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d3js tips and tricks

April 12, 2014

d3js tips and tricks

talks in OSDC 2014, Taiwan.


April 12, 2014

More Decks by tkirby

Other Decks in Technology


  1. data data data data selection enter exit selection d3.selectAll(“div”) .data(data)

    .enter().append(“div”) .exit().remove() d3.selectAll(“div”)
  2. attrs = { class: "ball" cx: "100px" cy: "100px" r:

    "10px" stroke: "#f00" "stroke-width": "100px" fill: “#f00” }; d3.select(“circle”).attr(attrs) d3.select(“circle”) .attr(“class”, “ball”) .attr(“cx”, “100px”) .attr(“cy”, “100px”) .attr(“r”, “10px”) .attr(“stroke”, “#f00”) .attr(“stroke-width”, “100px”) .attr(“fill”, “#f00”) …
  3. attrs = { class: "ball" cx: "100px" cy: "100px" r:

    "10px" stroke: "#f00" "stroke-width": "100px" fill: “#f00” }; ! d3.select(“circle”).attr(attrs) attrs = { class: "ball" cx: "100px" cy: "100px" r: "10px" }; d3.select(“circle”).attr(attrs) .ball { stroke: #f00 stroke-width: 100px fill: #f00 } javascript css
  4. attrs = { class: "ball" cx: function(it) { return it.cx;

    } cy: function(it) { return it.cy; } r: function(it) { return it.r; } }; .…selectAll(“circle”).attr(attrs) .ball { stroke: #f00 stroke-width: 100px fill: #f00 } javascript css attrs = { class: "ball" cx: "100px" cy: "100px" r: "10px" }; d3.select(“circle”).attr(attrs) .ball { stroke: #f00 stroke-width: 100px fill: #f00 } javascript css
  5. attrs = { class: "ball" cx: function(it) { return it.cx;

    } cy: function(it) { return it.cy; } r: function(it) { return it.r; } stroke:! function(it) { return it.s; }! fill:! ! function(it) { return it.fill; }! “stroke-width”: function(it) {! return it.strokeWidth;! } }; .…selectAll(“circle”).attr(attrs) javascript .ball { stroke: #f00 stroke-width: 100px fill: #f00 } javascript css attrs = { class: "ball" cx: function(it) { return it.cx; } cy: function(it) { return it.cy; } r: function(it) { return it.r; } }; .…selectAll(“circle”).attr(attrs)
  6. a = d3.select(“body”).selectAll(“div.bk”).data(data) a.enter().append(“div”) .attr(“class”,”bk”) .text(function(it){ return it; }); a.exit().remove();

    javascript: function main($scope) { $scope.data = data; } ! html: <div class=“bk” ng-repeat=“d in data”! ng-attr-style=“background:{{d}}”>
  7. attrs = { class: "ball" cx: function(it) { return it.cx;

    } cy: function(it) { return it.cy; } r: function(it) { return it.r; } stroke:! function(it) { return it.s; }! fill:!! ! function(it) { return it.fill; }! “stroke-width”: function(it) {! return it.strokeWidth;! } }; .…selectAll(“circle”).attr(attrs)
  8. <circle class=“ball” ng-repeat=“c in data” cx=“{{cx}}” cy=“{{cy}}” r=“{{r}}” stroke=“{{s}}” fill=“{{fill}}”

    stroke-width=“{{strokeWidth}}” /> attrs = { class: "ball" cx: function(it) { return it.cx; } cy: function(it) { return it.cy; } r: function(it) { return it.r; } stroke:! function(it) { return it.s; }! fill:! ! function(it) { return it.fill; }! “stroke-width”: function(it) {! return it.strokeWidth;! }}; .…selectAll(“circle”).attr(attrs)
  9. <circle class=“ball” ng-repeat=“c in data” cx=“{{cx}}” cy=“{{cy}}” r=“{{r}}” stroke=“{{s}}” fill=“{{fill}}”

    stroke-width=“{{strokeWidth}}” /> javascript:! function main($scope) { $scope.data = data; } html
  10. <g id=“group1” class=“text-group”> <text class=“text” id=“text1” ng-repeat=“t in text”> <textspan>

    {{t[0]}} </textspan> <textspan> {{t[1]}} </textspan> <animationmotion dur=“2s”> <mpath xlink:href=“#somepath”/> </animatemotion> </text> </g> html
  11. <g id=“group1” class=“text-group”> <text class=“text” id=“text1” ng-repeat=“t in text”> <textspan>

    {{t[0]}} </textspan> <textspan> {{t[1]}} </textspan> <animationmotion dur=“2s”> <mpath xlink:href=“#somepath”/> </animatemotion> </text> </g> html
  12. <g id=“group1” class=“text-group”> <text class=“text” id=“text1” ng-repeat=“t in text”> <textspan>

    {{t[0]}} <textspan> {{t[1]}} <animationmotion dur=“2s”> <mpath xlink:href=“#somepath”>
  13. <g id=“group1” class=“text-group”> <text class=“text” id=“text1” ng-repeat=“t in text”> <textspan>

    {{t[0]}} <textspan> {{t[1]}} <animationmotion dur=“2s”> <mpath xlink:href=“#somepath”>
  14. <g id=“group1” class=“text-group”> <text class=“text” id=“text1” ng-repeat=“t in text”> <textspan>

