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世界最大のROSコミュニティ/スクールGuyuehome紹介 古月居 Robbin Hu

TAKASU Masakazu
November 10, 2024

世界最大のROSコミュニティ/スクールGuyuehome紹介 古月居 Robbin Hu

【録画・資料公開あり】中国のAIロボット開発,RDKX3ボード,会員120万人のROSコミュニティ「古月居」、さらには深圳ORBBECの3Dカメラについて当事者が紹介 #rdkx3

世界最大のROSコミュニティ/スクールGuyuehome紹介 古月居 Robbin Hu

D-Robotics RDKシリーズと会社紹介

RDKX3 ハンズオン資料 東京 D-Robotics 日本語


TAKASU Masakazu

November 10, 2024

More Decks by TAKASU Masakazu


  1. • More than 250,000 monthly active users • More than

    500,000 monthly visits • More than 10000 quality blogs 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 2021-2024 "Guyuehome" website views GuYueHome - a well-known robot developer community in Chinese • More than 1000 hours of video resources • More than 150 universities and corporate users • More than 15,000 technical communication posts https://www.guyuehome.com/
  2. User data 40 70 120 180 260 2019 2020 2021

    2022 2023 Number of GuYueHome developers (10,000 people) 7.44% 7.90% 9.79% 11.01% 14.94% 浙江 上海 北京 江苏 广东 User geographical distribution 0.03% 2% 5.98% 37.36% 54.63% 18岁以下 45岁以上 35-44岁 25-34岁 18-24岁 User age distribution
  3. Northern China Southwest China Northwest China Central China Eastern China

    Southern China Northeast China As of now Guyuehome education services have been covered 150 colleges and universities in 19 provinces across the country More than 1 million people have been served Partners
  4. Cases of university cooperation 上海交通大学 华中科技大学 武汉工商学院 兰州理工大学 广州工商大学 陕西科技大学

    古月居2023年ROS暑期学校 北京理工大学 湖北汽车工业学院 湖北工业大学
  5. GuYueHome was born in 2013. At that time, it was

    just my personal blog. https://blog.csdn.net/hcx25909
  6. In 2015, GuYueHome and ECNU organized ROS Summer School, a

    global ROS event with the largest number of participants. http://roseducation.org.cn/
  7. In 2018, GuYueHome published a ROS book in China, which

    is currently the largest-selling ROS book untill now.
  8. In 2019, GuYueHome established an operation team, and became a

    public robot community. Blog Q&A Project s
  9. In 2019, GuYueHome participated in ROSCon, and introduced Chinese community

    to global robot developers Morgan Quigley The Father of ROS Melonee Wise Fetch Robotics CEO Brian Gerkey Intrinsic
  10. In 2019, GuYueHome publish video course ROS 21 courses the

    largest number of learners and visits in China. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zt411G7Vn /
  11. In 2019, GuYueHome website launched a video course section, hundreds

    of developers have now shared video content here. https://class.guyuehome.com/
  12. In 2022, GuYueHome released a new ROS2 course, the most

    viewed ROS2 course in China untill now. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16B4y1Q7jQ
  13. In 2023, GuYueHome releases a series of robot developer kits

    fully open source, a lot of learning materials. https://www.originbot.org/
  14. In 2024, OriginBot series products had more robot forms, give

    developers more choices to build richer applications. https://www.originbot.cc/ OringinBot OringinCar OringinMa n
  15. In 2024, GuYueHome website has been fully upgraded, and more

    AI functions have been added. https://www.guyuehome.com/
  16. In 2024, GuYueHome will host ROSCon China 2024, this is

    the first time ROSCon is held in China. https://roscon.cn/2024/index.htm l
  17. D-Robotics 2024 - Confidential Information Under NDA 22 Pioneer in

    Robotic Computing About D-Robotics D-Roboticst started from the Horizon born in 2015, originating from the brand mission of "empowering machines to make human life safer and better." After nine years of development, it has become a leading intelligent robot development platform in the industry, realizing true intelligence for machines that are ubiquitous in people's lives. Inheriting the technical concept of the horizon's combination of hardware and software, D-Robotics is based on the third-generation Sunrise intelligent computing solution, providing global robot developers with high-performance intelligent computing solutions and a complete development infrastructure. With a new development paradigm, it makes the creation of smarter robots more simple. As of April 2024, the D-Robotics Development Platform has gathered tens of thousands of top robot developers from around the world. It has engaged in deep collaboration with leading global customers and partners in segmented scenarios such as humanoid robots, drones, floor sweepers, and lawn mowers. This has led to a disruptive and upgraded intelligent experience for millions of users worldwide.
  18. D-Robotics 2024 - Confidential Information Under NDA 23 OUR MISSION

    Enhance the Intelligent Capabilities of Robots
  19. Startup 200+ Developer 50,000+ Robot Developers 500+ Projects Eduction 200+

    Colleges 1,000+ Teams 400+ Courses L e a d t h e E c o s y s t e m o f R o b o t i c s E r a