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Armeria: A microservice framework well-suited e...

Trustin Lee
October 26, 2019

Armeria: A microservice framework well-suited everywhere

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr-0GKUmzo8

Armeria is an open-source Java HTTP/2 microservice framework written by the team which is led by the founder of Netty project. This session introduces its unique features that will make your microservice life easier than ever.

Are you looking to integrate your gRPC or Thrift services with your favorite components such as HAProxy, Prometheus, Zipkin and Spring WebFlux? Do you want a web console like Swagger and Postman for gRPC and Thrift? Are you fed up with the complexity of sidecars and proxies? Do you have a legacy service you want to migrate to modern async RPC? Do you need to serve gRPC, Thrift, REST, static files and even Servlets together?

If any of these questions intrigue you, this talk is definitely worth your time. Come and learn the philosophy behind Armeria and how it fixes your microservice headaches from concise examples.

Previously presented at:

- Joker in Russia on Oct 26, 2019

Related slides:

- Armeria: The only Thrift, gRPC, REST microservice framework you'll need - https://speakerdeck.com/trustin/armeria-the-only-thrift-grpc-rest-microservice-framework-youll-need
- gRPC for the Thrifty: gRPC at Slack, by Josh Wills - https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/grpconf19/ff/gRPC%20for%20the%20Thrifty.pdf
- Armeria: LINE's Next Generation RPC Layer - https://speakerdeck.com/trustin/armeria-lines-next-generation-rpc-layer

Trustin Lee

October 26, 2019

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  1. @armeria_project line/armeria Trustin Lee, LINE Oct 2019 Armeria A Microservice

    Framework Well-suited Everywhere Armeria A Microservice Framework Well-suited Everywhere
  2. @armeria_project line/armeria Yeah, but for good reasons! • Simple &

    User-friendly • Asynchronous & Reactive • 1st-class RPC support – … with better-than-upstream experience • Unopinionated integration & migration • Less points of failure
  3. @armeria_project line/armeria Hello, world! Server server = Server.builder() .http(8080) .https(8443)

    .tlsSelfSigned() .haproxy(8080) .service("/hello/:name", (ctx, req) -> HttpResponse.of("Hello, %s!", ctx.pathParam("name"))) .build(); server.start(); Protocol auto-detection at 8080
  4. @armeria_project line/armeria Hello, world – Annotated Server server = Server.builder()

    .http(8080) .annotatedService(new Object() { @Get("/hello/:name") public String hello(@Param String name) { return String.format("Hello, %s!", name); } }) .build(); server.start(); • Full example: https://github.com/line/armeria-examples/tree/master/annotated-http-service
  5. @armeria_project line/armeria Server server = Server.builder() .http(8080) .service(GrpcService.builder() .addService(new GrpcHelloService())

    .build()) .build(); class GrpcHelloService extends HelloServiceGrpc.HelloServiceImplBase { ... } • Full example: https://github.com/line/armeria-examples/tree/master/grpc-service
  6. @armeria_project line/armeria Thrift Server server = Server.builder() .http(8080) .service("/hello", THttpService.of(new

    ThriftHelloService())) .build(); class ThriftHelloService implements HelloService.AsyncIface { ... }
  7. @armeria_project line/armeria Mix & Match! Server server = Server.builder() .http(8080)

    .service("/hello/rest", (ctx, req) -> HttpResponse.of("Hello, world!")) .service("/hello/thrift", THttpService.of(new ThriftHelloService())) .service(GrpcService.builder() .addService(new GrpcHelloService()) .build()) .build();
  8. @armeria_project line/armeria Pending requests (Queue) One fine day of a

    synchronous microservice Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Read S3 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S2 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Time spent for each shard
  9. @armeria_project line/armeria Pending requests (Queue) Shard 2 ruins the fine

    day… Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Read S3 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S2 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Timeout! Time spent for each shard
  10. @armeria_project line/armeria Pending requests (Queue) Shard 1 & 3: Why

    are no requests coming? Workers: We’re busy waiting for Shard 2. Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S1 Read S3 Read S1 Read S2 Read S3 Read S2 Read S2 Read S2 Read S2 Read S2 Timeouts! Timeouts! Timeouts! Timeouts! Time spent for each shard
  11. @armeria_project line/armeria How can we solve this? • Add more

