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Map Meetup Belgrade #7: Mapping Businesses, Com...

Map Meetup Belgrade #7: Mapping Businesses, Competition, Markets and Industries

Practicing time!

This meetup will be solely for practicing of Wardley mapping.
We will discuss different industry scenarios and quickly sketch up a few maps, with mapping exercises for all of us.

The focus will be on how to understand the user needs, where does a component stand, how do other dependencies influence it and where to look to commoditize.

Don't worry if you haven't been before, this time we will the foundations of Wardley Maps and how to easily sketch them.

Aleksandar Simovic

May 13, 2019

More Decks by Aleksandar Simovic

Other Decks in Business


  1. Map Meetup #7 Three sections of a Map Meetup: 1

    Recap of the past few weeks 1I1 Talk about the meetup theme 1I Reiterate the core of Wardley Maps
  2. Map Meetup #7 Strategic Business Wardley Map Meetup Hamburg Suggested

    to evolve even more “The Roman Roads” Connect our meetups and meetup members,
 exchange knowledge, experiences, maps. Kickstarted Hamburg Map Meetup Introduction to
 Wardley Maps
  3. Map Meetup #7 Preparations for open sourcing BattleCamp Potential guests

    John Grant, Andrew Shafer Multiple inquiries Share the cards and anyone who wants
  4. Map Meetup #7 Drawing a Wardley Map 1. Actors (Users

    / Customers) 2. Activities 3. Needs 4. Value Chain Do not think about the value chain before going for the first three, step by step! 5. Evolution
  5. Map Meetup #7 Homework The Industry (randomly given to you

    at the meetup) Write and define: 
 - Actors (required)
 - Their activities (required)
 - Their needs (required)
 - One value chain for one actor (required)
 - Evolution phases for the value chain components