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Designing With Code

Jay Stakelon
August 21, 2014

Designing With Code

A quick talk on Framer.js that I gave at the LA Hacker News Meetup on August 21, 2014.

Jay Stakelon

August 21, 2014

More Decks by Jay Stakelon

Other Decks in Design


  1. Creators need an immediate connection to what they're creating. Bret

    Victor, “Inventing on Principle” h ps://vimeo.com/36579366
  2. We currently have a few major schools of thinking. They

    roughly fall into 3 categories: Timeline, Signal Flow & Code. Pasquale D’Silva h ps://medium.com/@pasql/the-state-of-interaction-design-tools-f755c6515368
  3. PROPERTIES & FILTERS MyLayer = new Layer! # Positioning! x:

    100! y: 100! # Size! height: 500! width: 500! scale: 1! # Visual! visible: true! opacity: 1! rotation: 0! backgroundColor: '#333'! clip: true # Filters! blur: 5! brightness: 100! saturate: 100! hueRotate: 40! contrast: 50! invert: 100! grayscale: 75! sepia: 50! # Hierarchy! superLayer: VideoContainer
  4. EVENTS # Listen for an event with Layer.on! BlueBox.on Events.Click,

    (evt)->! # Perform the actions below when the event occurs! BlueBox.opacity = .5! BlueBox.x = evt.x + 100 # Move BlueBox 100px to the right! ! # Desktop mouse events! Events.MouseOver | Events.MouseOut! ! # Touch events! Events.TouchStart | Events.TouchMove | TouchEnd! ! # Drag events! Events.DragStart | Events.DragMove | Events.DragEnd! ! # Animation, scrolling and more! Events.AnimationEnd | Events.Scroll | Events.StateDidSwitch!
  5. ✋ # One line of code makes any Layer draggable.!

    BlueBox.draggable.enabled = true DRAGGING WITH ONE LINE OF CODE
  6. ANIMATE ALL THE THINGS # A more detailed animation, !

    # written out the "long way"! myLayerAnimation = new Animation! layer: MyLayer! properties:! opacity: 1! x: 200! curve: 'spring-rk4'! curveOptions:! tension: 150! friction: 15! velocity: 5! time: .25! delay: .25! Animation.start() # An animation that uses the! # Layer.animate shorthand! MyLayer.animate! properties:! opacity: 1! time: .25! curve: 'ease-in-out' Play with Framer spring animations and bezier curves
 h p://stakes.github.io/framerplayground
  7. FRAMER Framer Studio
 h p://framerjs.com Framer Studio
 h ps://github.com/koenbok/framer The

    Framer Team
 h p://twi er.com/koenbok
 h p://twi er.com/jornvandijk
 h p://twi er.com/benjaminnathan
  8. RESOURCES The Framer JS Blog
 h p://framerjs.tumblr.com/ The Framer JS

    Facebook group
 h p://facebook.com/groups/framerjs Framer on Hackdesign.org by Cemre Gungor
 h p://hackdesign.org/lessons/41 Prototyping With Framer Workshop
 h p://speakerdeck.com/stakes/prototyping-with-framer
  9. ADD-ONS Hammer.js
 h p://hammerjs.github.io/ Shortcuts for Framer
 h p://github.com/facebook/shortcuts-for-framer Fluid

    Layers for Framer.js
 h p://github.com/stakes/fluid-framer Sublime Text Autocompletion for Framer.js
 h p://github.com/awt2542/SublimeCompletionFramerjs
  10. THX