    CPUs? – They are very idle. • Add more threads? – They will all get stuck with Shard 2 in no time. – Waste of CPU cycles & memory – context switches & call stack • Result: – Fragile system that falls apart even on a tiny backend failure – Inefficient system that takes more memory and CPU
  12. @armeria_project line/armeria How can we solve this? (cont’d) • Can

    work around, must keep tuning and adding hacks, e.g. – Increasing # of threads & reducing call stack – Prepare thread pools for each shard • Shall we just go asynchronous, please? – Less tuning points • Memory size & # of event loops – Better resource utilization with concurrent calls + less threads
  13. @armeria_project line/armeria Problems with large payloads • We solved blocking

    problem with asynchronous programming, but can we send 10MB personalized response to 100K clients? – Can’t hold that much in RAM – 10MB × 100K = 1TB • What if we · they send too fast? – Different bandwidth & processing power • We need ‘just enough buffering.’ – Expect OutOfMemoryError otherwise.
  14. @armeria_project line/armeria Traditional Traditional vs. Reactive Reactive A bunch of

    clients D A T A D A T A D A T A D’ A’ T’ A’ D A T A D’ A’ T’ A’ D A T A D’ A’ T’ A’ Entire data One-by-one D’ A’ T’ A’
  15. @armeria_project line/armeria Reactive HTTP/2 proxy in 6 lines // Use

    Armeria's async & reactive HTTP/2 client. HttpClient client = HttpClient.of("h2c://backend"); Server server = Server.builder() .http(8080) .service("prefix:/", // Forward all requests reactively. (ctx, req) -> client.execute(req)) .build(); • Full example: https://github.com/line/armeria-examples/tree/master/proxy-server
  16. @armeria_project line/armeria RPC vs. HTTP impedance mismatch • RPC has

    been hardly a 1st-class citizen in web frameworks. – Which method was called with what parameters? – What’s the return value? Did it succeed? POST /some_service HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Length: 96 <binary request> HTTP/1.1 200 OK Host: example.com Content-Length: 192 <binary response> Failed RPC call - - [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "POST /some_service HTTP/1.1" 200 2326
  17. @armeria_project line/armeria Killing many birds with Structured Logging • Timings

    – Low-level timings, e.g. DNS · Socket – Request · Response time • Application-level – Custom attributes • User • Client type • Region, … • HTTP-level – Request · Response headers – Content preview, e.g. first 64 bytes • RPC-level – Service type – method and parameters – Return values and exceptions
  18. @armeria_project line/armeria First things first – Decorators GrpcService.builder().addService(new MyServiceImpl()).build() .decorate((delegate,

    ctx, req) -> { ctx.log().addListener(log -> { ... }, RequestLogAvailability.COMPLETE); return delegate.serve(ctx, req); }); • Decorators are used everywhere in – Most features mentioned in this presentation are decorators.
  19. @armeria_project line/armeria Async retrieval of structured logs GrpcService.builder().addService(new MyServiceImpl()).build() .decorate((delegate,

    ctx, req) -> { ctx.log().addListener(log -> { ... }, RequestLogAvailability.COMPLETE); return delegate.serve(ctx, req); });
  20. @armeria_project line/armeria Async retrieval of structured logs (cont’d) ctx.log().addListener(log ->

    { long reqStartTime = log.requestStartTimeMillis(); long resStartTime = log.responseStartTimeMillis(); RpcRequest rpcReq = (RpcRequest) log.requestContent(); if (rpcReq != null) { String method = rpcReq.method(); List<Object> params = rpcReq.params(); RpcResponse rpcRes = (RpcResponse) log.responseContent(); if (rpcRes != null) { Object result = rpcRes.getNow(null); } } }, RequestLogAvailability.COMPLETE);
  21. @armeria_project line/armeria Making a debug call • Sending an ad-hoc

    query in RPC is hard. – Find a proper service definition, e.g. .thrift or .proto files – Set up code generator, build, IDE, etc. – Write some code that makes an RPC call. • HTTP in contrast: – cURL, telnet command, web-based tools and more. • What if we build something more convenient and collaborative?
  22. @armeria_project line/armeria Armeria documentation service • Enabled by adding DocService

    • Browse and invoke RPC services in an server – No fiddling with binary payloads – Send a request without writing code • Supports gRPC, Thrift and annotated services • We have a plan to add: – Metric monitoring console – Runtime configuration editor, e.g. logger level
  23. @armeria_project line/armeria Cool features not available in upstream • gRPC

