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Using Job-to-be-Done to improve marketing, desi...

James Cox-Morton
December 19, 2014

Using Job-to-be-Done to improve marketing, design and development

This talk covers the basics behind the 'Job to be done' product lens, and how it can be used to create products with resonate better with users.
Apologies for the horrible orange speaker notes - Keynote sadly doesn't do a great job at exporting normally

James Cox-Morton

December 19, 2014

More Decks by James Cox-Morton

Other Decks in Business


  1. Selling more milkshakes This is based on a real case

    study of a fast food franchise that wanted to sell more milkshakes
  2. Focus Group What would make you buy more milkshakes? Identified

    groups of people who buy milkshakes “Will making the shakes thicker, more chocolaty, cheaper, or chunkier satisfy you better?”
  3. Interviewing customers A different approach Instead of just asking focus

    groups what they wanted from a milkshake, they approached customers immediately after the point of purchase
  4. What job is the milkshake hired for? Ask after purchase

    ‘What task did you buy the milkshake to do?’
  5. What job is the milkshake hired for? • Bored •

    Hungry • Only one free hand • Can’t make a mess on work clothes Commuting
  6. What else had you hired for this job? Bagel with

    Jam/Cream Banana Donut Too dry, boring Sticky fingers, gooey steering wheel Gone too quickly Hungry again at 10am
  7. The milkshakes weren’t competing to be the best milkshake They

    were competing to be the best candidate for the job
  8. Being better at the job • Fruit chunks • Thicker

    • Optimise for drive-thru More entertaining experience Entertains for longer Lower risk of being late for work These changes lead to improved sales
  9. Other jobs milkshakes were hired for • Problem: Too big

    for children to finish • Solution: Separate, smaller product Reward for children
  10. “Customers rarely make buying decisions around what the ‘average’ customer

    in their category may do — but they often buy things because they find themselves with a problem that they need to solve” http://www.christenseninstitute.org/key-concepts/jobs-to-be-done/
  11. Selling a drill • 0.8 Horse Power • 2 x

    3.0aH Li-ion batteries • 25 torque settings
  12. • High-power for external walls • Rechargeable batteries hold charge

    between use • Multiple speeds suitable for screwing to heavy boring Selling to jobs Selling to jobs focuses on the capacity which is afforded to the user, not the qualities of the product
  13. Successful design is the result of good fit between context

    and form - Christopher Alexander From ‘Notes on the Synthesis of Form’ Context is the world your product lives in, form is what you are creating.
  14. Jobs give us context Understanding this context allows us to

    design forms (products) which are a great ‘fit’.
  15. JTBD helps to determine ‘good-enough’ As product performance increases, so

    does cost and complexity Understanding the jobs users hire your product for can help you to understand when performance improvements are no longer meaningful
  16. Focus-groups Understand jobs by • Observing customers • Interviewing about

    jobs Observing customers performing jobs with their current solutions. If observation isn’t practical or possible, interview users about how they perform jobs
  17. “If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they

    would have told me a faster horse.” Not Henry Ford Analysis should focus on understanding the jobs of users, not asking them what they want. Solutions should be derived by product teams identifying opportunities to improve existing approaches to accomplishing jobs.
  18. As <user> When <context> I want <some feature> In order

    to <reach an outcome> http://alanklement.blogspot.com/2013/09/replacing-user-story-with-job- story.html Job stories, as proposed by Alan Klement http://alanklement.blogspot.com/2013/09/replacing-user-story-with-job-story.html
  19. As an account owner I want to check my balance

    online In order to know my balance at any time
  20. When I see a fabulous pair of boots in town

    near the end of the month I want to check my balance on my mobile In order to see if I have enough cash left to treat myself Note you could record multiple specific ‘when’ contexts for the same feature
  21. Now the story contains the motivations which drive the feature

    This makes it easier to empathise with the user
  22. Writing Job Stories Keep it real Try to base your

    contexts on facts as best as you can
  23. JTBD Summary • Focus on jobs, not on users •

    Users respond to messaging which solves their jobs • Understanding context is the key to creating great experiences • Understanding of jobs should drive all areas of business