HR No HQ People set their own salaries and working hours Everybody has access to company's financial statements Everybody shares the profit Subordinates choose their managers and evaluate them every 6 month. Meetings are voluntary. Two open seats for board meetings.
40’000 1982 for profit BSO/Origin IT 10’000 1973 for profit Buurtzorg Health care 7’000 2006 non-profit ESBZ Public education 1’500 2007 non-profit FAVI Manufacturing 500 1953 for profit Heiligenfeld Health care 600 1990 for profit Morning Star Food 400 - 2’400 1970 for profit Patagonia Apparel 1’350 1957 for profit RHD Social service 4’000 1970 non-profit Sounds True Media 90 1985 for profit Sun Hydraulics Manufacturing 900 1970 for profit