    – Works on both HTTP/1 and 2 – gRPC-Web support, i.e. can call gRPC services from JavaScript frontends • Thrift – HTTP/2, TTEXT (human-readable REST-ish JSON) • Can leverage decorators – Structured logging, Metric collection, Distributed tracing, Authentication – CORS, SAML, Request throttling, Circuit breakers, Automatic retries, …
  24. @armeria_project line/armeria Cool features not available in upstream • Can

    mix gRPC, Thrift, REST, Tomcat, Jetty, … – on a single HTTP port & single JVM – without any proxies – REST API – Static files – Exposing metrics – Health-check requests from load balancers – Traditional JEE webapps • Share common logic between different endpoints!
  25. @armeria_project line/armeria Armeria What You • Use your favorite tech,

    not ours: – DI – , Guice, Dagger, … – Protocols – , Thrift, REST, … • Choose only what you want: – Most features are optional. – Compose and customize at your will. • Your application grows with you, not by its own.
  26. @armeria_project line/armeria Case of • Using Thrift since 2015 •

    Migrated from Thrift to gRPC – Can run both while clients are switching • Leverages built-in non-RPC services: – PrometheusExpositionService – HealthCheckService – BraveService – Distributed tracing with – DocService
  27. @armeria_project line/armeria Case of • In-app emoji · sticker store

    (50k-100k reqs/sec) • Before: – Spring Boot + Tomcat (HTTP/1) + Thrift on Servlet – Apache HttpClient • After – Migrate keeping what you love – Spring Boot + (HTTP/2) – Keep using Tomcat via TomcatService for the legacy – Thrift served directly & asynchronously = No Tomcat overhead – Armeria’s HTTP/2 client w/ load-balancing
  28. @armeria_project line/armeria Case of • Distributed tracing with by just

    adding BraveService • Full story: https://www.slideshare.net/linecorp/line-zipkin
  29. @armeria_project line/armeria Case of • Firm banking gateway – Talking

    to Korean banks via VAN (value-added network) • + – Mostly non-null API – Using @Nullable annotation extensibly • Spring WebFlux + gRPC • Armeria Replaces Spring’s network layer (reactor-netty) • gRPC served directly = No WebFlux overhead
  30. @armeria_project line/armeria Load balancers · Reverse proxies • Pros –

    Distributes load – Offloads TLS overhead – Automatic health checks – Service discovery (?) • Cons – More points of failure – Increased hops · latency – Uneven load distribution – Cost of operation – Health check lags
  31. @armeria_project line/armeria Client-side load balancing • Client-side load balancing –

    Chooses endpoints autonomously – Service discovery – DNS, , , … – Near real-time health checks – Less points of failure • Proxy-less Armeria server – OpenSSL-based high-performance TLS – Netty + /dev/epoll – Assemble your services into a single port + single JVM!
  32. @armeria_project line/armeria HTTP/2 load distribution at • Full migration story:

    https://speakerdeck.com/line_developers/lesson-learned-from-the-adoption-of-armeria -to-lines-authentication-system
  33. @armeria_project line/armeria Near real-time health check • Leverage HTTP/2 +

    long-polling – Significantly reduced number of health check requests, e.g. every 10s vs. 5m – Immediate notification of health status • Server considered unhealthy – On disconnection – On server notification, e.g. graceful shutdown, self-test failure • Fully backwards-compatible – Activated only when server responds with a special header
  34. @armeria_project line/armeria // Kubernetes-style service discovery + long polling health

    check EndpointGroup group = HealthCheckedEndpointGroup.of( DnsServiceEndpointGroup.of("my-service.cluster.local"), "/internal/healthcheck"); // Register the group into the registry. EndpointGroupRegistry.register("myService", group, WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN); // Create an HTTP client with auto-retry and circuit breaker. HttpClient client = HttpClient.builder("http://group:myService") .decorator(RetryingHttpClient.newDecorator(onServerErrorStatus())) .decorator(CircuitBreakerHttpClient.newDecorator(...)) .build(); // Send a request. HttpResponse res = client.get("/hello/armeria"); Client-side load-balancing with auto-retry and circuit breaker in 8 lines
  35. @armeria_project line/armeria The road to 1.0 (and beyond) • Post-1.0

    – Kotlin · Scala DSL – Evolving DocService to DashboardService – More transports & protocols • Web Sockets, UNIX domain sockets, Netty handlers, … – More decorators – More service discovery mechanisms • Eureka, Consul, etcd, … – OpenAPI spec (.yml) generator – Performance optimization • Currently at 0.95 • Hoping to release before the end of 2019 • API stabilization · clean-up