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The State of Hakoniwa

The State of Hakoniwa

ROSCon 2024 Lightning Talk!!
2024/10/22 @ Odense, Denmark

Link to resources:
- hakoniwa-px4sim (drone simulator)
- GitHub: https://github.com/toppers/hakoniwa-px4sim
- Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEYTQkZcwB0
- hakoniwa-bridge
- GitHub: https://github.com/toppers/hakoniwa-bridge
- Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-kUh9P_jvI
- Our website: https://toppers.github.io/hakoniwa/


October 22, 2024

More Decks by takasehideki

Other Decks in Technology


  1. The State of Hakoniwa Hideki Takase (The Univ. of Tokyo)

    Takashi Mori (Hakoniwa Lab.) Kenji Hiranabe (ESM, Inc.) Mitsutaka Takada (Nagoya Univ.) Shin Kuboaki (Change Vision, Inc.) Shintaro Hosoai (The Univ. of Tokyo)
  2. We are TOPPERS/Hakoniwa WG!! 2 • Hideki Takase • @takasehideki

    • The Univ. of Tokyo • EMB/IoT PF, ROS • Shintaro Hosoai • @s-hosoai • The Univ. of Tokyo • IDE, Modeling • Tatsuya Fukuta • @hiranabe • ESM, Inc. • Agile, Mathematics • Mitsutaka Takada • @mitsu48 • Nagoya Univ. • Kernel, Automotive • Shin Kuboaki • @kuboaki • Change Vision, Inc. • MBD/MDD, App • Takashi Mori • @kanetugu2020 • Hakoniwa Lab. • Tech Leader!! • About TOPPERS Project (Toyohashi OPen Platform for Embedded Real-time Systems) • NPO in Japan to promote embedded systems technology and its industry by developing and releasing high-quality open-source software, especially in real-time kernels and components • Hakoniwa WG: working group to establish simulation technology for the IoT fields
  3. Network Engineers Cloud Engineers Web Engineers Embedded Systems Engineers Robot

    Control Engineers What is Hakoniwa?? • Let’s bring them into a BOX!! • arranging various technologies as assets and combine into the same box • not only the simulator but also a HUB to everything for simulation • Key Technologies • Hakoniwa Core: functions for the seamless integration of various assets • Hakoniwa Conductor: mediator for simulation between assets • Protocol Data Unit (PDU): common data format to exchange 3 please check ROSCon’23!!
  4. Update1: Drone Simulator • The simulator that integrates a drone

    in virtual space with a real-life PX4 or QGC 4 PX4 on SI TL QGroundControl 18570/ UDP Hakoniwa hakoniwa-px4sim Drone Physics/ Sensor (C/ C+ + ) Game Engine Drone Control (C/ C+ + ) Unity Unreal Engine Scenario Test Python 4560/ TCP PS4 Controller MATLAB/ Simulink Generate Plant / Sensor Model scenario parameters Simulation
  5. Update2: hakoniwa-bridge • able to connect existing physical ROS systems

    to virtual space! • designed with Zenoh to integrate everything for Digital Twin!! 5
  6. More info!! 7 • Everything is available as Open Source!

    • Please join our Hakoniwa world!! https://toppers.github.io/hakoniwa/en/