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Web performance for LAMP developers (front end)

Web performance for LAMP developers (front end)

Sergey's short introduction to web performance for LAMP developers, presented at July 2011 NY Web Performance Meetup: http://www.nywebperformance.org/events/20619301/

Back-end presentation was done by Ronald Bradford

Sergey Chernyshev

July 28, 2011

More Decks by Sergey Chernyshev

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Performance? Why? $$$ Money $$$ • Shopzilla +7-12% conversions! &

    -50% operation costs • +15% (+60M) downloads for Firefox. (-1sec => +2.7% downloads) • Slowness is sticky (Google and Microsoft) User experience SEO: Google uses site's speed in ranking
  2. "Front-end" • Read waterfall diagrams • Measure user's version of

    performance • Use browser's cache • "Compile" your web apps
  3. Metrics • TTFB • Time to load • Time to

    first render • Above the Fold (AFT) • Your business metrics • Technical metrics (# of requests, page size, etc)
  4. Compile • Combine CSS and JavaScript • Minify CSS, JavaScript

    and even HTML • Optimize images • Version static / code URLs