.
  20. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host I need your help... Use Publish

    websites Translate documentation Report bugs Request features
  21. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host I need your help... Use Publish

    websites Translate documentation Report bugs Request features Host Deploy an edge PoP,
 at your home or office. Especially in developing urban areas.
  22. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Use Publish websites Translate documentation Report

    bugs Request features Host Deploy an edge PoP,
 at your home or office. Especially in developing urban areas. Fund Buy a PoP server, for yourself or for placement at a willing remote host.
  23. https://commons.host @sebdeckers Commons Host Use Publish websites Translate documentation Report

    bugs Request features Host Deploy an edge PoP,
 at your home or office. Especially in developing urban areas. Fund Buy a PoP server, for yourself or for placement at a willing remote host. Share Tell a Friend