    {{t[0]}} </textspan> <textspan> {{t[1]}} </textspan> <animationmotion dur=“2s”> <mpath xlink:href=“#somepath”/> </animatemotion> </text> </g> g#group1.text-group text#text1.text(ng-repeat=“t in text”) textspan {{t[0]}} textspan {{t[1]}} animationmotion(dur=“2s”) mpath(xlink:href=“#somepath”)
  15. a = d3.select(“body”).selectAll(“div.bk”).data(data) a.enter().append(“div”) .attr(“class”,”bk”) .text(function(it){ return it; }); a.exit().remove();

    d3.select(“body”).selectAll(“div.bk”).data(data) ..enter().append(“div”) .attr(“class”,”bk”) .text(function(it){ return it; }); ..exit().remove();
  16. d3.select “body” .selectAll “div.bk” .data data ..enter!append “div” .attr “class”,”bk”

    .text -> it ..exit!remove!; d3.select(“body”).selectAll(“div.bk”).data(data) ..enter().append(“div”) .attr(“class”,”bk”) .text( -> it ) ..exit().remove();
  17. attrs = { class: "ball" cx: function(it) { return it.cx;

    } cy: function(it) { return it.cy; } r: function(it) { return it.r; } stroke: function(it) { return it.s; } fill: function(it) { return it.fill; } “stroke-width”: function(it) { return it.strokeWidth; } }; p = d3.select(“body”).selectAll(“circle”) .data(data); p.enter().attr(attrs); p.exit().remove();
  18. <svg> <path ng-repeat="x in geoblock” ng-attr-d=“{{x}}"> </svg> $scope.geoblock = data.map($scope.path);

    $scope.fish = d3.fisheye.circular(); $scope.path = d3.geo.path!projection( function(v) { return fish(d3.geo.mercator(v)); } );
  19. svg path(ng-repeat=“x in geoblock”,ng-attr-d=“{{x}}”) $scope ..fish = d3.fisheye.circular! ..geoblock =

    data.map $scope.path ..path = d3.geo.path!.projection -> $scope.fish! d3.geo.mercator v
  20. fish = d3.circular.fisheye(); function projection(v) { return fish(d3.geo.mercator(v)); } path

    = d3.geo.path().projection(projection); g = d3.select(“body”).selectAll(“path.geo”).data(data); g.exit().remove(); g.enter().append(“path”) ..attr(“class”,”geo”) ..attr(“d”, function(it) { return path(it); });
  21. fish = d3.circular.fisheye(); function projection(v) { return fish(d3.geo.mercator(v)); } path

    = d3.geo.path().projection(proje ction); g = d3.select(“body”).selectAll(“p ath.geo”).data(data); g.exit().remove(); g.enter().append(“path”) ..attr(“class”,”geo”) ..attr(“d”, function(it) { return path(it); }); svg path(ng-repeat=“x in geoblock”, ng-attr-d=“{{x}}”) $scope ..fish = d3.fisheye.circular! ..geoblock = data.map $scope.path ..path = d3.geo.path!.projection -> $scope.fish! d3.geo.mercator v
  22. d3.select “circle” .transition!duration 500 .style “top”, “200px” .transition!delay 500 .duration

    500 .style “left”, “200px” @keyframes move { 50% top: 200px! 100% left: 200px! ! circle.move { animation: move 1s linear 1 forwards }
  23. d3.select “circle” .transition!duration 500 .style “top”, “200px” .transition!delay 500 .duration

    500 .style “left”, “200px” d3.select “circle” .attr “class”, “move”
  24. @keyframes move { 50% top: 200px! 100% left: 200px! !

    circle.move { animation: move 1s linear 1 forwards } d3.select “circle” .attr “class”, “move” javascript css
  25. @keyframes move { 50% top: {{top}} 100% left: {{left}} !

    circle.move { animation: move {{dur}} linear {{count}} forwards } d3.select “circle” .attr “class”, “move” javascript css
  26. attrs = { class: ! "ball"! cx: ! ! function(it)

    { return it.cx; }! cy: ! ! function(it) { return it.cy; }! r: ! ! function(it) { return it.r; }! stroke: function(it) { return it.s; } fill: function(it) { return it.fill; } “stroke-width”: function(it) { return it.strokeWidth; } }; .…selectAll(“circle”).attr(attrs) javascript .ball { stroke: #f00 stroke-width: 100px fill: #f00 } javascript css attrs = { class: "ball"! cx:function(it) { return it.cx; }! cy:function(it) { return it.cy; }! r: function(it) { return it.r; }! }; .…selectAll(“circle”).attr(attrs)
  27. Like a Library data = [[0 0] [20 20]]! line

    = d3.canvas.line!! d3.select “canvas” .call line, data d3 canvas plugin
  28. As a DOM Model selectAll “custom:circle” .data data! .enter! .append

    “custom:circle”! .exit! .remove! http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1276463 d3.timer -> selectAll “custom:*” .each ->! if @tagName==“circle” => …! else …!
  29. SVG 2 Canvas - CANVG http://loading.io SVG Animation —> Tick

    by JS Tick by JS —> SVG SVG —> Canvas by canvg Canvas —> GIF by gif.js
  30. CANVG svg to canvas canvg(canvas, “<svg>…”, { renderCallback: cb })

    <script src=“canvg.js”> function cb(canvas) { … }
  31. Other Topics • with Google Maps and geographics • with

    Firebase • with Text, Link, Images and HTML • with Crossfilter • Plugins • Optimization
  32. Summary d3js + svg + jade + css3 + livescript

    + angularjs + x3d + webgl + canvg + phantomjs + canvas + smil …