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Wonderlanders Sample

September 06, 2024

Wonderlanders Sample

The first 5 pages of a 60 page pilot for Wonderlanders, a space-fantasy adventure.


September 06, 2024

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  1. INT.OBSERVATORY-DAY The area is dark save for a large model

    of the solar system spinning. The model gives off light, the sun being brightest. LILY Ancient cultures have ascribed meanings to the celestial bodies throughout the ages, the sun and moon being common staples in myth. The model slows to a stop with the earth, moon, and sun in alignment for a total solar eclipse. LILY (CONT’D) The eclipse holds a special place in our minds as well, even now when we can predict them decades away they still fascinate us! Lights reveal the observatory around the model. There’s a group of kids listening intently to LILY QUISPE (30F) an Equatorian woman with a denim jacket. LILY (CONT’D) For most of you this will be your first eclipse, but believe it or not they’re relatively common so you may get the chance to witness another in your lifetime! The kids cheer and the parents check the time. There’s excited murmurs throughout the group. Lily turns the group around towards the exit and another scientist approaches. NICOLE Please follow me to the balcony for the eclipse viewing! Lily follows the group out from behind, pausing to hang her lanyard up in an employee room. Rejoining the group having changed into hike attire, Nicole holds the door open for her. LILY You’re fine with the group on your own? Nicole rolls her eyes playfully. NICOLE I have kids Lily, don’t worry.
  2. 2. INT.FUNICULAR-DAY At one end of the balcony outside the

    observatory is the funicular car down the hill to the parking lot. It has large windows with a great view of New York. Some of the kids wave to Lily as the funicular departs. As the balcony moves out of view, Lily takes a seat on the bench. She leans on her cane and checks her phone, a smile. The sky outside is clear of clouds. The hill around the observatory has sparse patches of trees. When the parking lot comes into view below, Lily gets up and rushes to look out the window. Someone waits below for the funicular, waving at it as it descends. NATE (28M) a Cantonese-American man with tousled black hair. He wears sporty clothes and holds two backpacks next to him. EXT.FUNICULAR PARKING LOT-DAY The funicular arrives and the doors open. Lily pulls Nate into a hug as she exits. She glances to the packs. LILY Everything’s ready? Have we got- NATE Yes, bandages. Yes, sprays. Yes, even the flora guide. I know how you are Lily, we’re on a timer. Nate taps his watch to show Lily the time. She smiles and lifts the smaller pack onto her back. LILY Look at you, I’ll make a real hiker out of you yet. Nate chuckles. He takes her arm in his and leads her to the trail. EXT. OBSERVATORY HILL-DAY Lily scales the hill with the help of a cane and wears sporty clothes with a small backpack and hat. NATE How much longer have we got? LILY Less than a mile, we’re good on time. 2.
  3. 3. Lily takes a small camera from her backpack, stopping

    to lean on her cane when she spots something she wants to photograph. Nate doesn’t go far from Lily, his eyes stay on her with a gentle smile. He’s taken aback when Lily turns the camera on him and snaps a picture. LILY (CONT’D) Don’t let you guard down Nate. Nate moves in to see the picture. He nods in approval. NATE I’m just too cute when I’m spooked. Lily sneaks him a peck on the cheek. LILY You look cute in most emotions. NATE Lucky me! Lily shows him the other photos. They lean their foreheads against each other as the both look at the camera. The photos show average flora and landscape but taken in a reverent manner making them look special. NATE (CONT’D) You could find the good side of anything, I’m lucky you found mine. Lily elbows him playfully. LILY None of that! It was easy to find even with how dramatic you get. A smirk appears on Nate’s face. He arches his back as if his backpack had doubled in weight. NATE Oh goodness! All our equipment is just too much for little ol’ me! LILY Oh I see how it is. Lily lets her cane drop so she can pick Nate up and carry him a short bit until they both reach a clearing. They both fall to the ground, laughing on top of each other. As Lily gets up off of Nate, he takes her hand and kisses her engagement ring 3.
  4. 4. NATE Your service is appreciated Lily, allow me to

    put up the scope in your honor! LILY Good! I’m not touching a telescope on my day off. Lily walks back into the forest, looking for her cane. She bends down to pick it up but as she rises, Lily notices something glowing yellow not far off. Pulling up her camera, Lily can’t get the glow in focus. She slowly approaches but when she pulls the camera away it’s ALICE(50F) a yellow ghost wearing sailor’s garb. Lily is startled by Alice’s unflinching stare. LILY (CONT’D) Are you... alright? ALICE You’re still so far Lily. Lily flinches at her name. LILY I’m right here... do you know me? ALICE They’re waiting for us Lily. LILY That’s not- could you help me out here, whatever you are?! ALICE We must set sail... Lily shakes her head and takes a drink from her water bottle. LILY I swore I’d been drinking... Lily turns to Nate’s voice back in the clearing. LILY (CONT’D) I found it! Be right there! Lily glances back at Alice, then walks back to Nate with her cane in hand. The contents of Nate’s backpack have been scattered near him in the clearing with the assembled telescope in front of him. 4.
  5. 5. Lily slumps next to Nate, he’s confused at her

    sour look. NATE What’s with that face Lily? LILY I didn’t realize I’d been pushing myself this week. Nate raises an eyebrow in curiosity but his phone timer buzzes. He hurrily looks into the telescope. Lily puts on eclipse sunglasses as the sky darkens and the sun and moon approach each other. A moment passes, and they do not align for a total eclipse, the moon goes under the sun Lily stares at the sky in horror. Nate slowly pulls away from the telescope, his expression drops as he glances to Lily. Lily whips around to scan the treeline, the yellow glow can be seen moving erratically. Lily points to the glow. LILY (CONT’D) Nate, can you see a yellow light at the treeline where I’m pointing? Nate slowly shakes his head ‘no’. They share a concerned look NATE Did something go wrong Lily? Lily is frozen in place, but Nate gets up and goes too where Lily pointed. Lily rushes after him. LILY Nate! Don’t mess with it! Lily crashes onto Nate, holding his shoulders. NATE It might have something to do with whatever went wrong just now! LILY It’s a ghost Nate! Are you expecting it to effect gravity?! Nate frowns and turns away. Lily is on the verge of tears. LILY (CONT’D) I know you don’t understand how bad this is, I’m sorry. We should get back home, there’s stuff to test... NATE Dinner would do us some good. 5.